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Does perception of the link between biodiversity and ecosystem services influence attitudes towards nature conservation?

Milheiras, S; (2019) Does perception of the link between biodiversity and ecosystem services influence attitudes towards nature conservation? [Dataset]. UCL Division of Biosciences: London, UK. Green open access

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Questionnaire data collected in Eastern Amazon forest, Brazil. Further details on the methodology used to collect the data can be found in Chapter 3 of the following reference: Milheiras, S. (2019) Linking people and nature in the multifunctional landscapes of Eastern Amazonia. [PhD thesis] Centre for Biodiversity and Environmental Research, UCL (University College London): London, UK. The data set has 94 variables. "QUEST_NUMBER": Questionnaire number "RURAL": 1=rural location, 0=urban location "GENDER": Gender of the respondent (M=male, F=female) "AGE": Age of the respondent "INCOME": Income level (1=less than R$937, 2= between R$937 and R$1874, 3= more than R$1874) "EDUCATION": Educational level (1= None, 2= Primary, 3= Secondary, 4= Superior) "LANDOWNER": Land ownership (Y= yes, N= no) "BRAZILNUT": Brazil nut producer (Y= yes, N= no) "FOREST_3KM": Forest area (hectares) in a 3-km radius around location "BIODIVKNOW": Number of correct answers to section VI of the questionnaire "FORESTUSE": Frequency of visits to the forest (1= never, 2= a few times per year, 3= 1-3 times per month, 4= 1+ times per week) "INTERVIEWER": Interviewer's code "VILLAGE": Location where the questionnaire was applied "Q2_su", "Q3_su", "Q4_su", "Q5_su": Total number of identified links or positive attitudes (4-5 in Likert scale) in sections II, III, IV, and V of the questionnaire "Q2_fa", "Q3_fa", "Q4_fa", "Q5_fa": Total number of non-identified links or neutral/negative attitudes (1-2-3 in Likert scale) in sections II, III, IV, and V of the questionnaire "ES_ALL_su": Sum of "Q2_su", "Q3_su", and "Q4_su" "ES_ALL_fa": Sum of "Q2_fa", "Q3_fa", and "Q4_fa" "Q1.1", "Q1.1.1", "Q1.2", "Q1.3", "Q1.4", "Q1.5", "Q1.6", "Q2.1", "Q2.2", "Q2.3", "Q2.4", "Q2.5", "Q2.6", "Q2.7", "Q2.8", "Q2.9", "Q2.10", "Q3.1", "Q3.2", "Q3.3", "Q3.4", "Q3.5", "Q3.6", "Q3.7", "Q3.8", "Q3.9", "Q3.10", "Q4.1", "Q4.2", "Q4.3", "Q4.4", "Q4.5", "Q4.6", "Q4.7", "Q4.8", "Q4.9", "Q4.10", "Q5.1", "Q5.2", "Q5.3", "Q5.4", "Q5.5", "Q5.6", "Q5.7", "Q5.8", "Q5.9", "Q5.10", "Q6.1", "Q6.2", "Q6.3", "Q6.4", "Q6.5", "Q6.6", "Q6.7", "Q6.8", "Q6.9", "Q6.10", "Q6.11", "Q6.12", "Q7.1", "Q7.2", "Q7.3", "Q7.3.1", "Q7.4", "Q7.5", "Q7.6", "Q7.7", "Q7.7.1", "Q7.8", "Q7.9", "Q7.10": Responses to each item of the questionnaire Answers to negatively framed sentences were inverted so that '5' in the Likert scale always corresponds to higher awareness of a ES-biodiversity link or to a more positive attitude towards a conservation measure. This applies to sentences "Q2.1", "Q2.2", "Q2.4", "Q2.6", "Q2.9", "Q3.2", "Q3.3", "Q3.5", "Q3.7", "Q3.10", "Q4.1", "Q4.3", "Q4.6", "Q4.7", "Q4.9", "Q5.4", "Q5.5", "Q5.7", "Q5.8", "Q5.9".

Type: Dataset
Title: Does perception of the link between biodiversity and ecosystem services influence attitudes towards nature conservation?
Open access status: An open access version is available from UCL Discovery
DOI: 10.14324/000.ds.10070645
Publisher version: https://doi.org/10.14324/000.ds.10070645
UCL classification: UCL
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > School of Life and Medical Sciences
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > School of Life and Medical Sciences > Faculty of Life Sciences
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > School of Life and Medical Sciences > Faculty of Life Sciences > Div of Biosciences
URI: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10070645
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