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Maxwell, N; (2022) Improve Popper and Procure a Perfect Simulacrum of Verification Indistinguishable from the Real Thing. Journal for General Philosophy of Science , 53 pp. 163-185. 10.1007/s10838-021-09570-6. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2022) Steven Pinker defends a damagingly irrational conception of reason. [Review]. Metascience , 31 pp. 49-52. 10.1007/s11016-022-00730-y. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2021) How Universities Can Best Respond to the Climate Crisis and Other Global Problems. Philosophies , 7 (1) , Article 1. 10.3390/philosophies7010001. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2021) Can the World Learn Wisdom? Theory of Knowledge; The Ultimate Guide. Philosophy Now , 4 pp. 93-97. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2021) Our Fundamental Problem: A Revolution for Philosophy and the World. Humanities, Arts and Society Magazine , 3 Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2021) Does the Scientific Community Misconstrue the Nature of Science? Global Journal of Research and Review , 8 (5) , Article 83. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2005) Science Under Attack. The Philosophers' Magazine , 31 pp. 37-41. Green open access

Maxwell, Nicholas; (2021) Universities Betray Reason and as a Result Betray Humanity. Journal of Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences , 4 (5) pp. 562-564. 10.32474/JAAS.2021.04.000199. Green open access

Maxwell, Nicholas; (2015) What Philosophy Ought to Do. IAI News

Maxwell, N; (2021) How Universities have Betrayed Reason and Humanity – And What’s to be Done About It. frontiers in Sustainability , 2 , Article 631631. 10.3389/frsus.2021.631631. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2021) The key to the solution of the world crisis we face. Human Affairs , 31 (1) pp. 21-39. 10.1515/humaff-2021-0004. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2020) Better lives: social insight isn’t enough. Nature , 580 (7804) p. 456. 10.1038/d41586-020-01146-6. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2019) From Knowledge-Inquiry to Wisdom-Inquiry: A New Paradigm for Academia. Paradigm Explorer , 129 (2019/1) pp. 3-7. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2019) A New Task for Philosophy of Science. Metaphilosophy , 50 (3) pp. 316-338. 10.1111/meta.12355. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2019) The scandal of the irrationality of academia. Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education (1) pp. 105-128. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2019) Aim-Oriented Empiricism and the Metaphysics of Science. Philosophia , 48 pp. 347-364. 10.1007/s11406-019-00064-w. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2018) We need progress in ideas about how to achieve progress: Steven Pinker: Enlightenment NOW: the case for reason, science, humanism and progress. UK: Allen Lane, 2018, 556pp, £25. [Review]. Metascience , 27 (2) pp. 347-350. 10.1007/s11016-018-0312-4. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2018) A new way of understanding the wave function: Shan Gao: The meaning of the wave function. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, x+189pp, $140 HB. [Review]. Metascience , 27 (1) pp. 87-90. 10.1007/s11016-017-0245-3. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2018) Karl Popper, science and enlightenment: an idea to help save the world. Ethical Record , 123 (1) pp. 27-30. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2018) We Need to Recreate Natural Philosophy. Philosophies , 3 (4) , Article 28. 10.3390/philosophies3040028. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2017) Can universities save us from disaster? On the Horizon , 25 (2) pp. 115-130. 10.1108/OTH-04-2016-0019. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2017) Afterwords. Educational Theory , 67 (2) pp. 225-230. 10.1111/edth.12244. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2017) Trout, J. D. (2016), Wondrous Truths: The Improbable Triumph of Modern Science, New York: Oxford University Press, 264pp, ISBN 978-0199385072. [Review]. Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum , 5 (2) pp. 108-115. 10.11590/abhps.2017.2.05. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2015) Can the world learn wisdom? Philosophy Now (108) pp. 32-35. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2015) How humanity might avoid devastation. Ethical Record , 120 (1) 18 - 23. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2015) What’s Wrong With Aim-Oriented Empiricism? Acta Baltica Historiae et Philosophiae Scientiarum , 3 (2) pp. 5-31. 10.11590/abhps.2015.2.01. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2014) Unification and Revolution: A Paradigm for Paradigms. Journal for General Philosophy of Science , 45 (1) pp. 133-149. 10.1007/s10838-013-9225-5. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2014) Three criticisms of Newton’s inductive argument in the Principia. Advances in Historical Studies , 3 (1) 2 -11. 10.4236/ahs.2014.31002. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2014) How universities can help create a wiser world. Times Higher Education , No. 21 p. 30. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2014) How can our human world exist and best flourish embedded in the physical universe? An outline of a problem-based liberal studies course. On the Horizon , 22 (1) 35 - 45. 10.1108/OTH-11-2013-0043. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2014) Liberal education in crisis? On the Horizon , 22 (1) Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2014) Philosophy Seminars for Five Year Olds. Oxford Magazine , 352 pp. 5-8. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2013) Misconceptions concerning wisdom. Journal of Modern Wisdom , 2 92 - 97. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2013) Knowledge or Wisdom? The Philosophers' Magazine (62) 17 - 18. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2013) From knowledge to wisdom: Assessment and prospects after three decades. Integral Review , 9 (2) 76 - 112. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2012) Arguing for wisdom in the university: an intellectual autobiography. Philosophia , 40 (4) pp. 663-704. 10.1007/s11406-012-9375-4. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2012) The Menace of Science without Wisdom. Ethical Record , 117 (9) 10 - 15. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2012) Looking for ultimate explanations in the wrong place. [Review]. Metascience: an international review journal for the history, philosophy and social studies of science , 21 (1) 95 - 97. 10.1007/s11016-010-9502-4. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2012) In praise of natural philosophy: a revolution for thought and life. Philosophia , 40 (4) pp. 705-715. 10.1007/s11406-012-9376-3. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2012) The menace of science without civilization: From knowledge to wisdom. Dialogue and Universalism: toward synergy of civilizations (3) 39 - 63. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2012) Replies to criticisms and comments. Dialogue and Univerersalism: toward synergy of civilizations (3) 133 - 152. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2011) Three philosophical problems about consciousness and their possible resolution. Open Journal of Philosophy , 1 (1) , Article 1. 10.4236/ojpp.2011.11001. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2011) We need an academic revolution. Oxford Magazine (309) 15 - 18. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2010) Reply to comments on science and the pursuit of wisdom. Philosophia , 38 (4) 667 - 690. 10.1007/s11406-010-9260-y. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2010) Scientists should stop deceiving us. The Guardian 35 - 35. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2010) Wisdom mathematics. Friends of Wisdom Newsletter , 1 (6) 1 - 6. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2010) Universities: from knowledge to wisdom. Scientists for Global Responsibility Newsletter (38) 18 - 20. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2009) Muller's Critique of the Argument for Aim-Oriented Empiricism. Journal for General Philosophy of Science , 40 (1) 103 - 114. 10.1007/s10838-009-9081-5. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2009) Are Universities Undergoing an Intellectual Revolution? Oxford Magazine , 290 (8th We) 13 - 16. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2009) The Metaphysics of Science: An Account of Modern Science in Terms of Principles, Laws and Theories, Craig Dilworth, Dordrecht, Springer, 2007, 2nd ed. [Review]. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science , 23 (2) 228 - 232. 10.1080/02698590903007220. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2009) What's wrong with science? Sublime (17/09) 90 - 93. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2008) Do We Need a Scientific Revolution? Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry , 8 (3) pp. 95-105. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2008) Cutting God in half. Ethical Record , 113 (5) 3 - 6. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2007) From Knowledge to Wisdom: The Need for an Academic Revolution. London Review of Education , 5 (2) pp. 97-115. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2005) Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos and Aim-Oriented Empiricism. Philosophia , 32 (1-4) 181 - 239. 10.1007/BF02641621. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2005) Is Science Neurotic? Philosophy Now (51) 30 - 33. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2005) Philosophy Seminars for Five-Year-Olds. Learning for Democracy: An International Journal of Thought and Practice , 1 (2) 71 - 77. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2005) A Revolution for Science and the Humanities: From Knowledge to Wisdom. Dialogue and Universalism , XV (1-2) 29 - 57. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2004) In Defence of Seeking Wisdom. Metaphilosophy , 35 (5) 733 - 743. 10.1111/j.1467-9973.2004.00347.x. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2004) Does probabilism solve the great quantum mystery? Theoria , 19/3 (51) 321 - 336. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2003) Science, Knowledge, Wisdom and the Public Good. Scientists for Global Responsibility Newsletter (26) 7 - 9. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2003) Two great problems of learning. Teaching in Higher Education , 8 (1) 129 - 134. 10.1080/1356251032000052375. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2002) The Need for a Revolution in the Philosophy of Science. Journal for General Philosophy of Science , 33 (2) 381 - 408. 10.1023/A:1022480009733. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2002) Is Science Neurotic? Metaphilosophy , 33 (3) 259 - 299. 10.1111/1467-9973.00228. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2002) Cutting God in Half. Philosophy Now (35) 22 - 25. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2001) Wisdom and curiosity? I remember them well. Times Higher Education Supplement (1,488) 14 - 14. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2001) Weinert's Review of 'The Comprehensibility of the Universe'. Philosophy , 76 (296) 297 - 303. 10.1017/S0031819101000298. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2000) Can Humanity Learn to become Civilized? The Crisis of Science without Civilization. Journal of Applied Philosophy , 17 (1) 29 - 44. 10.1111/1468-5930.00138. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2000) The Mind-Body Problem and Explanatory Dualism. Philosophy , 75 (291) 49 - 71. 10.1017/S003181910000005X. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2000) A new conception of science. Physics World , 13 (8) 17 - 18. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2000) Observation, meaning and theory: Review of For and Against Method by Imre Lakatos and Paul Feyerabend. [Review]. Times Higher Education Supplement (1,427) p. 30. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (1999) Are there Objective Values? The Dalhousie Review , 79 (3) 301 - 317. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (1999) Has Science Established that the Universe is Comprehensible? Cogito , 13 (2) 139 - 145. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (1997) Science and the environment: A new enlightenment. Science and Public Affairs , Spring 50 - 56. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (1994) Particle creation as the quantum condition for probabilistic events to occur. Physics Letters. Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics , 187 (5-6) 351 - 355. 10.1016/0375-9601(94)91107-X. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (1980) Science, reason, knowledge, and wisdom: a critique of specialism. Inquiry , 23 (1) 19 - 81. 10.1080/00201748008601891. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (1977) Articulating the aims of science. Nature , 265 (5589) 2 - 2. 10.1038/265002a0. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (1974) The rationality of scientific discovery, part II: an aim oriented theory of scientific discovery. Philosophy of Science , 41 (3) 247 - 295. 10.1086/288579. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (1974) The rationality of scientific discovery, part I: the traditional rationality problem. Philosophy of Science , 41 (2) 123 - 153. 10.1086/288579. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (1972) A critique of Popper's views on scientific method. Philosophy of Science , 39 (2) 131 - 152. 10.1086/288429. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (1968) Understanding Sensations. Australasian Journal of Philosophy , 46 (2) 127 - 145. 10.1080/00048406812341111. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (1968) Can there be necessary connections between successive events? The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science , 19 (1) 1 - 25. 10.1093/bjps/19.1.1. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (1966) Physics and Common Sense. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science , 16 (64) 295 - 311. 10.1093/bjps/XVI.64.295. Green open access

Maxwell, N; Barnett, R; (2007) Wisdom in the university. London Review of Education , 5 (2) 95 - 96. 10.1080/14748460701440335. Green open access

Maxwell, N.; (2008) Are philosophers responsible for global warming? Philosophy Now , 65 pp. 12-13. Green open access


Maxwell, N; (2021) The World Crisis - And What To Do About It: A Revolution for Thought and Action. (1st ed.). World Scientific: Singapore. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2020) Our Fundamental Problem A Revolutionary Approach to Philosophy. [Book]. (First ed.). McGill-Queen's University Press - MQUP: Montreal, Canada.

Maxwell, N; (2019) The Metaphysics of Science and Aim-Oriented Empiricism: A Revolution for Science and Philosophy. [Book]. Springer: Cham, Switzerland.

Maxwell, N; (2019) Science and Enlightenment: Two Great Problems of Learning. Springer: Cham, Switzerland.

Maxwell, N; (2017) Karl Popper, Science and Enlightenment. [Book]. UCL Press: London. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2010) Cutting God in Half - and Putting the Pieces Together Again: A New Approach to Philosophy. [Book]. Pentire Press: London, UK. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2007) From Knowledge to Wisdom: A Revolution for Science and the Humanities. [Book]. (2 ed.). Pentire Press: London, UK. Green open access

Book chapter

Maxwell, Nicholas; (2022) The World Crisis and the Key to Its Resolution. In: White, Robert E and Chitpin, Stephanie, (eds.) Leading under Pressure: Educational Leadership in Neoliberal Times. (pp. 199-203). Emerald Publishing Limited: Bingley. Green open access

Maxwell, Nicholas; (2015) What’s Wrong with Science and Technology Studies? What Needs to Be Done to Put it Right? In: Pisano, Raffaele, (ed.) A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks: Sciences, Society and Technology Studies. (vii-xxxvii). Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2019) How Wisdom Can Help Solve Global Problems. In: Sternberg, R and Nusbaum, H and Glueck, J, (eds.) Applying Wisdom to Contemporary World Problems. (pp. 337-380). Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2019) The Urgent Need for Social Wisdom. In: Sternberg, R and Gluck, J, (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Wisdom. (pp. 754-780). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.

Maxwell, N; (2018) Could Inelastic Interactions Induce Quantum Probabilistic Transitions? In: Gao, S, (ed.) Collapse of the Wave Function. (pp. 257-273). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2018) Do We Need an Academic Revolution to Create a Wiser World? In: Barnett, R and Peters, A, (eds.) The Idea of the University: Contemporary Perspectives, Volume 2. (pp. 539-540). Peter Lang: New York. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2016) Relativity theory may not have the last word on the nature of time: Quantum theory and probabilism. In: Ghirardi, G and Wuppuluri, S, (eds.) Space, time and the limits of human understanding. Springer

Maxwell, N; (2016) Can scientific method help us create a wiser world? In: Dalal, N and Intezari, A and Heitz, M, (eds.) Practical Wisdom in the Age of Technology: Insights, Issues and Questions for a New Millennium. Gower: London, UK. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2016) Popper's paradoxical pursuit of natural philosophy. In: Shearmur, J and Stokes, G, (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Popper. (pp. 170-207). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2013) What philosophy ought to be. In: Tandy, C, (ed.) Death And Anti-Death, Volume 11: Ten Years After Donald Davidson (1917-2003). (pp. 125-162). Ria University Press: Palo Alto, California, USA. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2013) Has science established that the cosmos is physically comprehensible? In: Travena, A and Soen, B, (eds.) Recent Advances in Cosmology. Nova Science Publishers Inc.: New York, US. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2012) Our global problems and what we need to do about them. In: Tandy, C and Lee, M, (eds.) Death and anti-death: Volume 10: Ten years after John Rawls (1921-2002). (pp. 131-174). Ria University Press: Palo Alto, California, USA. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2011) Creating a better world: towards the university of wisdom. In: Barnett, R, (ed.) The future university: ideas and possibilities. (123 - 138). Routledge: New York, US. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2011) Is the quantum world composed of propensitons? In: Suárez, M, (ed.) Probabilities, causes and propensities in physics. (221 - 243). Springer Verlag: Dordrecht, Holland. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2009) How Can Life of Value Best Flourish in the Real World? In: McHenry, L, (ed.) Science and the Pursuit of Wisdom: Studies in the Philosophy of Nicholas Maxwell. (pp. 1-56). Ontos Verlag: Frankfurt. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2009) Replies and Reflections. In: McHenry, L, (ed.) Science and the Pursuit of Wisdom: Studies in the Philosophy of Nicholas Maxwell. (249 - 313). Ontos Verlag: Frankfurt, Germany. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2009) The urgent need for an academic revolution: the rational pursuit of wisdom. In: Tandy, C, (ed.) Nine Hundred Years After St. Anselm (1033-1109). (211 - 238). Ria University Press: Palto Alto, California. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2008) From Knowledge to Wisdom: The Need for an Academic Revolution. In: Barnett, R and Maxwell, N, (eds.) Wisdom in the University. (1 - 19). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2007) The Enlightenment, Popper and Einstein. In: Shi, Y and Olson, DL and Stam, A, (eds.) Knowledge and Wisdom: Advances in Multiple Criteria Decision Making and Human Systems Management. (131 - 148). IOS Press: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2007) The Disastrous War against Terrorism: Violence versus Enlightenment. In: Merkidze, AW, (ed.) Terrorism Issues: Threat Assessment , Consequences and Prevention. (pp. 111-133). Nova Science Publishers: New York. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2006) The Enlightenment Programme and Karl Popper. In: Jarvie, I and Milford, K and Miller, D, (eds.) Karl Popper: A Centenary Assessment. Volume 1: Life and Times, Values in a World of Facts. (177 - 190). Ashgate: Aldershot, UK. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2006) Practical Certainty and Cosmological Conjectures. In: Rahnfeld, M, (ed.) Gibt es sicheres Wissen? : aktuelle Beiträge zur Erkenntnistheorie. (44 - 59). Leipziger Unversitätsverlag: Leipzig, Germany. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2004) A Critique of Popper's Views on Scientific Method. In: O'Hear, A, (ed.) Popper: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, Vol. II, Part 3. (463 - 487). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2001) Can Humanity Learn to Create a Better World? The Crisis of Science without Wisdom. In: Bentley, T and Jones, DS, (eds.) The Moral Universe. (149 - 156). Demos: London, UK. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2001) Evolution of Sentience, Consciousness and Language Viewed From a Darwinian and Purposive Perspective. In: Maxwell, N, (ed.) The Human World in the Physical Universe: Consciousness, Free Will and Evolution. (pp. 162-201). Rowman and Littlefield: Lanham, Maryland. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (1985) Methodological Problems of Neuroscience. In: Rose, D and Dobson, VG, (eds.) Models of the Visual Cortex. (11 - 21). John Wiley: Chichester.

Proceedings paper

Maxwell, N; (2010) The urgent need for an academic revolution: from knowledge to wisdom. In: Wisniewski, WKAK, (ed.) International Interdisciplinary Technical Conference of Young Scientists: Proceedings. (pp. 19 - 30). : Poznan. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (1997) Must Science Make Cosmological Assumptions if it is to be Rational? In: Kelly, TAF, (ed.) The Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the IPS Spring Conference 1997. (pp. 98 - 149). Irish Philosophical Society: Maynooth, Ireland. Green open access

Conference item

Maxwell, N; (2013) The Urgent Need for an Academic Revolution: From Knowledge to Wisdom. [Lecture]. Presented at: TEDx UCL, University College London (UCL). Green open access


Maxwell, N; (1965) Physics and common sense: A critique of physicalism. Masters thesis , University of Manchester.

Digital scholarly resource

Maxwell, N; (2019) Natural philosophy redux. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://aeon.co/essays/bring-back-science-and-phil... Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2019) The Metaphysics of Science and Aim-Oriented Empiricism. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.hpsst.com/hpsst-newsletter.html Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2018) We Need an Academic Revolution. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://emerald-real-world-impact.blogspot.co.uk/20...

Maxwell, N; (2018) The Urgent Need for an Academic Revolution. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/from-knowledge-to-wisdom/ Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2017) The Crisis of Our Times, and What to Do about It. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.hpsst.com/hpsst-newsletter.html Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2013) How to Create a Better World: Bring about a Revolution in Universities. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://www.compassonline.org.uk/how-to-create-a-be... Green open access

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