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Browne, J; Jamieson, E; Lewsey, J; van der Meulen, J; Copley, L; Black, N; (2008) Case-mix & patients' reports of outcome in Independent Sector Treatment Centres: Comparison with NHS providers. BMC Health Services Research , 8 (April ) , Article 78. 10.1186/1472-6963-8-78. Green open access


Cole, TJ; Cortina-Borja, M; Sandhu, J; Kelly, FP; Pan, HQ; (2008) Nonlinear growth generates age changes in the moments of the frequency distribution: the example of height in puberty. BIOSTATISTICS , 9 (1) 159 - 171. 10.1093/biostatistics/kxm020. Green open access


Dos Santos Silva, I; De Stavola, B; McCormack, V; Collaborative, GOP-NRFASROBC; (2008) Birth size and breast cancer risk: Re-analysis of individual participant data from 32 studied. PLoS Medicine , 5 (9) , Article e193. 10.1371/journal.pmed.0050193. Green open access


Ellis, JM; Tan, HK; Gilbert, RE; Muller, DP; Henley, W; Moy, R; Pumphrey, R; ... Logan, S; + view all (2008) Supplementation with antioxidants and folinic acid for children with Down's syndrome: randomised controlled trial. BMJ , 336 (7644) 594 - 597. 10.1136/bmj.39465.544028.AE. Green open access


Gilbert, RE; Freeman, K; Lago, EG; Bahia-Oliveira, LM; Tan, HK; Wallon, M; Buffolano, W; ... European Multicentre Study on Congenital Toxoplasmosis (EMSCOT); + view all (2008) Ocular sequelae of congenital toxoplasmosis in Brazil compared with Europe. PLoS Negl Trop Dis , 2 (8) , Article e277. 10.1371/journal.pntd.0000277. Green open access

Glasziou, P; Burls, A; Gilbert, R; (2008) Evidence based medicine and the medical curriculum. [Editorial comment]. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.) , 337 (7672) 704 - 705. 10.1136/bmj.a1253. Green open access


Hardelid, P; (2008) The seroepidemiology of rubella in pregnant women in North Thames. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL.

Hawkins, SS; Lamb, K; Cole, TJ; Law, C; Millennium Cohort Study Child Hlth; (2008) Influence of moving to the UK on maternal health behaviours: prospective cohort study. BRIT MED J , 336 (7652) 1052 - +. 10.1136/bmj.39532.688877.25. Green open access


Jamieson, SE; de Roubaix, LA; Cortina-Borja, M; Tan, HK; Mui, EJ; Cordell, HJ; Kirisits, MJ; ... Blackwell, JM; + view all (2008) Genetic and Epigenetic Factors at COL2A1 and ABCA4 Influence Clinical Outcome in Congenital Toxoplasmosis. PLoS ONE , 3 (6) , Article e2285. 10.1371/journal.pone.0002285. Green open access


Pearce, A; Law, C; Elliman, D; Cole, TJ; Bedford, H; Millennium Cohort Study Child Hlth; (2008) Factors associated with uptake of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR) and use of single antigen vaccines in a contemporary UK cohort: prospective cohort study. BRIT MED J , 336 (7647) 754 - 757. 10.1136/bmj.39489.590671.25. Green open access

Pring, L; Woolf, K; Tadic, V; (2008) Melody and pitch processing in five musical savants with congenital blindness. PERCEPTION , 37 (2) 290 - 307. 10.1068/p5718. Green open access


Thorne, C; Malyuta, R; Semenenko, I; Pilipenko, T; Stelmah, A; Posokhova, S; Newell, M-L; (2008) Mother-to-child transmission risk is increased among HIV-infected pregnant women in Ukraine with serological test results positive for syphilis. Clinical Infectious Diseases , 47 (8) 1114 - 1115. 10.1086/592124. Green open access

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