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Number of items: 9.


Breen, RAM; Hardy, GAD; Perrin, FMR; Lear, S; Kinloch, S; Smith, CJ; Cropley, I; ... Lipman, MCI; + view all (2007) Rapid Diagnosis of Smear-Negative Tuberculosis Using Immunology and Microbiology with Induced Sputum in HIV-Infected and Uninfected Individuals. PLOS ONE , 2 (12) , Article e1335. 10.1371/journal.pone.0001335. Green open access


Dodding, Mark Peter; (2007) Interactions of retroviral capsid proteins with restriction factors. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Dodds, JP; Johnson, AM; Parry, JV; Mercey, DE; (2007) A tale of three cities: persisting high HIV prevalence, risk behaviour and undiagnosed infection in community samples of men who have sex with men. SEX TRANSM INFECT , 83 (5) 392 - 396. 10.1136/sti.2006.021782. Green open access


Friis-Moller, N; Reiss, P; Sabin, CA; Weber, R; Monforte, AD; El-Sadr, W; De Wit, S; ... DAD Study Grp; + view all (2007) Class of antiretroviral drugs and the risk of myocardial infarction. NEW ENGL J MED , 356 (17) 1723 - 1735. Green open access


Lachmann, HJ; Goodman, HJB; Gilbertson, JA; Gallimore, JR; Sabin, CA; Gillmore, JD; Hawkins, PN; (2007) Natural history and outcome in systemic AA amyloidosis. NEW ENGL J MED , 356 (23) 2361 - 2371. Green open access


Mercer, CH; Sutcliffe, L; Johnson, AM; White, PJ; Brook, G; Ross, JDC; Dhar, J; ... Cassell, JA; + view all (2007) How much do delayed healthcare seeking, delayed care provision, and diversion from primary care contribute to the transmission of STIs? SEX TRANSM INFECT , 83 (5) 400 - 405. 10.1136/sti.2006.024554. Green open access


O'Sullivan, Denise Mary; (2007) Evolution of the mechanisms of drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Usiskin, SI; Bainbridge, A; Miller, RF; Jager, HR; (2007) Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy: Serial high-b-value diffusion-weighted MR imaging and apparent diffusion coefficient measurements to assess response to highly active antiretroviral therapy. American Journal of Neuroradiology , 28 (2) 285 - 286. Green open access


Vickers, MR; MacLennan, AH; Lawton, B; Ford, D; Martin, J; Meredith, SK; DeStavola, BL; ... WISDOM Team; + view all (2007) Main morbidities recorded in the women's international study of long duration oestrogen after menopause (WISDOM): a randomised controlled trial of hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women. BRIT MED J , 335 (7613) 239 - +. 10.1136/bmj.39266.425069.AD. Green open access

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