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Baccei, ML; Fitzgerald, M; (2004) Development of GABAergic and glycinergic transmission in the neonatal rat dorsal horn. J NEUROSCI , 24 (20) 4749 - 4757. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5211-03.2004. Green open access

Bannister, A.P.; (2004) The synaptic connections of pyramidal neurones and interneurones in rat and cat neocortex. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Beato, M; Groot-Kormelink, PJ; Colquhoun, D; Sivilotti, LG; (2004) The activation mechanism of alpha 1 homomeric glycine receptors. J NEUROSCI , 24 (4) 895 - 906. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4420-03.2004. Green open access


Cacucci, F; Lever, C; Wills, TJ; Burgess, N; O'Keefe, J; (2004) Theta-modulated place-by-direction cells in the hippocampal formation in the rat. J NEUROSCI , 24 (38) 8265 - 8277. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2635-04.2004. Green open access

Cooke, SF; Attwell, PJE; Yeo, CH; (2004) Temporal properties of cerebellar-dependent memory consolidation. J NEUROSCI , 24 (12) 2934 - 2941. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5505-03.2004. Green open access


Harvey, K; Duguid, IC; Alldred, MJ; Beatty, SE; Ward, H; Keep, NH; Lingenfelter, SE; ... Harvey, RJ; + view all (2004) The GDP-GTP exchange factor collybistin: An essential determinant of neuronal gephyrin clustering. J NEUROSCI , 24 (25) 5816 - 5826. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1184-04.2004. Green open access


Jovanovic, JN; Thomas, P; Kittler, JT; Smart, TG; Moss, SJ; (2004) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor modulates fast synaptic inhibition by regulating GABA(A) receptor phosphorylation, activity, and cell-surface stability. J NEUROSCI , 24 (2) 522 - 530. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3606-03.2004. Green open access


Lawrence, C; (2004) Keir Waddington, Medical education at St Bartholomew's Hospital 1123–1995, Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2003, pp. xii, 464, illus., £45.00 (hardback 0-85115-919-2). [Review]. Medical History , 48 (2) 267 - 268. 10.1017/S0025727300007481. Green open access

Lawrence, C; (2004) Thomas Schlich, Surgery, science and industry: a revolution in fracture care, 1950s–1990s, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2002, pp. xi, 349, illus., £45.00 (hardback 0-333-99305-5). [Review]. Medical History , 48 (1) 136 - 137. 10.1017/S0025727300007225. Green open access


Nutton, V; Nutton, C; (2004) Noël du Fail, Cardano, and the Paris Medical Faculty. Medical History , 48 (3) 367 - 372. 10.1017/S0025727300007687. Green open access


Page, KM; Heblich, F; Davies, A; Butcher, AJ; Leroy, J; Bertaso, F; Pratt, WS; (2004) Dominant-negative calcium channel suppression by truncated constructs involves a kinase implicated in the unfolded protein response. Journal of Neuroscience , 24 (23) 5400 - 5409. Green open access


Terunuma, M; Jang, IS; Ha, SH; Kittler, JT; Kanematsu, T; Jovanovic, JN; Nakayama, KI; ... Hirata, M; + view all (2004) GABA(A) receptor phospho-dependent modulation is regulated by phospholipase C-related inactive protein type 1, a novel protein phosphatase 1 anchoring protein. J NEUROSCI , 24 (32) 7074 - 7084. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1323-04.2004. Green open access

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