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Number of items: 16.


Burgess, N; Barry, C; O'Keefe, J; (2007) An oscillatory interference model of grid cell firing. HIPPOCAMPUS , 17 (9) 801 - 812. 10.1002/hipo.20327. Green open access


Caixeta, J; Fernandes, PT; Bell, GS; Sander, JW; Li, LM; (2007) Epilepsy perception amongst university students - A survey. ARQUIVOS DE NEURO-PSIQUIATRIA , 65 43 - 48. 10.1590/S0004-282X2007001000007. Green open access

Carmichael, D.W.; Pinto, S.; Limousin-Dowsey, P.; Thobois, S.; Allen, P.J.; Lemieux, L.; Yousry, T.; (2007) Functional MRI with active, fully implanted, deep brain stimulation systems: Safety and experimental confounds. NeuroImage , 37 (2) pp. 508-517. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.04.058. Green open access


Derry, C.P.; (2007) Frontal lobe epilepsy, sleep and parasomnias. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Fernandes, PT; Noronha, ALA; Sander, JW; Li, LM; (2007) National epilepsy movement in Brazil. ARQUIVOS DE NEURO-PSIQUIATRIA , 65 55 - 57. 10.1590/S0004-282X2007001000009. Green open access

Fernandes, PT; Salgado, PCB; Noronha, ALA; Sander, JW; Li, LM; (2007) Stigma scale of epilepsy - Validation process. ARQUIVOS DE NEURO-PSIQUIATRIA , 65 35 - 42. 10.1590/S0004-282X2007001000006. Green open access


Laufs, H.; Hamandi, K.; Salek-Haddadi, A.; Kleinschmidt, A.K.; Duncan, J.S.; Lemieux, L.; (2007) Temporal lobe interictal epileptic discharges affect cerebral activity in "default mode" brain regions. Human Brain Mapping , 28 (10) pp. 1023-1032. 10.1002/hbm.20323. Green open access

Lemieux, L.; Salek-Haddadi, A.; Lund, T.; Laufs, H.; Carmichael, D.; (2007) Modelling large motion events in fMRI studies of patients with epilepsy. In: Gore, J., (ed.) Proceedings of the International School on Magnetic Resonance and Brain Function Workshop: Magnetic Resonance Combined with Electrophysiology and Molecular and Pharmaceutical Action for the Study of Brain Function, Erice, Italy 21– 28 May 2006:. (pp. pp. 894-901). Elsevier B.V.: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Green open access

Li, LM; Fernandes, PT; de Boer, HM; Prilipko, L; Sander, JW; (2007) Demonstration project on epilepsy in Brazil - WHO/ILAE/IBE Global Campaign Against Epilepsy - A foreword. ARQ NEURO-PSIQUIAT , 65 1 - 4. 10.1590/S0004-282X2007001000001. Green open access

Li, LM; Fernandes, PT; Noronha, ALA; Marques, LHN; Borges, MA; Borges, K; Cendes, F; ... Sander, JW; + view all (2007) Demonstration project on epilepsy in Brazil - Outcome assessment. ARQUIVOS DE NEURO-PSIQUIATRIA , 65 58 - 62. 10.1590/S0004-282X2007001000010. Green open access

Li, LM; Fernandes, PT; Noronha, ALA; Marques, LHN; Borges, MA; Cendes, F; Guerreiro, CAM; ... Sander, JW; + view all (2007) Demonstration project on epilepsy in Brazil - Situation assessment. ARQUIVOS DE NEURO-PSIQUIATRIA , 65 5 - 13. 10.1590/S0004-282X2007001000002. Green open access


Noronha, ALA; Fernandes, PT; Andrade, MDGG; Santiago, SM; Sander, JW; Li, LM; (2007) Training medical students to improve the management of people with epilepsy. ARQUIVOS DE NEURO-PSIQUIATRIA , 65 23 - 27. 10.1590/S0004-282X2007001000004. Green open access


Reno, BA; Fernandes, PT; Bell, GS; Sander, JW; Li, LM; (2007) Stigma and attitudes on epilepsy - A study with secondary school students. ARQUIVOS DE NEURO-PSIQUIATRIA , 65 49 - 54. 10.1590/S0004-282X2007001000008. Green open access

Rodionov, R.; De Martino, F.; Laufs, H.; Carmichael, D.W.; Formisano, E.; Walker, M.; Duncan, J.S.; (2007) Independent component analysis of interictal fMRI in focal epilepsy: comparison with general linear model-based EEG-correlated fMRI. NeuroImage , 38 (3) pp. 488-500. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.08.003. Green open access


Scorza, FA; Abreu, AMF; de Albuquerque, M; Pacheco, JBC; Breviglieri, R; Sander, JW; da Silva, AC; ... Arida, RM; + view all (2007) Quantification of respiratory parameters in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. ARQ NEURO-PSIQUIAT , 65 (2B) 450 - 453. 10.1590/S0004-282X2007000300017. Green open access


Williamson, PR; Smith, CT; Sander, JW; Marson, AG; (2007) Importance of competing risks in the analysis of anti-epileptic drug failure. Trials , 8 , Article 12. 10.1186/1745-6215-8-12. Green open access

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