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Number of items: 28.


Bultitude, K; Rodari, P; Weitkamp, E; (2012) Bridging the gap between science and policy: the importance of mutual respect, trust and the role of mediators. Online Journal of Science Communication , 11 (3) , Article C01. Green open access

Bultitude, K; Sardo, AM; (2012) Leisure and Pleasure: Science events in unusual locations. International Journal of Science Education , 34 (18) 2775 - 2795. 10.1080/09500693.2012.664293. Green open access


Clarke, B; (2012) Causation in Medicine. In: Gonzalez, WJ, (ed.) Conceptual Revolutions: from Cognitive Science to Medicine. (181 - 194). Netbiblo: A Coruña, Spain. Green open access


Dawson, E; (2012) "I couldn't think of anything worse than going there to be honest": Science museums, science centres and non-participation. Informal Learning Review , 115 pp. 1-6. Green open access


Edwards, SJ; Wilson, J; (2012) Hard paternalism, fairness and clinical research: why not? Bioethics , 26 (2) pp. 68-75. 10.1111/j.1467-8519.2010.01816.x. Green open access

Edwards, SJL; Weijer, C; (2012) The Ottawa Statement on the ethical design and conduct of cluster randomised trials. PLoS Medicine , 9 (11) , Article e1001346. 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001346. Green open access


Fearnley, CJ; McGuire, WJ; Davies, G; Twigg, J; (2012) Standardisation of the USGS Volcano Alert Level System (VALS): analysis and ramifications. Bulletin of Volcanology , 74 (9) pp. 2023-2036. 10.1007/s00445-012-0645-6. Green open access


Grand, A; Wilkinson, C; Bultitude, K; Winfield, AFT; (2012) Open Science: A New “Trust Technology”? Science Communication , 34 (5) 679 - 689. 10.1177/1075547012443021. Green open access

Gregory, AD; (2012) Kenedy and Stichometry - Some Methodological Considerations. Apeiron: a Journal for Ancient Philosophy 157 - 179. 10.1515/apeiron-2011-0009. Green open access


Illari, PM; Williamson, J; (2012) What is a mechanism? Thinking about mechanisms across the sciences. European Journal for Philosophy of Science , 2 (1) 119 - 135. 10.1007/s13194-011-0038-2. Green open access


John, F; Osborne, J; Dierking, L; Dawson, E; Wenger, M; Wong, B; (2012) Analysing the UK Science Education Community: The contribution of informal providers. Wellcome Trust: London, UK. Green open access


Mata, Tiago; (2012) Measuring America: How Economic Growth Came to Define American Greatness in the Late Twentieth Century. By Yarrow, Andrew L. .Amherst:University of Massachusetts Press,2010.272 pp. Cloth$80.00;paper$26.95. History of Political Economy , 44 (4) pp. 715-717. 10.1215/00182702-1811478. Green open access

Mata, Tiago; Scheiding, Tom; (2012) National Science Foundation Patronage of Social Science, 1970s and 1980s: Congressional Scrutiny, Advocacy Network, and the Prestige of Economics. Minerva , 50 (4) pp. 423-449. 10.1007/s11024-012-9213-7. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2012) Arguing for wisdom in the university: an intellectual autobiography. Philosophia , 40 (4) pp. 663-704. 10.1007/s11406-012-9375-4. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2012) In praise of natural philosophy: a revolution for thought and life. Philosophia , 40 (4) pp. 705-715. 10.1007/s11406-012-9376-3. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2012) Looking for ultimate explanations in the wrong place. [Review]. Metascience: an international review journal for the history, philosophy and social studies of science , 21 (1) 95 - 97. 10.1007/s11016-010-9502-4. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2012) The menace of science without civilization: From knowledge to wisdom. Dialogue and Universalism: toward synergy of civilizations (3) 39 - 63. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2012) The Menace of Science without Wisdom. Ethical Record , 117 (9) 10 - 15. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2012) Replies to criticisms and comments. Dialogue and Univerersalism: toward synergy of civilizations (3) 133 - 152. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2012) Our global problems and what we need to do about them. In: Tandy, C and Lee, M, (eds.) Death and anti-death: Volume 10: Ten years after John Rawls (1921-2002). (pp. 131-174). Ria University Press: Palo Alto, California, USA. Green open access

McCabe, I.M.; (2012) Second best as a researcher, second to none as a populariser? The atmospheric science of John Tyndall FRS (1820-1893). Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

McKay Illari, P; (2012) The heuristics of mechanism discovery: William Bechtel and Robert C. Richardson: Discovering complexity: Decomposition and localization in scientific research. Boston Mass: MIT Press, 2010, 344pp, $27.00/£18.95 PB. [Review]. Metascience , 21 (3) 693 - 697. 10.1007/s11016-012-9649-2. Green open access

Mueller-Wodarg, ICF; Moore, L; Galand, M; Miller, S; Mendillo, M; (2012) Magnetosphere-atmosphere coupling at Saturn: 1-Response of thermosphere and ionosphere to steady state polar forcing. Icarus , 221 (2) 481 - 494. 10.1016/j.icarus.2012.08.034. Green open access


Rodari, P; Bultitude, K; Desborough, K; (2012) Science communication between researchers and policy makers. Reflections from a European project. Online Journal of Science Communication , 11 (03) , Article C07. Green open access


Sutherland, WJ; Bellingan, L; Bellingham, JR; Blackstock, JJ; Bloomfield, RM; Bravo, M; Cadman, VM; ... Zimmern, RL; + view all (2012) A Collaboratively-Derived Science-Policy Research Agenda. PLOS ONE , 7 (3) 10.1371/journal.pone.0031824. Green open access


Tinetti, G; Beaulieu, JP; Henning, T; Meyer, M; Micela, G; Ribas, I; Stam, D; ... Yurchenko, SN; + view all (2012) EChO. Experimental Astronomy , 34 (2) 311 - 353. 10.1007/s10686-012-9303-4. Green open access


Wilkinson, C; Dawson, E; Bultitude, K; (2012) 'Younger people have like more of an imagination, no offence’: Participant perspectives on public engagement. International Journal of Science Education Part B , 2 (1) 43 - 61. 10.1080/21548455.2011.628503. Green open access

Wolff, J; Edwards, S; Richmond, S; Orr, S; Rees, G; (2012) Evaluating interventions in health: a reconciliatory approach. Bioethics , 26 (9) 455 -463. 10.1111/j.1467-8519.2011.01888.x. Green open access

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