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Number of items: 7.
Da Silva, CRS;
Karki, BB;
Stixrude, L;
Wentzcovitch, RM;
Ab initio study of the elastic behavior of MgSiO3 ilmenite at high pressure.
Geophysical Research Letters
, 26
943 - 946.
Dobson, DP;
Brodholt, JP;
The pressure medium as a solid-state oxygen buffer.
Geophysical Research Letters
, 26
259 - 262.
Kaminski, M.A.;
Austin, W.E.N.;
Oligocene deep-water agglutinated foraminifers at Site 985, Norwegian Basin, southern Norwegian Sea.
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program: Scientific Results
, 162
Kaminski, M.A.;
Crespo de Cabrera, S.;
A new species of primitive Reticulophragmium (Foraminifera) from the Paleocene Vidoño Formation of northeastern Venezuela.
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae
, 69
pp. 169-193.
Main, IG;
Leonard, T;
Papasouliotis, O;
Hatton, CG;
Meredith, PG;
One slope or two? Detecting statistically significant breaks of slope in geophysical data, with application to fracture scaling relationships.
Geophysical Research Letters
, 26
2801 - 2804.
Vocadlo, L;
Brodholt, J;
Alfe, D;
Price, GD;
Gillan, MJ;
The structure of iron under the conditions of the Earth's inner core.
Geophysical Research Letters
, 26
1231 - 1234.
Hasan, M.K.;
The vulnerability of the Dupi Tila
Aquifer, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Doctoral thesis , University of London.