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Number of items: 20.


Almadhoob, H; Pryke, S; Badi, S; (2014) The Influence of Social Networks on Firm's Success, Survival and Growth: A Social Network Analysis investigation of SMEs in the Bahrain Construction Industry. Presented at: International Sunbelt Social Network Conference (Sunbelt XXXIV), St. Pete Beach, FL, USA. Green open access


Badi, SM; (2014) Collaborating for Sustainable Energy Innovation in PFI school projects. Presented at: Energy, Society and People: A multi-disciplinary UCL Symposium, UCL, London, UK. Green open access

Badi, SM; Pryke, S; (2014) Risk allocation and Sustainable Energy Innovation (SEI) in complex public-sector procurement: the case of the UK’s Private Finance Initiative (PFI) school projects. In: Proceedings of EURAM 2014. European Academy of Management (EURAM): Valencia, Spain.


Cardinale, I; Coffman, D; (2014) Economic Interdependencies and Political Conflict: The Political Economy of Taxation in Eighteenth Century Britain. Economia Politica , 31 (3) pp. 277-300. 10.1428/78897. Green open access

Chrysikou, E; (2014) The SCP model: A three dimensional methodology for understanding, profiling and evaluating mental healthcare architecture. In: Yoxall,, A and Christer,, K, (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Design 4 Health 2013 Sheffield. (pp. pp. 66-75). Sheffield Hallam University: Sheffield. Green open access

Cidik, M; Boyd, D; Hill, S; Thurairajah, N; (2014) BIM and conceptual design sustainability analysis: An information categorization framework. In: Proceedings of the 50th ASC Annual International Conference 2014. Associated Schools of Construction (ASC): Blacksburg, Virginia. Green open access

Cidik, MS; Boyd, D; Thurairajah, N; (2014) Leveraging collaboration through the use of building information models. In: Proceedings of the 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September 2014. (pp. pp. 713-722). Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM): Portsmouth, UK. Green open access


Khan, M; (2014) Study of Open Spaces in the Context of Dhaka City for Sustainable Use: A Syntactic Approach. International Journal of Engineering and Technology , 6 (3) pp. 238-243. 10.7763/IJET.2014.V6.704. Gold open access

Kusuma, I; (2014) The Cultural Ecosystem of Megaprojects: The Interconnectedness of Organizational Elements and their Wider Institutional Contexts. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction , 3 (2) pp. 82-97. 10.7492/IJAEC.2014.007. Green open access


Maynard, V; Parikh, PH; Simpson, D; Da Silva, J; (2014) Emerging stronger? Assessing the outcomes of Habitat for Humanity’s housing reconstruction programmes following the Indian Ocean tsunami. In: Schilderman, T and Parker, E, (eds.) Still Standing? (pp. 21-37). Practical Action Publishing: Rugby, UK. Green open access

Mills, GRW; (2014) Making sense of stakeholder values emergence. The Engineering Project Organization Journal , 4 (2-3) pp. 65-88. 10.1080/21573727.2014.940895. Green open access

Mulholland, KM; Pitt, M; (2014) A review of the 'smart technology' currently being explored globally and its potential impact upon the construction industry on a micro level. In: (Proceedings) International Conference on Construction in a Changing World, 4-7 May 2014, Kandalama, Sri Lanka. CIB Green open access

Murtagh, N; Gatersleben, B; Uzzell, D; (2014) Societal implications of demand response: a qualitative study in southern England. Presented at: BEHAVE Energy Conference 2014, Oxford, UK. Green open access


Pryke, SD; Broft, R; Badi, SM; (2014) SCM and extended integration at the lower tiers of the construction supply chain: An explorative study in the Dutch construction industry. Presented at: CIB 2014 International Conference on Construction in a Changing World, Sri Lanka. Green open access


Rosenberg, G; Carhart, N; Edkins, AJ; Ward, J; (2014) Development of a Proposed Interdependency Planning and Management Framework. International Centre for Infrastructure Futures: London, UK. Green open access


Sergeeva, N; (2014) Employees and the Innovative Idea Contribution Process: Clarifying Individual and Contextual Characteristics. International Journal of Innovation Management , 18 (05) , Article 1450036. 10.1142/S1363919614500364. Green open access

Sergeeva, N; (2014) Understanding of labelling and sustaining of innovation in construction: a sensemaking perspective. Engineering Project Organization Journal , 4 (1) pp. 31-43. 10.1080/21573727.2013.869211. Green open access


Xu, X; Ding, L; Luo, H; Ma, L; (2014) From building information modeling to city information modeling. Journal of Information Technology in Construction , 19 pp. 292-307. Green open access


Yu, KW; (2014) The Economics of Construction Price Inflation in the UK: Measurement, Output and Productivity. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Zerjav, V; Hartmann, T; van Amstel, FMC; (2014) A leadership-as-practice perspective on design in architecture, engineering and construction projects: interaction analysis of a collaborative workshop. Engineering Project Organization Journal , 4 (4) pp. 209-221. 10.1080/21573727.2014.970177. Green open access

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