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Number of items: 15.


Bell, S; (2009) The driest continent and the greediest water company: newspaper reporting of drought in Sydney and London. International Journal of Environmental Studies , 66 (5) pp. 581-589. 10.1080/00207230903239220. Green open access


Cassar, M; (2009) Sustainable Heritage: Challenges and Strategies for the Twenty-First Century, APT Bulletin. Journal of Preservation Technology , 40 (1) pp. 3-11. Green open access

Clarke, D; Jablonski, S; Moran, B; Anandarajah, G; Taylor, G; (2009) How can accelerated development of bioenergy contribute to the future UK energy mix? Insights from a MARKAL modelling exercise. BIOTECHNOL BIOFUELS , 2 , Article 13. 10.1186/1754-6834-2-13. Green open access

Croxford, B; (2009) The effect of cold homes on health: Evidence from the LARES study. In: Housing and Health in Europe: The WHO LARES Project. (pp. 142-154). Green open access


Evans, S; (2009) 3D cities and numerical weather prediction models: An overview of the methods used in the LUCID project. (CASA Working Papers ). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London, UK. Green open access


Fouseki, K; (2009) Private preservation versus public presentation: the conservation for display of in situ fragmentary archaeological remains in London and Athens. Papers from The Institute of Archaeology , 19 37 - 54. 10.5334/pia.323. Green open access

Fouseki, K; (2009) “I own, therefore I am”: Conflating archaeology with heritage in Greece: a possessive individualist approach. In: Waterton, E and Smith, L, (eds.) Taking Archaeology out of Heritage. (49 - 65). Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK.


Grubb, M; Haney, A; Wilde, J; (2009) Plugging the gap in energy efficiency policies: the emergence of the UK carbon reduction commitment. European Review of Energy Markets , 8 Green open access

Grubb, M; (2009) Linking emissions trading systems: prospects and issues for business. Carbon Trust: London, UK. Green open access

Grubb, M; Delay, T; Willan, C; Counsell, T; (2009) Global carbon mechanisms: emerging lessons and implications. Carbon Trust Green open access


Hong, SH; Gilbertson, J; Oreszczyn, T; Green, C; Ridley, I; Warm Front Study Grp; (2009) A field study of thermal comfort in low-income dwellings in England before and after energy efficient refurbishment. BUILD ENVIRON , 44 (6) 1228 - 1236. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2008.09.003. Green open access


Korolija, I; Zhang, Y; Marjanovic-Halburd, L; Hanby, VI; (2009) Selecting HVAC systems for typical UK office buildings. In: International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning. (pp. pp. 388-396). Southeast University: Nanjing, China. Green open access


Lemaire, XML; Owen, G; Mukherjee, N; (2009) REEEP Policy and Regulatory Review 2009: special report on India and Indian States. SERN & REEEP

Lemaire, XML; (2009) Fee-for-service companies for rural electrification with photovoltaic systems: The case of Zambia. Energy for Sustainable Development , 13 (1) 18 - 23. 10.1016/j.esd.2009.01.001. Green open access


Mumovic, D; Davies, M; Ridley, I; Altamirano-Medina, H; Oreszczyn, T; (2009) A methodology for post-occupancy evaluation of ventilation rates in schools. BUILD SERV ENG RES T , 30 (2) 143 - 152. 10.1177/0143624408099175. Green open access

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