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Number of items: 18.


Biel, R; (2014) Visioning a Sustainable Energy Future: The Case of Urban Food-Growing. Theory Culture & Society , 31 (5) 183 - 202. 10.1177/0263276414536624. Green open access

Boano, Camillo; Talocci, Giorgio; (2014) Fences and profanations: questioning the sacredness of urban design. Journal of Urban Design , 19 (5) pp. 700-721. 10.1080/13574809.2014.943701. Green open access

Boano, Camillo; Talocci, Giorgio; (2014) The (in)operative power: architecture and the reclaim of social relevance. Studio© , 6 pp. 108-115. Green open access

Brown, D; Dodman, D; (2014) Understanding children’s risk and agency in urban areas and their implications for child-centred urban disaster risk reduction in Asia: Insights from Dhaka, Kathmandu, Manila and Jakarta. (Asian Cities Climate Resilience Working Paper Series 6:2014). International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED): London, UK.

Brown, D; McGranahan, G; Dodman, D; (2014) Urban informality and building a more inclusive, resilient and green economy. (Human Settlements Working Paper ). International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED): London, UK.


Dávila, JD; (2014) Urban fragmentation, 'good governance' and the emergence of the competitive city. In: Parnell, S and Odlfield, S, (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Cities of the Global South. (pp. 474-486). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access


Johnson, C; Blackburn, S; (2014) Advocacy for urban resilience: UNISDR's Making Cities Resilient Campaign. ENVIRONMENT AND URBANIZATION , 26 (1) 29 - 52. 10.1177/0956247813518684. Green open access


Lipietz, B; Lee, R; Hayward, S; (2014) Just Space: Building a community-based voice for London planning. City , 18 (2) 214 - 225. 10.1080/13604813.2014.896654. Green open access


Patel, K; (2014) Post-colonial urban theory: A concept note on the utility of 'informality', 'formality' and the 'state' in tenure debates. [Lecture]. Presented at: Postcolonial urban theory and 'western' urban theory: perspectives and possibilities, Ghent, Belgium. Green open access


Rigon, A; (2014) Building Local Governance: Participation and Elite Capture in Slum-upgrading in Kenya. Development and Change , 45 (2) 257 - 283. 10.1111/dech.12078. Green open access

Rigon, A; (2014) Participation of people living in poverty in policy- making: Lessons for implementation of post-2015. CAFOD: London. Green open access

Rigon, A; Walker, J; Apsan Frediani, A; (2014) NGO-academics knowledge co-production. The Networker (109) p. 27. Green open access


Smith, B; Brown, D; Dodman, D; (2014) Reconfiguring urban adaptation finance. (Human Settlements Working Paper ). International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED): London, UK. Green open access


Titheridge, H; Oviedo, D; Ye, R; Christie, N; Mackett, R; (2014) Transport Poverty: Concepts, Measurement and Policy Perspectives. Presented at: Association of American Geographers' Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, USA. Green open access


Van Dijk, L; Abah, S; Burns, D; Cortez Ruiz, C; Frecheville, N; Kofi Annan, J; Narayanan, P; ... Setchell, C; + view all (2014) Linking Community Participatory Research to Global Policymaking: Lessons Learned. In: Shahrokh, T and Wheeler, J, (eds.) Knowledge from the Margins: An anthology from a global network on participatory practice and policy influence. (46 - 52). Institute of Development Studies: Brighton, UK. Green open access


Walker, J; Berekashvili, N; Lomidze, N; (2014) Valuing Time: Time Use Survey, the Capability Approach, and Gender Analysis. JOURNAL OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND CAPABILITIES , 15 (1) 47 - 59. 10.1080/19452829.2013.837033. Green open access

Walls, M; (2014) State building in the Somali Horn: compromise, competition and representation. (Counterpoints ). Africa Research Institute: London, UK. Green open access


Yacobi, H; Pullan, W; (2014) The Geopolitics of Neighbourhood: Jerusalem's Colonial Space Revisited. Geopolitics , 19 (3) pp. 514-539. 10.1080/14650045.2013.857657. Green open access

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