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Alipour, R; Gleba, M; Rehren, T; (2011) Textile templates for ceramic crucibles in early Islamic Akhsiket, Uzbekistan. Archaeological Textiles Newsletter , 53 pp. 15-27.

Armada, XL; Rovira, S; (2011) El soporte de Les Ferreres de Calaceite (Teruel): una revisión desde su tecnología y contexto. Archivo Español de Arqueología , 84 9 - 41. 10.3989/aespa.084.011.001. Green open access

Bello, SM; Parfitt, SA; Stringer, CB; (2011) Earliest directly-dated human skull-cups. PLOS One , 6 (2) , Article e17026. 10.1371/journal.pone.0017026. Green open access

Bone, C; Alessa, L; Altaweel, M; Kliskey, A; Lammers, R; (2011) Assessing the Impacts of Local Knowledge and Technology on Climate Change Vulnerability in Remote Communities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 8 (3) 733 - 761. 10.3390/ijerph8030733. Green open access

Graham, E; (2011) Patricia A. McAnany. Ancestral Maya economies in archaeological perspective. xviii+374 pages, 58 illustrations. 2010. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 978-0-521-89518-7. [Review]. ANTIQUITY , 85 (328) 683 - 685. Green open access

Margetts, A; (2011) The Medieval Hospital of St Mary The Blessed Virgin, Ospringe (Maison Dieu): Further Details of its Original Layout Revealed by Excavations. Archaeologia cantiana , 131 pp. 129-142. Green open access

Martinón-Torres, M; Li, XJ; Bevan, AH; Xia, Y; Kun, Z; Rehren, T; (2011) Making weapons for the Terracotta Army. Archaeology International , 13-14 65 - 67. 10.5334/ai.1316. Green open access

Paphitis, C; (2011) Reviews [Revealing King Arthur: Swords, Stones and Digging for Camelot. By Christopher Gidlow]. Medieval Archaeology , 55 (1) pp. 335-378. 10.1179/174581711x13103897378726. Green open access

Parker Pearson, MG; Moshenska, G; Schadla-Hall, T; (2011) Resolving the human remains crisis in British archaeology. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 21 6 - 10. 10.5334/pia.369. Green open access

Parker Pearson, MG; Moshenska, G; Schadla-Hall, T; (2011) Resolving the Human Remains Crisis in British Archaeology: Response to Sayer, Pitts, Pendragon, Elders, Lapinoja and Sutphin. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 21 31- 33. 10.5334/pia.376. Green open access

Perring, D; (2011) Two studies on Roman London. [Review]. Journal of Roman Archaeology , 24 (1) pp. 249-282. 10.1017/S1047759400003378. Green open access

Pett, D; (2011) Review article. Public Archaeology , 10 (2) 119 - 127. 10.1179/175355311X13086617126648. Green open access

Pryce, OT; Bevan, AH; Ciarla, R; Rispoli, F; Castillo, C; Hassett, B; Malakie, JL; (2011) Intensive archaeological survey in southeast Asia: methodological and metallurgical insights from Khao Sai On, central Thailand. Asian Perspectives: the Journal of archaeology for Asia and the Pacific , 50 (1-2) pp. 53-69. 10.1353/asi.2011.0000. Green open access

Quercia, A; Johnston, A; Bevan, A; Conolly, J; Tsaravopoulos, A; (2011) Roman pottery from an intensive survey of antikythera, Greece. Annual of the British School at Athens , 106 pp. 47-98. 10.1017/S0068245411000037. Green open access

Rehren, T; (2011) The Production of Silver in South America. Archaeology International , 13 pp. 76-83. 10.5334/ai.1318. Green open access

Rehren, T; (2011) The UCL Institute of Archaeology and Qatar. Archaeology International , 13 pp. 28-29. 10.5334/ai.1308. Green open access

Richter, T; Garrard, AN; Allock, S; Maher, LA; (2011) Interaction before Agriculture: Exchanging Material and Sharing Knowledge in the Final Pleistocene Levant. CAMB ARCHAEOL J , 21 (1) 95 - 114. 10.1017/S0959774311000060. Green open access

Severin, T; Rehren, T; Schleicher, H; (2011) Early metal smelting in Aksum, Ethiopia: Copper or iron? European Journal of Mineralogy , 23 (6) pp. 981-992. 10.1127/0935-1221/2011/0023-2167. Green open access

Shepherd, E; Flinn, A; Stevenson, A; (2011) Records Management in English Local Government: the effect of freedom of information. Records Management Journal , 21 (2) pp. 122-134. 10.1108/09565691111152053. Green open access

Shepherd, EJ; Flinn, A; Stevenson, A; (2011) Freedom of Information and records management in local government: help or hindrance? Information Polity , 16 pp. 111-121. 10.3233/IP-2011-0229. Green open access

Williams, T; (2011) The curious tale of Preah Vihear: the process and value of World Heritage nomination. [Editorial comment]. Conservation and management of archaeological sites , 13 (1) 1 - 7. 10.1179/175355211X13097877338851. Green open access

Yin, M; Rehren, T; Zheng, JM; (2011) The earliest high-fired glazed ceramics in China: the composition of the proto-porcelain from Zhejiang during the Shang and Zhou periods (c. 1700-221 BC). Journal of Archaeological Science , 38 (9) 2352 - 2365. 10.1016/j.jas.2011.04.014. Green open access

Book chapter

Bevan, AH; (2011) Computational models for understanding movement and territory. In: Mayoral Herrera, V and Celestino Pérez, S, (eds.) Tecnologías de información geográfica y análisis arqueológico del territorio: Actas del V Simposio Internacional de Arqueología de Mérida. (383 - 394). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas: Mérida. Green open access

Legarra Herrero, B; (2011) Cemeteries and the construction, deconstruction and non-construction of hierarchical societies in Early Bronze Age Crete. In: Schoep, I and Tomkins, P and Driessen, J, (eds.) Back to the Beginning: Reassessing Social and Political Complexity on Crete During the Early and Middle Bronze Age. (pp. 266-281). Oxbow Books: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Legarra Herrero, B; (2011) New kid on the block: the nature of the first systemic contacts between Crete and the eastern Mediterranean around 2000 BC. In: Wilkinson, T and Sherratt, S and Bennet, J, (eds.) Interweaving Worlds: Systemic Interactions in Eurasia, 7th to 1st Millennia BC. (pp. 266-281). Oxbow Books: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Naeser, C; (2011) Wo die Wasser weinen: Die Humboldt University Nubian Expedition 2005 am Vierten Nilkatarakt im Nordsudan. In: Zappe, H, (ed.) Von der Lust am Unbekannten Humboldts Erben auf Forschungsreisen. (pp. 18-33). Panama Verlag: Berlin, Germany.

Naeser, C; Gruschke, A; Nippa, A; Stark, S; (2011) Bestattung. In: Nippa, A, (ed.) Kleines ABC des Nomadismus. (pp. 36-38). Museum für Völkerkunde: Hamburg, Germany. Green open access

Naeser, Claudia; (2011) Early Musawwarat. In: Rondot, Vincent and Alpi, Frédéric and Villeneuve, François, (eds.) La pioche et la plume. Autour du Soudan, du Liban et de la Jordanie. Hommages archéologiques à Patrice Lenoble. (pp. 317-338). Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne: Paris, France.

Riede, F; (2011) Steps towards operationalizing an evolutionary archaeological definition of culture. In: Roberts, BW and Vander Linden, M, (eds.) Investigating Archaeological Cultures: Material Culture, Variability, and Transmission. (pp. 245-270). Springer Verlag: New York, US. Green open access

Proceedings paper

Hafez, H; Rasheed, QH; Hamza, H; Altaweel, M; (2011) Report on Tell al-Imsihli: The 2000 and 2001 Seasons. In: Miglus, P and Muehl, S, (eds.) Between the Cultures, The Central Tigris Region from the 3rd to the 1st Millennium BC. : Heidelberg, Germany. Green open access


Sully, DM; (2011) Paint analysis of Hinemihi’s historic carvings. UCL Institute of Archaeology: London, UK. Green open access


Angelakou, D.; (2011) Hellenistic relief-decorated stelai from Macedonia: typology, iconography, styles, interpretation and chronology - banquet and rider reliefs. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Asmus, B.; (2011) Medieval copper smelting in the Harz Mountains, Germany. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Boccia Paterakis, A.; (2011) The formation of acetate corrosion on bronze antiquities: characterisation and conservation. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Brereton, GD; (2011) The social life of human remains: burial rites and the accumulation of capital during the transition from Neolithic to urban societies in the Near East. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cutler, J.E.; (2011) Crafting Minoanisation: textiles, crafts production and social dynamics in the Bronze Age southern Aegean. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Downes, S.E.; (2011) The aesthetics of empire in Athens and Persia. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Eagles, J.L.M.; (2011) The reign, culture and legacy of Ştefan cel Mare, voivode of Moldova: a case study of ethnosymbolism in the Romanian societies. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Graham, A.; (2011) Harbours and quays in Pharaonic Egypt: an investigation into their location and physical nature with particular focus on the Nile Valley. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Graves-Brown, C.A.; (2011) The ideological significance of flint in Dynastic Egypt. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Henton, E.M.; (2011) Herd management and the social role of herding at Neolithic Çatalhőyűk: an investigation using oxygen isotope and dental microwear evidence in sheep. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Iles, L.E.; (2011) Reconstructing the iron production technologies of Western Uganda: reconciling archaeometallurgical and ethnoarchaeological approaches. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Medina Gonzalez, E.I.; (2011) Structuring the notion of 'ancient civilisation' through displays: semantic research on early to mid-nineteenth century British and American exhibitions of Mesoamerican cultures. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Murphy, C.; (2011) Pompeii, a changing city: the archaeobotanical assemblage of Regione VI, insula I. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Pamberg, E.H.; (2011) The socio-cultural context of the production and use of African red slip ware, A.D. 100-700. Masters thesis , UCL (University College London).

Poole, S.E.; (2011) A consideration of gender roles and relations in the Aegean Bronze Age interpreted from gestures and proxemics in art. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Rando, C.J.; (2011) Human behaviour and the temporomandibular joint. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Razeto, A.; (2011) Imperial structures and urban forms: a comparative study of capital cities in the Roman and Han empires. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Rivera-Collazo, I; (2011) Between land and sea in Puerto Rico: climates, coastal landscapes and human occupations in the mid-Holocene Caribbean. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Romanou, E.T.; (2011) Co-residential group composition and the spatial design of residences: an investigation using the ethnographic and archaeological records. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Sakellariadi, A; (2011) Archaeology for the People? Greek Archaeology and its Public: An Analysis of the Socio-Political and Economic Role of Archaeology in Greece. Doctoral thesis , UCL Institute of Archaeoloy.

Sakellariadi, A.; (2011) Archaeology for the people? Greek archaeology and its public: an analysis of the socio-political and economic role of archaeology in Greece. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Scheidhauer, R.; (2011) A historiography of cultural heritage interpretation and policy in Kaesŏng, DPR Korea and their possible impact on inter-Korean rapprochement. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Song, J.; (2011) The agricultural economy during the Longshan period: an archaeobotanical perspective from Shandong and Shanxi. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Te Winkle, K.S.; (2011) Monuments and voices: valuing cultural resources in Tibetan Sichuan. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Thornton, A.; (2011) British archaeologists, social networks and the emergence of a profession. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Vanna, V.; (2011) Ancient versus modern health patterns: biological and socioeconomic status differences and similarities between a Hellenistic and a 20th century human burial population from Greece. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Walton, P.J.; (2011) Rethinking Roman Britain: an applied numismatic analysis of the Roman coin data recorded by the Portable Antiquities Scheme. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Wang, H.; (2011) Animal subsistence of the Yangshao period in the Wei river valley: a case-study from the site of Wayaogou in Shaanxi Province, China. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Richardson, LJ; (2011) Archaeology and Twitter survey 2011. [Dataset]. Green open access

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