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Number of items: 38.


Bayley, J; Rehren, T; (2007) Towards a functional and typological classification of crucibles. In: LaNiece, S and Hook, D and Craddock, PT, (eds.) Metals and Mines: Studies in Archaeometallurgy. (pp. 46-55). Archetype/British Museum: London, United Kindom. Green open access

Bevan, A; Conolly, J; Tsaravopoulos, A; (2007) The fragile communities of Antikythera. Archaeology International , 10 32 - 36. 10.5334/ai.1007. Green open access


Carnall, M; (2007) Zoo Store 1 at the Natural History Museum: Meeting National Standards. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 18 (S1) 20 - 35. 10.5334/pia.287. Green open access

Charlton, M.; (2007) Ironworking in northwest Wales: An evolutionary analysis. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Cochrane, E; Matararaba, S; Nakoro, E; (2007) Lapita and Later Archaeology of the Malolo and Mamanuca Islands, Fiji. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology , 2 (2) pp. 245-250. 10.1080/15564890701622896. Green open access

Cooper, J; (2007) Island interaction in the prehistoric Caribbean: An archaeological case study from Northern Cuba. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Dhanjal, S.; Carroll, I.; Steele, J.; Shennan, S.; (2007) National Archaeology Week podcast. UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access


Eklund, J.A.; (2007) The effects of preparation and conservation treatments on DNA. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Gardner, A; (2007) Britannia: the Creation of a Roman Province, by John Creighton, 2006. London: Routledge; ISBN 0-415- 33313-X hardback £55 & US$97; xii+180 pp., 29 figs. [Review]. Cambridge Archaeological Journal , 17 (1) 116 - 117. 10.1017/S095977430700011X. Green open access

Gardner, A; (2007) Globalizing Roman Culture (R. Hingley, 2005). [Review]. Britannia , 38 389 - 390. 10.1017/S0068113X00001628. Green open access


Harvey, E.L.; (2007) Early agricultural communities in northern and eastern India: an archaeobotanical investigation. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Henshaw, C; Rehren, T; Papachristou, O; Anarbaev, A; (2007) Lead-glazed slipware of 10th-11th century Akhsiket, Uzbekistan. In: Waksman, S, (ed.) Archaeometric and Archaeological Approaches to Ceramics. (pp. 145-148). BAR Publishing: Oxford, United Kingdom. Green open access


Izeki, M.; (2007) Conceptualization of 'xihuitl': history, environment, and cultural dynamics in Postclassic Mexica cognition. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Jordan, F.M.; Mace, R.; (2007) Changes in post-marital residence precede changes In descent systems in Austronesian societies. Presented at: The European Human Behaviour and Evolution Conference 2007 (EHBE 2007), London School of Economics, London, UK. Green open access


Keinan, A; (2007) The Megiddo Picture Pavement: Evidence for Egyptian Presence in Northern Israel during Early Bronze Age I. Masters thesis , Tel Aviv University.


Legarra Herrero, B.; (2007) Mortuary behaviour and social organisation in Pre- and Protopalatial Crete. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Lockyear, K.; (2007) Where do we go from here? Recording and analysing Roman coins from archaeological excavations. Britannia , 38 (1) pp. 211-224. 10.3815/000000007784016494. Green open access


Martinón-Torres, M; Cooper, J; Valcarcel Rojas, R; Rehren, T; (2007) Diversifying the picture: indigenous responses to European arrival in Cuba. Archaeology International , 10 pp. 37-40. 10.5334/ai.1008. Green open access

Martinón-Torres, M; Rehren, T; (2007) Trials and errors in search of mineral wealth: metallurgical experiments in early colonial Jamestown. Rittenhouse: the Journal of the American Scientific Instrument Enterprise , 21 (66) pp. 82-97. Green open access

Merkel, S.; Rehren, T.; (2007) Parting layers, ash trays and Ramesside glassmaking: an experimental study. In: Pusch, E.B. and Rehren, T., (eds.) Hochtemperatur-Technologie in der Ramses-Stadt: Rubinglas für den Pharao. (pp. 201-220). Verlag Gebrüder Gerstenberg: Hildesheim, Germany. Green open access


Naeser, C; (2007) The Humboldt University Nubian Expedition 2005: Survey and Excavations on the Islands Sherari and Us. In: Naeser, C and Lange, M, (eds.) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Archaeology of the Fourth Nile Cataract, Berlin, August 4th - 6th, 2005. (pp. 118-133). Otto Harrassowitz Verlag: Wiesbaden, Germany. Green open access

Naeser, C; Billig, D; Lange, M; (2007) The church US022.A at the Fourth Nile Cataract. In: Naeser, C and Lange, M, (eds.) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Archaeology of the Fourth Nile Cataract, Berlin, August 4th - 6th, 2005. (pp. 143-158). Otto Harrassowitz Verlag: Wiesbaden, Germany. Green open access

Naeser, C; Germer, R; (2007) Sie wurden in alle Winde verstreut. Das Schicksal der Mumien aus dem Grab des Sennedjem. In: Landesmuseum Württemberg Stuttgart, ., (ed.) Ägyptische Mumien Unsterblichkeit im Land der Pharaonen. (pp. 95-105). Verlag Philipp von Zabern: Mainz a.R., Germany.


Perring, D; (2007) Roman and Byzantine houses in Beirut. In: Galor, K and Waliszewski, T, (eds.) From Antioch to Alexandria. Studies in Domestic Architecture during the Roman and Byzantine Periods. (pp. 95-106). Institute Of Architecture Warsaw: Warsaw, Poland.

Piquette, K.E.; (2007) Writing, 'art', and society: a contextual archaeology of the inscribed labels of late predynastic - early dynastic Egypt. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Porter, Alexandra Claire Lachlan; (2007) The production, distribution, and use of ceramic jar, Type 4100, in South Arabia and the northern Horn of Africa. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Radivojević, Miljana; (2007) Evidence for early copper smelting in Belovode, a Vinča culture settlement in Eastern Serbia. Masters thesis (M.Sc), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Rehren, T; Charlton, M; Chirikure, S; Humphris, J; Ige, A; Veldhuijzen, HA; (2007) Decisions set in slag: the human factor in African iron smelting. In: LaNiece, S and Hook, DR and Craddock, PT, (eds.) Metals and Mines - Studies in Archaeometallurgy. (pp. 211-218). Archetype/British Museum: London, United Kindom. Green open access


Sandes, C.A.; (2007) The conservation and presentation of 'fragmentary' archaeological sites in modern urban contexts: post-war redevelopment in London, Berlin and Beirut. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Schoer, B; Rehren, T; (2007) The composition of glass and associated ceramics from Qantir. In: Pusch, EB and Rehren, T, (eds.) Rubinglas für den Pharao. (pp. 171-199). Gerstenberg: Hildesheim, Germany.

Spencer, LC; (2007) Pottery technology and socio-economic diversity on the Early Helladic III to Middle Helladic II Greek mainland. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Tubb, KW; (2007) Irreconcilable Differences? Problems with Unprovenanced Antiquities. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 18 3- 9. 10.5334/pia.294. Green open access


Valcarcel Rojas, R; Martinón-Torres, M; Cooper, J; Rehren, T; (2007) Oro, guanines y latón. Metales en contextos aborígenes de Cuba. El Caribe Arqueológico , 10 pp. 116-131. Green open access

Veldhuijzen, HA; Rehren, T; (2007) Slags and the city: early iron production at Tell Hammeh, Jordan and Tel Beth-Shemesh, Israel. In: LaNiece, S and Hook, DR and Craddock, PT, (eds.) Metals and Mines : Studies in Archaeometellurgy. (pp. 189-201). Archetype/British Museum: London, United Kindom. Green open access


Wengrow, D; (2007) Diplomacy by Design: Luxury Arts and an International Style in the Ancient Near East, 1400-1200 BCE’, by M.H. Feldman, 2006. [Review]. Cambridge Archaeological Journal , 17 (1) 119 - 121. 10.1017/S0959774307000133. Green open access

Wickstead, H.; (2007) Land division and identity in later prehistoric Dartmoor, south-west Britain: Translocating tenure. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Wollstonecroft, M.M.; (2007) Post-harvest intensification in Late Pleistocene Southwest Asia: plant food processing as a critical variable in Epipalaeolithic subsistence and subsistence change. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Zak, J.I.; (2007) Boundaries and trading zones between conservation and archaeological practice. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

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