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Bell, Jonathan; (2018) Between private and public: AIDS, health care capitalism, and the politics of respectability in 80s America. Journal of American Studies , 54 (1) pp. 159-183. 10.1017/S0021875818000518. Green open access

Bell, JW; (2018) Rethinking the “Straight State”: Welfare politics, health care, and public policy in the shadow of AIDS. Journal of American History , 104 (4) pp. 931-952. 10.1093/jahist/jax430. Green open access


Castañeda, N; (2018) Electoral volatility and political finance regulation in Colombia. Colombia Internacional , 95 pp. 3-24. 10.7440/colombiaint95.2018.01. Green open access

Castaneda, NC; (2018) The politics of tax reforms in Colombia. In: Atria, J and Groll, C and Valdés, MF, (eds.) Rethinking Taxation in Latin America: Reform and Challenges in Times of Uncertainty. Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK. Green open access


Engstrom, P; (2018) The situation of rule of law and human rights in Cuba and Venezuela and EU engagement. European Parliament, Policy Department for External Relations: Brussels, Belgium. Green open access

Engstrom, P; Hillebrecht, C; (2018) Institutional Change and the Inter-American Human Rights System. International Journal of Human Rights , 22 (9) pp. 1111-1122. 10.1080/13642987.2018.1534786. Green open access


Hilliard, NEK; (2018) Monitoring the U.S. executive branch inside and out: The Freedom of Information Act, inspectors general, and the paradoxes of transparency. In: Pozen, D and Schudson, M, (eds.) Troubling Transparency The History and Future of Freedom of Information. Columbia University Press: New York, NY, USA.


Molyneux, M; (2018) AnnMarie Wolpe: 1930-2018. Feminist Review , 120 (1) pp. 120-121. 10.1057/s41305-018-0126-7. Green open access

Morris, E; (2018) Open for Business: Building the New Cuban Economy. NWIG-NEW WEST INDIAN GUIDE-NIEUWE WEST-INDISCHE GIDS , 92 (3-4) pp. 312-313. 10.1163/22134360-09203043. Green open access


Saunders-Hastings, K; (2018) Du code du barrio à l’idéologie d’une entreprise : l’extorsion et l’économie morale de la violence des gangs au Guatemala‪ = From the Code of the Barrio to the Ideology of a Business: Gang Extortion and the Moral Economy of Violence in Guatemala City. Cultures & Conflits , 2 (110) 121 -140. 10.4000/conflicts.20325. Green open access

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