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Number of items: 27.


Anziska, S; (2019) The Erasure of the Nakba in Israel's Archives. Journal of Palestine Studies , 49 (1) pp. 64-76. 10.1525/jps.2019.49.1.64. Green open access

Anziska, S; (2019) Review of Blind Spot: America and the Palestinians, from Balfour to Trump, by Khaled Elgindy. [Review]. The Middle East Journal , 73 (3) pp. 500-501. 10.3751/73.3.3. Green open access

Berkowitz, M; (2019) Photography's Jewish Affinities: Unintended Benefits and Squandered Opportunities for Zionism and Israel. Journal of Israeli History , 37 (2) pp. 249-273. 10.1080/13531042.2019.1703340. Green open access

Berkowitz, M; (2019) Stefan Lux (1888-1936): a calculated suicide before the Second World War. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies , 18 (1) pp. 75-91. 10.1080/14725886.2018.1549197. Green open access

Berkowitz, M.; (2019) Introduction: Continuing Tumult. Jewish Historical Studies , 50 (1) ix-xiv. 10.14324/111.444.jhs.2018v50.001. Green open access

Fischer, L.; (2019) Before Fiddler on the Roof, before The Jazz Singer, there was Deborah. Jewish Historical Studies , 50 (9) pp. 183-190. 10.14324/111.444.jhs.2018v50.008. Green open access

Fischer, L.; (2019) Harvey Milk: His Lives and Death, Lillian Faderman. Jewish Historical Studies , 50 (12) pp. 199-202. 10.14324/111.444.jhs.2018v50.011. Green open access

Geller, M; (2019) Hippocrates. Volume XI: Diseases of Women 1-2. The Loeb classical library, 538. [Review]. Bryn Mawr Classical Review Green open access

Guesnet, F; (2019) Ben Helfgott: The Story of One of the Boys, Michael Freedland. Jewish Historical Studies. Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England , 50 (1) , Article 19. 10.14324/111.444.jhs.2018v50.018. Green open access

Guesnet, F; (2019) Body, Place, and Knowledge: The Plica polonica in Travelogues and Experts' Reflections around 1800. Central Europe , 17 (1) pp. 54-66. 10.1080/14790963.2019.1684786. Green open access

Guesnet, F; (2019) The Velizh Affair: Blood Libel in a Russian Town. By Eugene M. Avrutin.New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. Pp. xx+226. $34.95. [Review]. The Journal of Modern History , 91 (3) pp. 734-736. 10.1086/704432. Green open access

Kahn, L; Valijarvi, R; (2019) The Translation of Hebrew Flora and Fauna Terminology in North Sámi and West Greenlandic Fin-de-Siècle Bibles. The Bible Translator , 70 (2) pp. 125-144. 10.1177/2051677019850884. Green open access

Kahn, L; Yampolskaya, S; (2019) Diversity in Numbers: A Linguistic Analysis of Numerals in Maskilic Hebrew. Hebrew Studies , 60 pp. 389-417. Green open access

Muir, S; Tuori, R; (2019) ‘The Golden Chain of Pious Rabbis’: the origin and development of Finnish Jewish Orthodoxy. Nordisk Judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies , 30 (1) pp. 8-34. 10.30752/nj.77253. Green open access

Vidro, N; (2019) Nahshon Gaon – a calendar scholar or a pseudo-author? Jewish Studies Quarterly , 26 (1) pp. 17-34. 10.1628/jsq-2019-0003. Green open access


Gilbert, S; Alba, A; (2019) Holocaust Memory and Racism in the Postwar World. [Book]. Wayne State University Press

Book chapter

Anziska, SE; (2019) Arab-Israeli Wars and U.S. Foreign Policy. In: Lawrence, M, (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Baumann, U; Guesnet, F; (2019) Kristallnacht - Pogrom - Terror. A Terminological Reflection. In: Gruner, W and Ross, S, (eds.) New Perspectives on Kristallnacht: After 80 Years, the Nazi Pogrom in Global Comparison. Purdue University Press: West Lafayette, IN, USA. Green open access

Berkowitz, M; (2019) Foreword. In: Berlin/London: The Lost Photographs of Gerty Simon. (p. 5). The Wiener Library: London, UK. Green open access

Berkowitz, M; (2019) Émigré photographers. In: Bohm-Duchen, M, (ed.) Insiders outsiders: refugees from Nazi Europe and their contribution to British visual culture. (pp. 62-73). Lund Humphries: London. Green open access

Guesnet, F; (2019) Historiografia przemocy antyżydowskiej w dziewiętnastowiecznej Europie Wschodniej. In: Kijek, K and Markowski, A and Zielinski, K, (eds.) Pogromy Żydów na ziemiach polskich w XIX i XX wieku. Tom 3 Historiografia, polityka, recepcja społeczna (do 1939 roku). Instytut Historii PAN: Warsaw, Poland.


Citron, Joseph Zechariah Francis; (2019) Isaiah Horowitz’s Shenei Luhot Haberit (Shelah): A Vision of Jewish Pietism. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Digital scholarly resource

Anziska, S; (2019) Back to the future: How Palestine can pull itself out of the 1980s. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://conversationalist.org/2019/07/19/back-to-t...

Anziska, S; (2019) New Texts Out Now: Preventing Palestine. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://www.jadaliyya.com/Details/38525/Seth-Anzisk...

Chardell, D; (2019) A Genealogy of a Non-Event. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://toynbeeprize.org/posts/seth-anziska/ Green open access

Geller, M; (2019) Review of P. Potter, Hippocrates. Volume XI: Diseases of Women 1-2. The Loeb classical library, 538. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2019/2019.08.17/ Green open access

Vidro, N; (2019) The Book against the People of the Equinox: T-S K6.63. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/collections/departments/... Green open access

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