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Number of items: 14.


Facchini, B; (2014) A Philosophical Quarrel among "auctoritates": Mussato's "De Lite inter Naturam et Fortunam" and its Classical and Medieval Sources. Italia Medievale e Umanistica , 55 pp. 71-102. Green open access

Gonis, N; (2014) Notes on miscellaneous documents IV. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , 191 pp. 198-202. Green open access

Gonis, N; (2014) Three Documents from Byzantine Oxyrhynchus revisited. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , 191 pp. 256-260. Green open access

Irarrázabal, M; (2014) Empathy in our moral assessment of violence: a comparative analysis of the approaches of Seneca, Sontag and Butler. Think Pieces: A Journal of the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences , 1 (1) 28 - 35. 10.14324/111.2058-492X.004. Green open access

Lord-Kambitsch, E; (2014) Introduction to empathy: activation, definition, construct. Think Pieces: A Journal of the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences , 1 (1) 1 - 8. 10.14324/111.2058-492X.001. Green open access

Mac Góráin, F; (2014) Apollo and Dionysus in Virgil. Incontri Di Filologia Classica , 12 pp. 191-238. Green open access

Mac Góráin, F; (2014) The Mixed Blessings of Bacchus in Virgil's Georgics. Dictynna: Revue de Poétique Latine , 11 Green open access

Mac Góráin, F; (2014) Review of E. Dekel, Virgil's Homeric Lens, 2012. [Review]. The Classical Review , 64 (1) pp. 121-123. 10.1017/S0009840X1300262X. Green open access

Ow Yeong, WK; (2014) ‘Our failure of empathy’: Kevin Carter, Susan Sontag, and the problems of photography. Think Pieces: A Journal of the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences , 1 (1) 9 - 17. 10.14324/111.2058-492X.002. Green open access

Smith, G; (2014) Empathy and other ways of not understanding: in search of a socially transformative relationality. Think Pieces: A Journal of the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences , 1 (1) 36 - 44. 10.14324/111.2058-492X.005. Green open access

Tabernacle, K; (2014) Empathy and imagination in Hannah Höch. Think Pieces: A Journal of the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences , 1 (1) 18 - 27. 10.14324/111.2058-492X.003. Green open access

Book chapter

Colvin, SC; (2014) Perceptions synchroniques des dialectes et de la koinè. In: Minon, S, (ed.) Diffusion de l’attique et expansion des koinai dans le Péloponnèse et en Grèce centrale. (pp. 19-28). Droz: Geneva, Switzerland. Green open access


Giannadaki, I; (2014) A Commentary on the Speech of Demosthenes 'Against Androtion' (Dem.22). Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Digital scholarly resource

Agocs, PA; (2014) Oxford Online Bibliographies: Bacchylides. [Digital scholarly resource]. http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/... Green open access

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