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Number of items: 24.


Aarts, SHLM; (2016) Lives in Language: Otto Jespersen 1860-1943. Babel: the Language Magazine (14) pp. 29-31. Green open access

Adair, A; (2016) Record of the seventeenth conference of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists, at the University of Glasgow, 3–7 August 2015. Anglo-Saxon England , 45 pp. 1-5. 10.1017/S0263675100080194. Green open access


Baron, S; (2016) Joyce and the Rhythms of the Alphabet. In: Crowley, R and Van Hulle, D, (eds.) New Quotatoes: Joycean Exogenesis in the Digital Age. (pp. 18-44). Brill | Rodopi: Leiden/Boston. Green open access

Baron, SA; (2016) Dissidence, Compromise, and Submission in Higher Education Today. Moveable Type , 2016 (8) pp. 7-11. Green open access

Baron, SA; (2016) In Pursuit of Fact: Joyce and Flaubert's Documentary Letter-Writing. Genetic Joyce Studies , 16 Green open access

Bhambra, GK; Brotherstone, T; Cohen, R; Copeland, R; Cruickshank, J; Frankham, J; Harman, K; + view all (2016) In Defence of Public Higher Education: Knowledge for a Successful Society (The Alternative White Paper for HE). [Book]. The Convention for Higher Education / Sage Press: London, UK. Green open access

Bowie, J; Wallis, S; (2016) The to-infinitival perfect: A study of decline. In: Werner, V and Seoane, E and Suárez-Gómez, C, (eds.) Re-assessing the Present Perfect. (pp. 43-94). De Gruyter Mouton: Berlin, Germany. Green open access


Court, EMA; (2016) Émigré Representations of the American Roadside in Postwar Literature, Film and Photography. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).


Davis, P; (2016) Recovering a Restoration Scribal Poet: The Life and Work of Robert Wolseley, with Notes on His Association with Rochester. Huntington Library Quarterly , 79 (4) pp. 677-704. 10.1353/hlq.2016.0032. Green open access


Hackett, HA; (2016) Longer shall you gaze on’t. [Review]. TLS - The Times Literary Supplement (5926) pp. 7-8. Green open access

Hackett, Helen A; (2016) Afterword: writing coteries, reading coteries. In: Bowers, W and Crumme, HL, (eds.) Re-evaluating the literary coterie, 1580-1830: from Sidney to Blackwood's. (pp. 201-218). Palgrave Macmillan: London, United Kingdom. Green open access


Irvine, SE; (2016) Uncertain Beginnings: The Prefatory Tradition in Old English. [Pamphlet]. H. M. Chadwick Memorial Lectures: Vol.27. Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, University of Cambridge: Cambridge, UK. Green open access


Jones, N; Parsons, B; (2016) IV Chaucer. The Year's Work in English Studies , 95 (1) pp. 309-332. Green open access


Langley, EF; (2016) Erin Sullivan, Beyond melancholy: sadness and selfhood in renaissance England. [Review]. The Seventeenth Century , 31 (4) pp. 495-496. 10.1080/0268117X.2016.1220324. Green open access


Nicolaides, A; Fareed, J; Kakkar, AK; Comerota, AJ; Goldhaber, SZ; Hull, R; Myers, K; ... Warwick, D; + view all (2016) Introduction. In: Early Modern Exchanges: Dialogues Between Nations and Cultures, 1550-1750 (Transculturalisms, 1400-1700). (pp. 118-120). Routledge Green open access

North, R; Bintley, MDJ; (2016) Andreas: An Edition. [Book]. (1st ed.). Liverpool University Press: Liverpool, UK. Green open access

North, R; Bintley, MDJ; (2016) Andreas: an edition. [Book]. Exeter Medieval Texts. Liverpool University Press: Liverpool, UK.

North, R; (2016) Heaven ahoy! Sensory perception in 'The Seafarer'. In: Thomson, S and Bintley, MDJ, (eds.) Sensory Perception in the Medieval World: Manuscripts, Texts, and Other Material Matters. Brepols: Turnhout, Belgium.


Samson, A; (2016) Epilogue: Exchanges: Time to Face the Strange? In: Hackett, H, (ed.) Early Modern Exchanges: Dialogues Between Nations and Cultures, 1550-1750 (Transculturalisms, 1400-1700). (pp. 243-250). Routledge: London, United Kindom. Green open access

Shell, A; (2016) The writing on the wall? John Ingram’s verse and the dissemination of Catholic prison writing. British Catholic History , 33 (1) pp. 58-70. 10.1017/bch.2016.5. Green open access

Shell, AEM; (2016) Byzantine tragedy in Restoration England: Joseph Simons's 'Zeno' and Sir William Killigrew's 'The Imperial Tragedy'. Renaissance Studies , 30 (4) pp. 623-639. 10.1111/rest.12245. Green open access

Sperling, M; (2016) Jump Away, Jumping Boy: Poetry, painting and the world of Christopher Wood. Apollo: the international magazine of art and antiques , Jul/Au (2016) pp. 22-23. Green open access

Swaab, PA; (2016) Sylvia Townsend Warner, Samuel Menashe, ebay and Me. The Sylvia Townsend Warner Society Newsletter (32) Green open access


Yao, C; (2016) Gothic Monstrosity: Charles Brockden Brown's Edgar Huntly and the Trope of the Bestial Indian. In: American Gothic Culture: An Edinburgh Companion. (pp. 25-43). Edinburgh UP: Edinburgh, Scotland. Green open access

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