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Abrams, D; Lalot, F; Hopthrow, T; Templeton, A; Steeden, B; Ozkececi, H; Imada, H; ... Peckham, S; + view all (2021) Cleaning up our acts: Psychological interventions to reduce engine idling and improve air quality. Journal of Environmental Psychology , 74 , Article 101587. 10.1016/j.jenvp.2021.101587. Green open access

Abrams, B; (2021) Toward a Regeneration of Revolutionary Theory. Journal of Historical Sociology , 34 (1) pp. 142-149. 10.1111/johs.12317. Green open access

Amini, C; Douarin, E; Hinks, T; (2021) Individualism and attitudes towards reporting corruption: evidence from post-communist economies. Journal of Institutional Economics 10.1017/S1744137420000648. (In press). Green open access

Andriani, L; Luca Bruno, R; (2021) Introduction to the special issue on institutions and culture in economic contexts. Journal of Institutional Economics pp. 1-14. 10.1017/s1744137421000710. (In press). Green open access


Barone, S; Alioua, M; (2021) To Accompany and to Observe: Engaged Scholarship and Social Change Vis-à-Vis Sub-Saharan Transmigration in Morocco. Migration and Society , 4 (1) pp. 185-194. 10.3167/arms.2021.040117. Green open access

Beneš, Jakub; (2021) Leftist Politics and Nationalism in the Post-Habsburg Lands, 1918-1928. In: Harmat, U, (ed.) Das Erbe der Habsburgermonarchie in den Nachfolgestaaten (Brüche und Kontinuitäten) Sonderband zur Reihe: Die Habsburgermonarchie 1848-1918. Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: Vienna, Austria.

Bogatyrev, S; (2021) The Legend of the Golden Belt: Revisiting the Sources. In: Magic, Texts and Travel Homage to a Scholar, Will Ryan. (p. 159). Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia: London, UK.

Bruno, R; Crescenzi, R; Estrin, S; Petralia, S; (2021) Multinationals, Innovation and Institutional Context: IPR protection and distance effects. Journal of International Business Studies 10.1057/s41267-021-00452-z. (In press). Green open access

Bruno, RL; Douarin, E; Korosteleva, J; Radosevic, S; (2021) The Two Disjointed Faces of R&D and the Productivity Gap in Europe. Journal of Common Market Studies 10.1111/jcms.13260. (In press). Green open access

Bruno, RL; Estrin, S; (2021) Taxonomies and Typologies: Starting to Reframe Economic Systems. In: Douarin, E and Havrylyshyn, O, (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative Economics. (pp. 871-896). Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Bukowski, Paweł; Novokmet, Filip; (2021) Between communism and capitalism: long-term inequality in Poland, 1892–2015. Journal of Economic Growth , 26 (2) pp. 187-239. 10.1007/s10887-021-09190-1. Green open access

Butterwick, R; (2021) Review of Anna Grześkowiak-Krwawicz, Dyskurs Polityczny Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów. Pojęcia i idee, Toruń, 2018. Kwartalnik historyczny , 128 (3) pp. 831-836. Green open access

Butterwick, Richard; (2021) Die Verfassung vom 3. Mai 1791 Das Vermächtnis des Polnisch-Litaunischen Unionsstaats. [Book]. Zentrum fuer Historische Forschung Berlin der Polnische Akademie der Wissenschaften - Muzeum Historii Polski: Warsaw, Poland. Green open access

Butterwick, Richard; (2021) Discourses of Tolerance and Intolerance at the Four Years' Sejm (1788-1792). In: Chwalba, Andrzej and Zamorski, Krzysztof, (eds.) The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. History - Memory - Legacy. (pp. 256-272). Routledge: New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Butterwick, R; (2021) Response to the Editorial Survey on the condition of Polish historiography. Kwartalnik historyczny , 128 (1) pp. 71-84. Green open access

Butterwick - Pawlikowski, R; (2021) The Constitution of 3 May 1791: Testament of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Polish History Museum: Warsaw, Poland. Green open access


Campos, NF; Macchiarelli, C; (2021) The dynamics of core and periphery in the European monetary union: A new approach. Journal of International Money and Finance , 112 , Article 102325. 10.1016/j.jimonfin.2020.102325. Green open access

Cavendish, P; (2021) 'Superior to Disney': Colour Animation at Lenfil'm, 1936-41. Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema , 15 (1) pp. 39-69. 10.1080/17503132.2020.1865614. Green open access

Chowaniec, U; Mazierska, E; Mole, R; (2021) Queer(in)g Poland in the 21st Century: How Was It at the Beginning of the Millennium? Introduction to This Special Issue on Queer Culture and the LGBTQ+ Movement in Poland. Central Europe , 19 (1) pp. 1-13. 10.1080/14790963.2021.1920131. Green open access

Cvrcek, T; (2021) The Policy and the Reality of Public Schooling in 19th Century Imperial Austria. Rivista di Storia Economica , XXXVII pp. 33-61. 10.1410/100648. Green open access


Davidson, Pamela; (2021) Viacheslav Ivanov and the ‘Jewish question’: The limits of the ‘universal man’. In: Segal, D and Rudnik, N, (eds.) Viacheslav Ivanov: The Enigma of Modernism. (pp. 71-108). Vodoley Books: Moscow, Russia.

Davidson, P; (2021) REVIEWS: Lappo-Danilevskii, K. Iu. and Zav'ialov, S. A. (eds). Alkei i Safo. Sobranie pesen i liricheskikh otryvkov v perevode razmerami podlinnikov Viacheslava Ivanova so vstupitel'nym ocherkom ego zhe. 3rd revised edition. Izdatel'stvo imeni N. I. Novikova, St Petersburg, 2019. lxiv + 398 pp. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliographical references. R 1,000.00. The Slavonic and East European Review , 99 (1) pp. 162-165. Green open access

Digioia, A; (2021) Black Metal, Trauma, Subjectivity and Sound: Screaming the Abyss. Jasmine Hazel Shadrack (2020). Emerald Publishing Limited, 227 pp., ISBN: 978-1-78756-926-3. [Review]. Metal Music Studies , 7 (2)

Digioia, A; (2021) Gender and Parenting in the Worlds of Alien and Blade Runner: A Feminist Analysis. Emerald Studies In Popular Culture And Gender. (1st ed.). Emerald Publishing Limited Green open access

Doesburg, C; (2021) Of heroes, maidens and squirrels: Reimagining traditional Finnish folk poetry in metal lyrics. Metal Music Studies , 7 (2) pp. 317-333. 10.1386/mms_00051_1. Green open access

Douarin, E; Havrylyshyn, O; (2021) Introduction to the Palgrave Handbook of Comparative Economics. In: Douarin, E and Havrylyshyn, O, (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative Economics. (pp. 1-15). Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access

Douarin, E; Radu, D; (2021) Drivers of Political Participation: Are Prospective Migrants Different? UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES): London, UK. Green open access


Emery, A; (2021) The Iran Trap. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://iai.tv/articles/the-iran-trap-auid-1853?_a...


Ferreira Campos, N; (2021) The EU Anchor Thesis: Transition from Socialism, The Institutional Vacuum and Membership in the European Union. In: Douarin, E and Havrylyshyn, O, (eds.) Handbook of comparative economics. (pp. 353-368). Palgrave Green open access

Figueira, F; Martill, B; (2021) Bounded rationality and the Brexit negotiations: why Britain failed to understand the EU. Journal of European Public Policy , 28 (12) pp. 1871-1889. 10.1080/13501763.2020.1810103. Green open access


Garcia-Macia, D; Korosteleva, J; (2021) Tracing Productivity Growth Channels in the UK. (IMF Working Papers 2021(273). IMF Working Papers

Grudnicka, Anastazja Maria; (2021) Being a Catholic in the House of Austria: The Religious Formation of Matthias Habsburg, 1557-1612. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


Hanley, S; (2021) Life After Dictatorship: Authoritarian Successor Parties Worldwide. Party Politics 10.1177/13540688211019814. (In press). Green open access

Hanley, S; Cianetti, L; (2021) The End of the Backsliding Paradigm. Journal of Democracy , 32 (1) pp. 66-80. 10.1353/jod.2021.0001. Green open access

Hauter, J; (2021) Forensic conflict studies: Making sense of war in the social media age. Media, War and Conflict 10.1177/17506352211037325. (In press). Green open access

Hauter, J; (2021) How the war began: Conceptualizing conflict escalation in Ukraine's Donbas. Soviet and Post Soviet Review , 48 (2) pp. 135-163. 10.30965/18763324-20201380. Green open access

Heim, I; Ribberink, N; (2021) Between Growth and National Security in Host Countries: FDI Regulation and Chinese Outward Investments in Australia’s Critical Infrastructure. AIB Insights , 21 (1) 10.46697/001c.19506. Green open access

Helmer, Eline; (2021) Tact in translation: negotiating trust by the Russian interpreter, at home and abroad. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Iacono, R; Ranaldi, M; (2021) The Evolution of Income Composition Inequality in Italy, 1989–2016. Review of Income and Wealth 10.1111/roiw.12555. (In press). Green open access


Koenker, D; (2021) The Smile behind the Sales Counter: Soviet Shop Assistants on the Road to Full Communism. Journal of Social History , 54 (3) pp. 872-896. 10.1093/jsh/shz118. Green open access

Kogan, Vita; Bondarenko, Maria; (2021) “Shouldn’t We Do More Grammar?”: Learners’ Perspectives on the Communicative Approach in the Russian L2 Classroom. DiSlaw (Didaktik slawischer Sprachen) , 1 (1) pp. 30-47. 10.25651/3.2021.0001. Green open access

Korosteleva, E; Petrova, I; (2021) Societal Resilience in Belarus and the EU response. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 10.1111/jcms.13248. (In press). Green open access

Korosteleva, Julia; Bruno, Randolph; Osaulenko, Kirill; Radosevic, Slavo; (2021) Sectoral Innovation Systems, Complementarities and Productivity in Europe. (GROWINPRO Working Papers 61/2021). Growth Welfare Innovation Productivity (GROWINPRO): London, UK. Green open access

Krouglov, A; (2021) Emergency remote teaching and learning in simultaneous interpreting: Capturing experiences of teachers and students. Training, Language and Culture , 5 (3) pp. 41-56. 10.22363/2521-442x-2021-5-3-41-56. Green open access

Krouglov, A; (2021) Language planning and policies in Russia through a historical perspective. Current Issues in Language Planning 10.1080/14664208.2021.2005384. (In press). Green open access

Krouglov, A; (2021) Some Aspects Of Student Engagement In Formative In-Class Peer Review. In: European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS. European Publisher Green open access

Krouglov, A; (2021) Student performance in emergency remote learning and assessment in simultaneous interpreting training. In: (Proceedings) Society. Integration. Education. Rezekne Academy of Technologies Green open access

Kubal, A; (2021) The lawyers as guardians of the case file: on human-material encounters in immigration law in Russia. International Journal of the Legal Profession , 28 (1) pp. 85-105. 10.1080/09695958.2020.1854768. Green open access

Kubal, A; (2021) Why is There a Humanitarian Crisis at the Polish-Belarusian Border? [Digital scholarly resource]. https://gjia.georgetown.edu/2021/11/17/why-is-ther...

Kurylo, B; (2021) Counter-populist performances of (in)security: Feminist resistance in the face of right-wing populism in Poland. Review of International Studies 10.1017/S0260210521000620. (In press). Green open access


Ledeneva, A; Efendic, A; (2021) The rules of the game in transition: how informal institutions work in South East Europe. In: Douarin, E and Havrylyshyn, O, (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative Economics. (pp. 811-845). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham: London, UK. Green open access

Lee, J-D; Lee, K; Meissner, D; Radosevic, S; Vonortas, NS; (2021) Local capacity, innovative entrepreneurial places and global connections: an overview. Journal of Technology Transfer , 46 pp. 563-573. 10.1007/s10961-020-09812-7. Green open access

Litchfield, Julie; Douarin, Elodie; Gashi, Fatlinda; (2021) Angry men and Civic women? Gendered effects of conflict of political participation. (HiCN Working Paper 355). Household in Conflict Network (HiCN): Berlin, Germany. Green open access


McMillin, S; (2021) Миф всегда сильнее реальности (Myth is always more powerful than reality). Знамя (Znamya) , 2021 (2) Green open access

Merrino, S; (2021) Currency and settler colonialism: the Palestinian case. Review of International Political Economy , 28 (6) pp. 1729-1750. 10.1080/09692290.2020.1803951. Green open access

Milutinović; (2021) A Note on the Meaning of the ‘Post’ in Post-Yugoslav Literature. The Slavonic and East European Review , 99 (4) p. 734. 10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.99.4.0734. Green open access


Noble, B; Schulmann, E; (2021) Myth 15: 'It's all about Putin – Russia is a manually run, centralized autocracy'. (Noble , pp. pp. 91-95 ). Chatham House: London, UK. Green open access

Noble, B; Petrov, N; (2021) From constitution to law: Implementing the 2020 Russian constitutional changes. Russian Politics , 6 (1) pp. 130-152. 10.30965/24518921-00601008. Green open access


Petrova, I; Korosteleva, E; (2021) Societal fragilities and resilience: The emergence of peoplehood in Belarus. Journal of Eurasian Studies 10.1177/18793665211037835. (In press). Green open access


Rees, Eleanor; (2021) From the Cinema ‘Dekorator’ to the Cinema ‘Arkhitektor’: Set Design, Medium Specificity and Technology in Russian Cinema of the Silent Era. Journal of Design History , 34 (4) pp. 297-315. 10.1093/jdh/epab015. Green open access


Siddiqi, Bilal; Young, Sarah J; (2021) Rethinking Dostoevskii: Literature, Philosophy, Narrative. The Slavonic and East European Review , 99 (1) pp. 31-40. 10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.99.1.0031. Green open access

Sikk, A; Vinkel, P; (2021) Legislative Debates in the Estonian Riigikogu. In: Back, H and Debus, M and Fernandes, JMA, (eds.) The Politics of Legislative Debates. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Snetkov, A; Aris, S; (2021) Common knowledge? Business intellectuals, BRIC and the production of knowledge across global finance and international relations. Journal of International Relations and Development , 24 pp. 333-355. 10.1057/s41268-020-00193-w. Green open access


Wang, Ruomeng; (2021) Financial Development and Poverty Alleviation in Developing and Emerging Economies. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

White, A; Goodwin, K; (2021) Invisible Poles and their integration into Polish society: changing identities of UK second-generation migrants in the Brexit era. Social Identities , 27 (3) pp. 410-425. 10.1080/13504630.2020.1859361. Green open access

White, Anne; (2021) Płock as a city of 'immigration' and 'emigration' in 2019. Rocznik Towarzystwa Naukowego Płockiego , 13 pp. 359-380. 10.19251/rtnp/2021.13(15). Green open access

White, A; (2021) Migration impact inside-out: stayers, sociology and social remittances. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies , 47 (13) pp. 3190-3208. 10.1080/1369183x.2019.1691513. Green open access

Wilson, Andrew; (2021) Imagining Crimean Tatar History since 2014: Indigenous Rights, Russian Recolonisation and the New Ukrainian Narrative of Cooperation. Europe-Asia Studies , 73 (5) pp. 837-868. 10.1080/09668136.2020.1867709. Green open access

Wilson, Natasha; (2021) The generation of Allende and Solidarność. Leftist dissidents, reform socialism and the intellectual elite in Moscow during the late Brezhnev era. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).


Young, S; (2021) Writing Resistance: Revolutionary memoirs of Shlissel´burg Prison, 1884-1906. Fringe. UCL Press: London, UK. Green open access

Young, S; (2021) Deferred Senses and Distanced Spaces: Embodying the Boundaries of Dostoevsky’s Realism. In: Bowers, K and Holland, K, (eds.) Dostoevsky at 200: The Novel in Modernity. (pp. 118-136). University of Toronto Press: Toronto, Canada.


Zechenter, K; (2021) From “Poland’s Genius” to the World as “a living, single entity:” World, Literature and Writer’s Duty in Lectures of Polish Laureates of Nobel Prize in Literature (1905-2019). The Polish Review , 66 (2) pp. 128-145. 10.5406/polishreview.66.2.0128. Green open access


Ćalić, Jelena; (2021) Pluricentricity in the classroom: the Serbo-Croatian language issue for foreign language teaching at higher education institutions worldwide. Sociolinguistica , 35 (1) pp. 113-140. 10.1515/soci-2021-0007. Green open access

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