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Bang, D; Fusaroli, R; Tylén, K; Olsen, K; Latham, PE; Lau, JY; Roepstorff, A; ... Bahrami, B; + view all (2014) Does interaction matter? Testing whether a confidence heuristic can replace interaction in collective decision-making. Conscious Cogn , 26C 13 - 23. 10.1016/j.concog.2014.02.002. Green open access


Gonçalves, PJ; Arrenberg, AB; Hablitzel, B; Baier, H; Machens, CK; (2014) Optogenetic perturbations reveal the dynamics of an oculomotor integrator. Frontiers in Neural Circuits , 8 , Article 10. 10.3389/fncir.2014.00010. Green open access

Grabska-Barwińska, A; Latham, PE; (2014) How well do mean field theories of spiking quadratic-integrate-and-fire networks work in realistic parameter regimes? Journal of Computational Neuroscience , 36 (3) pp. 469-481. 10.1007/s10827-013-0481-5. Green open access


Park, M; Jitkrittum, W; Qamar, A; Szabo, Z; Buesing, L; Sahani, M; (2014) Bayesian Manifold Learning: The Locally Linear Latent Variable Model (LL-LVM). In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28 (NIPS 2015). Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation: Montreal, Canada. Green open access


Szabo, Z; (2014) Information Theoretical Estimators Toolbox. Journal of Machine Learning Research , 15 283 - 287. Green open access

Szabo, Z; Gretton, A; Póczos, B; Sriperumbudur, B; (2014) Consistent Distribution Regression via Mean Embedding. Presented at: University of Hertfordshire, Computer Science Research Colloquium, Hatfield, UK. Green open access

Szabo, Z; Gretton, A; Póczos, B; Sriperumbudur, B; (2014) Distribution Regression - the Set Kernel Heuristic is Consistent. Presented at: CSML Lunch Talk Series, London, UK. Green open access

Szabo, Z; Gretton, A; Póczos, B; Sriperumbudur, B; (2014) Learning on Distributions. Presented at: Kernel methods for big data workshop, Lille, France. Green open access

Szabo, Z; Gretton, A; Póczos, B; Sriperumbudur, B; (2014) Simple consistent distribution regression on compact metric domains. Presented at: UCL-Duke Workshop on Sensing and Analysis of High-Dimensional Data (SAHD-2014), London, UK. Green open access

Szabo, Z; Gretton, A; Poczos, B; Sriperumbudur, B; (2014) Vector-valued distribution regression: a simple and consistent approach. Presented at: Statistical Science Seminars, London, UK. Green open access

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