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Number of items: 36.


BADLAND, H; (2004) Physical activity in a sample of New Zealand professional employees. Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Badland, HM; Schofield, GM; (2004) The contribution of worksite physical activity to total daily physical activity levels in professional occupations. New Zealand Journal of Sports Medicine , 32 (2) 48 - 56. Green open access

Badland, HM; Schofield, GM; (2004) Physical activity interventions in the workplace: a review and future for New Zealand research. New Zealand Journal of Sports Medicine , 32 (1) 14 - 19. Green open access

Bajekal, M; Blane, D; Grewal, I; Karlsen, S; Nazroo, J; (2004) Ethnic differences in influences on quality of life at older ages: a quantitative analysis. Ageing and Society , 24 (5) 709 - 728. 10.1017/S0144686X04002533. Green open access

Bajekal, M; Harris, T; Breman, R; Woodfield, K; (2004) Review of Disability Estimates and Definitions: A study carried out on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions. (In-house Report 128 ). Department for Work and Pensions, Social Research Division: London, UK. Green open access

Bartley, M; Sacker, A; Clarke, P; (2004) Employment status, employment conditions, and limiting illness: prospective evidence from the British household panel survey 1991-2001. J EPIDEMIOL COMMUN H , 58 (6) 501 - 506. 10.1136/jech.2003.009878. Green open access

Batchelor, P; Sheiham, A; (2004) Grouping of tooth surfaces by susceptibility to caries: a study in 5-16 year-old children. BMC Oral Health , 4 (2) 10.1186/1472-6831-4-2. Green open access

Bobak, M; Kristenson, M; Pikhart, H; Marmot, M; (2004) Life span and disability: a cross sectional comparison of Russian and Swedish community based data. BRIT MED J , 329 (7469) 767 - 770. 10.1136/bmj.38202.667130.55. Green open access

Bobak, M; Room, R; Pikhart, H; Kubinova, R; Malyutina, S; Pajak, A; Kurilovitch, S; ... Marmot, M; + view all (2004) Contribution of drinking patterns to differences in rates of alcohol related problems between three urban populations. J EPIDEMIOL COMMUN H , 58 (3) 238 - 242. 10.1136/jech.2003.011825. Green open access

Breeze, E; Jones, DA; Wilkinson, P; Latif, AM; Bulpitt, CJ; Fletcher, AE; (2004) Association of quality of life in old age in Britain with socioeconomic position: baseline data from randomised controlled trial. Epidemiology and Community Health , 58 (8) pp. 667-673. 10.1136/jech.2003.014035. Green open access

Brunner, EJ; Kivimaki, K; Siegrist, J; Theorell, T; Luukkonen, R; Riihimaki, H; Vahtera, J; ... Leino-Arjas, P; + view all (2004) Is the effect of work stress on cardiovascular mortality confounded by socioeconomic factors in the Valmet study? J EPIDEMIOL COMMUN H , 58 (12) 1019 - 1020. 10.1136/jech.2003.016881. Green open access


Conaty, SJ; Hayward, AC; Story, A; Glynn, JR; Drobniewski, FA; Watson, JM; (2004) Explaining risk factors for drug-resistant tuberculosis in England and Wales: contribution of primary and secondary drug resistance. EPIDEMIOL INFECT , 132 (6) 1099 - 1108. 10.1017/S0950268804002869. Green open access


Davies, M; Ucci, M; McCarthy, M; Oreszczyn, T; Ridley, I; Mumovic, D; Singh, J; (2004) A review of evidence linking ventilation rates in dwellings and respiratory health: a focus on house dust mites and mould. International Journal of Ventilation , 3 (2) pp. 155-168. Green open access

Drennan, V; (2004) Clinicians as Leaders in Local NHS Governance Bodies: the Case of Primary Care Groups. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Ely, M.; (2004) Dealing with missing data on alcohol consumption using diet diaries in a birth cohort study. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Forrest, S; McCaffery, K; Waller, J; Desai, M; Szarewski, A; Cadman, L; Wardle, J; (2004) Attitudes to self-sampling for HPV among Indian, Pakistani, African-Caribbean and white British women in Manchester, UK. Journal of Medical Screening , 11 (2) 85 - 88. 10.1258/096914104774061065. Green open access


Groce, N; (2004) A Population at Risk: HIV/AIDS and Disability: Capturing Hidden Voices. (Findings from the Yale/World Bank Global Survey of HIV/AIDS and Disability. ). The World Bank: Washington, DC, USA. Green open access


Head, J; Stansfeld, SA; Siegrist, J; (2004) The psychosocial work environment and alcohol dependence: a prospective study. OCCUP ENVIRON MED , 61 (3) 219 - 224. 10.1136/oem.2002.005256. Green open access

Hyde, M; Ferrie, J; Higgs, P; Mein, G; Nazroo, J; (2004) The effects of pre-retirement factors and retirement route on circumstances in retirement: findings from the Whitehall II study. Ageing and Society (24) , Article 2. 10.1017/S0144686X03001624. Green open access


Joffe, M; Mindell, J; (2004) A tentative step towards healthy public policy. J EPIDEMIOL COMMUN H , 58 (12) 966 - 968. 10.1136/jech.2004.023697. Green open access


Kivimaki, M; Forma, P; Wikstrom, J; Halmeenmaki, T; Pentti, J; Elovainio, M; Vahtera, J; (2004) Sickness absence as a risk marker of future disability pension: the 10-town study. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH , 58 (8) pp. 710-711. 10.1136/jech.2003.015842. Green open access


McCaffery, K; Waller, J; Forrest, S; Cadman, L; Szarewski, A; Wardle, J; (2004) Testing positive for human papillomavirus in routine cervical screening: examination of psychosocial impact. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology , 111 (12) 1437 -1443. 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2004.00279.x. Green open access

McEwen, A; West, R; Owen, L; (2004) GP prescribing of nicotine replacement and bupropion to aid smoking cessation in England and Wales. ADDICTION , 99 (11) 1470 - 1474. 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2004.00876.x. Green open access

McMunn, A; (2004) Social Roles and Women's Health: Need Satisfaction or Normative Satisfaction? Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Mindell, J; Boaz, A; Joffe, M; Curtis, S; Birley, M; (2004) Enhancing the evidence base for health impact assessment. J EPIDEMIOL COMMUN H , 58 (7) 546 - 551. Green open access

Mindell, J; Joffe, M; (2004) Predicted health impacts of urban air quality management. J EPIDEMIOL COMMUN H , 58 (2) 103 - 113. Green open access

Mindell, J; Sheridan, L; Joffe, M; Samson-Barry, H; Atkinson, S; (2004) Health impact assessment as an agent of policy change: Improving the health impacts of the mayor of London's draft transport strategy. J EPIDEMIOL COMMUN H , 58 (3) 169 - 174. 10.1136/jech.2003.012385. Green open access


Raine, R; Carter, S; Sensky, T; Black, N; (2004) General practitioners' perceptions of chronic fatigue syndrome and beliefs about its management, compared with irritable bowel syndrome: qualitative study. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , 328 (7452) 1354-1256B. 10.1136/bmj.38078.503819.EE. Green open access


Saxena, S; Ambler, G; Cole, TJ; Majeed, A; (2004) Ethnic group differences in overweight and obese children and young people in England: cross sectional survey. ARCH DIS CHILD , 89 (1) 30 - 36. Green open access

Stafford, M; Martikainen, P; Lahelma, E; Marmot, M; (2004) Neighbourhoods and self rated health: a comparison of public sector employees in London and Helsinki. J EPIDEMIOL COMMUN H , 58 (9) 772 - 778. 10.1136/jech.2003.015941. Green open access


Ussher, M; West, R; Evans, P; Steptoe, A; McEwen, B; Clow, A; Hucklebridge, F; (2004) Acute reduction in secretory immunoglobulin A following smoking cessation. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINO , 29 (10) 1335 - 1340. 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2004.04.004. Green open access


Vahtera, J; Pentti, J; Kivimaki, M; (2004) Sickness absence as a predictor of mortality among male and female employees. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH , 58 (4) pp. 321-326. 10.1136/jech.2003.011817. Green open access

Vahtera, J; Kivimaki, M; Pentti, J; Linna, A; Virtanen, M; Virtanen, P; Ferrie, JE; (2004) Organisational downsizing, sickness absence, and mortality: 10-town prospective cohort study. BRIT MED J , 328 (7439) 555 - 558. 10.1136/bmj.37972.496262.0D. Green open access


Wallace, P; Barber, J; Clayton, W; Currell, R; Fleming, K; Garner, P; Haines, A; ... Wainwright, P; + view all (2004) Virtual outreach: a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of joint teleconferenced medical consultations. HEALTH TECHNOL ASSES , 8 (50) 1 - +. Green open access

Wardle, J; Steptoe, A; Gulis, G; Sartory, G; Sek, H; Todorova, I; Vogele, C; (2004) Depression, perceived control, and life satisfaction in university students from Central-Eastern and Western Europe. INT J BEHAV MED , 11 (1) 27 - 36. Green open access

Wiggins, RD; Higgs, PFD; Hyde, M; Blane, DB; (2004) Quality of life in the third age: key predictors of the CASP-19 measure. Ageing and Society , 24 (5) 693 - 708. 10.1017/S0144686X04002284. Green open access

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