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Number of items: 23.


Abberton, E; (2002) Aspects of voice quality in women. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Speech Sciences, Seoul, Korea. (pp. 128 - 131). Korean Association of Speech Sciences (KASS): Seoul, Korea. Green open access


Barker, C; Pistrang, N; (2002) Psychotherapy and social support - Integrating research on psychological helping. CLIN PSYCHOL REV , 22 (3) 361 - 379. Green open access

Belsky, J; Fearon, RMP; (2002) Infant-mother attachment security, contextual risk, and early development: A moderational analysis. DEV PSYCHOPATHOL , 14 (2) 293 - 310. 10.1017/S0954579402002067. Green open access


Chan, D; Fox, N; Rossor, M; (2002) Differing patterns of temporal atrophy in Alzheimer's disease and semantic dementia. [Letter]. Neurology , 58 (5) p. 838. 10.1212/WNL.58.5.838.

Cormier, K; (2002) Grammaticization of indexic signs: How American Sign Language expresses numerosity. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UNSPECIFIED.

Corrin, Juliette; (2002) The emergence of early grammar: a conversation analytic perspective. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Cox, AL; (2002) Exploratory Learning of Interactive Devices: What People Do and What People Learn. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


El Sharkawi, A; Ramig, L; Logemann, JA; Pauloski, BR; Rademaker, AW; Smith, CH; Pawlas, A; ... Werner, C; + view all (2002) Swallowing and voice effects of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT (R)): a pilot study. JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY , 72 (1) pp. 31-36. Green open access


Freeman, E; Sagi, D; Driver, J; (2002) Psychophysical measurement of attention modulation in low-level vision using the lateral-interactions paradigm. In: Cantoni, M and Marinaro, M and Petrosino, A, (eds.) Visual Attention Mechanisms. (pp. 25-40). Plenum Press Green open access


Hogh, P; Smith, SJ; Scahill, RI; Chan, D; Harvey, RJ; Fox, NC; Rossor, MN; (2002) Epilepsy presenting as AD: Neuroimaging, electroclinical features, and response to treatment. Neurology , 58 (2) pp. 298-301. 10.1212/WNL.58.2.298.

Howard, IS; Huckvale, MA; (2002) Two-level recognition of isolated word using neural nets. In: 1989 First IEE International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, (Conf. Publ. No. 313). (pp. pp. 90-94). IET: London, UK,. Green open access

Huckvale, M; (2002) Speech synthesis, Speech simulation and speech science. In: (pp. pp. 1261-1264). Green open access


Morgan, G; Smith, N; Tsimpli, I; Woll, B; (2002) Language against the odds: the learning of British Sign Language by a polyglot savant. J LINGUIST , 38 (1) 1 - 41. 10.1017/S0022226701001220. Green open access


Perovic, A; (2002) Language in Down syndrome: Delay of Principle A Effect. (Durham Working Papers in Linguistics 8). Durham University: Durham, UK.

Pilling, S; Bebbington, P; Kuipers, E; Garety, P; Geddes, J; Martindale, B; Orbach, G; (2002) Psychological treatments in schizophrenia: II. Meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials of social skills training and cognitive remediation. PSYCHOL MED , 32 (5) 783 - 791. 10.1017/S0033291702005640. Green open access


Ridley, J; Radford, J; Mahon, M; (2002) How do teachers manage topic and repair. Child Language Teaching and Therapy , 18 (1) pp. 43-58. 10.1191/0265659002ct226oa. Green open access


Spiers, Hugo James; (2002) Temporal Lobe Contributions to Topographical and Episodic Memory. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).

Strange, BA; Otten, LJ; Josephs, O; Rugg, MD; Dolan, RJ; (2002) Dissociable human perirhinal, hippocampal, and parahippocampal roles during verbal encoding. Journal of Neuroscience , 22 (2) pp.523 - 528. Green open access

Szendroi, Kriszta; (2002) Stress-focus correspondence in Italian. In: Beyssade, C and Bok-Bennema, R and Drijkoningen, F and Monachesi, P, (eds.) Romance languages and linguistic theory 2000. Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 2000, Utrecht, 30 November- 2 December. (pp. 287-303). John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Green open access


Timmer, P; Long, J; (2002) Expressing the effectiveness of planning horizons. Le Travail Humain , 65 (2) 103 - 126. 10.3917/th.652.0103. Green open access


Varley, R; Siegal, M; (2002) Language, cognition, and the nature of modularity: Evidence from aphasia. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 25 (6) 702 - 703. 10.1017/S0140525X02520124. Green open access

Vazquez-Alvarez, Y; Huckvale, M; (2002) The Reliability of the ITU-P.85 Standard for the Evaluation of Text-to-Speech Systems. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing: ICSLP-2002. (pp. 329 - 332). ISCA: Denver, Colorado, USA. Green open access


Williams, AC; (2002) Facial expression of pain: an evolutionary account. Behav Brain Sci , 25 (4) 439 - 455. 10.1017/S0140525X02000080. Green open access

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