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Number of items: 33.


Ayris, P; (2010) University and Research Libraries in Europe – Working towards Open Access. Presented at: Accesso aperto alla conoscenza. Accesso libero alla biblioteca. 56th National Congress of the AIB., Florence. Green open access

Ayris, P.; (2010) Digitised Content: How we Make It Relevant to Researchers, Teachers and Students. Presented at: Find It, Get it, Use it, Store it: 5th UNICA Scholarly Communication Seminar, Lisbon. Green open access

Ayris, P.; (2010) Economists Online: summing up. Presented at: Subject Repositories: European collaboration in the international context, British Library Conference Centre, London, UK. Green open access

Ayris, P.; (2010) The LERU Roadmap to Open Access. Presented at: LIBER 2010 Annual Conference, Aarhus, Denmark. Green open access

Ayris, P.; (2010) The status of digitisation in Europe: extensive summary of the second LIBER-EBLIDA workshop on the digitisation of library materials in Europe. LIBER Quarterly , 19 (3/4) pp. 193-226. Green open access


Blue Ribbon Task Force on Sustainable Digital Preservation and A, The; (2010) Sustainable economics for a digital planet: ensuring long-term access to digital information. Final report of the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access. Green open access

Brown, J; (2010) Consortial projects: the SHERPA-LEAP experience. Presented at: Kultur Project meeting, London. Green open access

Brown, J.; (2010) An introduction to overlay journals. Repositories Support Project: UK. Green open access

Brown, J.; (2010) Literature review of research into attitudes towards electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). UCL Library Services/ SHERPA LEAP: London, UK. Green open access

Brown, J.; (2010) MERLIN: Metadata Enrichment for Repositories in a London Institutional Network. Presented at: JISC Automatic Metadata Generation and Text Mining Projects Meeting, America Square Conference Centre, London. Green open access

Brown, J.; Sadler, K.; (2010) Embargos. (E-theses Best Practice Summaries ). UCL (University College London) Green open access

Brown, J.; Sadler, K.; (2010) Impact on future publication. (E-theses Best Practice Summaries ). UCL (University College London) Green open access

Brown, J.; Sadler, K.; (2010) Plagiarism. (E-theses Best Practice Summaries ). UCL (University College London) Green open access

Brown, J.; Sadler, K.; (2010) Policies. (E-theses Best Practice Summaries ). UCL (University College London) Green open access

Brown, J.; Sadler, K.; (2010) Sensitive content. (E-theses Best Practice Summaries ). UCL (University College London) Green open access

Brown, J.; Sadler, K.; (2010) Third-party copyright. (E-theses Best Practice Summaries ). UCL (University College London) Green open access

Brown, J.; Sadler, K.; (2010) Vision, impact, success: mandating electronic theses. Case studies of e-theses mandates in practice in the UK Higher Education sector. UCL (University College London) Green open access

Brown, J.; Sadler, K.; (2010) Workflow. (E-theses Best Practice Summaries ). UCL (University College London) Green open access

Brown, J.; Sadler, K.; Moyle, M.; (2010) Influencing the Deposit of Electronic Theses in UK HE: report on a sector-wide survey into thesis deposit and open access. UCL (University College London) Green open access

Brown, J.A.; (2010) Overlay journals, repositories and the evolution of scholarly communication. Presented at: OR 2010: The 5th International Conference on Open Repositories, Madrid, Spain. Green open access


Hedges, J; Secker, J; (2010) Survey of digitisation of core readings in UK Higher Education. University College London (UCL) / London School of Economics (LSE): London, UK. Green open access

Hill, R.; Moyle, M.; (2010) Investigating the impact of e-theses at DCU. Presented at: LIBER 2010 Annual Conference, Aarhus, Denmark. Green open access


Josiffe, Christopher; (2010) Origins of writing: magic or accountancy? Masters thesis (Cert HE), SOAS University of London. Green open access


Moyle, M.; (2010) DART-Europe: a short introduction. Presented at: LIBER 2010 Annual Conference, Aarhus, Denmark. Green open access

Moyle, M.; (2010) DART-Europe: Digital Access to Research Theses. Presented at: AURA Journée d'étude. Diffuser et valoriser les thèses: quelle place pour les bibliothèques universitaires?, Metz, France. Green open access

Moyle, M.; (2010) DART-Europe: pan-European networking and services. ALISS Quarterly , 5 (2) pp. 37-40. Green open access

Moyle, M.; (2010) MERLIN (Metadata Enrichment for Libraries in a London Institutional Network): short overview. Presented at: MERLIN Steering Group meeting 1, UCL (University College London). Green open access

Moyle, M.; Beeke, S.; Mahon, M.; Mahon, M.S.; (2010) CAVA (Human Communication: an Audio-Visual Archive for UCL) Project. Final report. UCL (University College London) Green open access

Moyle, M.; Tonra, J.; Wallace, V.; (2010) Crowdsourcing manuscript transcription: the Transcribe Bentham project. Presented at: LIBER 2010 Annual Conference, Aarhus, Denmark. Green open access


Peacock, L.; (2010) Czech collections at UCL SSEES Library. Newsletter of the UK Friends of Czech Historic Buildings, Gardens and Parks , 2 pp. 16-17. Green open access


Sadler, K.; (2010) Survey of research libraries on aggregation of digital content. Presented at: EuropeanaTravel Plenary meeting, Bratislava. Green open access

Sadler, K.; Moyle, M.; Pitman, L.; (2010) EuropeanaTravel. Presented at: UCL Centre for Digital Humanities launch event, UCL (University College London). Green open access


Wong, W; Stelmaszewska, H; Bhimani, N; Barn, S; Barn, B; (2010) JISC User Behaviour Observational Study: User Behaviour in Resource Discovery: Final Report. JISC (Joint Information Systems Council): London, UK. Green open access

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