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Number of items: 19.


Ayris, P.; (2009) The EU-funded EuropeanaTravel project. Liber Quarterly , 19 (2) pp. 63-102. Green open access

Ayris, P.; (2009) LIBER's involvement in supporting digital preservation in member libraries. Liber Quarterly , 19 (1) pp. 22-43. Green open access

Ayris, P.; (2009) LIBER’s involvement in supporting digital preservation in member libraries. LIBER Quarterly , 19 (1) Green open access

Ayris, P.; (2009) New wine in old bottles: current developments in digital delivery and dissemination. European Review , 17 (1) pp. 53-71. 10.1017/S1062798709000568. Green open access

Polydoratou, P.; (2009) The UCL Data Audit Framework (DAF) pilot implementation project. D-Lib Magazine , 15 (1/2) Green open access

Proceedings paper

Moyle, M.; (2009) DART-Europe-E-theses Portál a Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce z České Republiky. In: Systémy pro zpřístupňování VŠKP : zkušenosti, možnosti, nabídky, potřeby : 4. ročník semináře konaného 21. 10. 2009 na VUT v Brně. Odborná komise pro otázky elektronického zpřístupňování VŠKP AKVŠ ČR: Praha, ČR. Green open access

Polydoratou, P.; (2009) Experimenting with the trial of a research data audit: some preliminary findings about data types, access to data and factors for long term preservation. In: ELPUB 2009 : 13th International Conference on Electronic Publishing : Rethinking Electronic Publishing : Innovation in Communication. Nuova Cultura: Italy. Green open access


Brown, J.; (2009) Comparing consortial repositories: a model-driven analysis. UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access

Mahon, M.S.; (2009) Descriptive metadata for the CAVA repository. UCL (University College London) Green open access

Mahon, M.S.; (2009) File formats for use in the CAVA repository. UCL (University College London) Green open access

Moyle, M.; Proudfoot, R.; (2009) Consortial routes to effective repositories. (RSP Briefing Papers ). Repositories Support Project: UK. Green open access

Moyle, M.; Stockley, R.; (2009) EMBRACE (EMbedding Repositories And Consortial Enhancement) project: final report. UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access

Polydoratou, P.; (2009) UCL DAF (Data Audit Framework) Pilot: final report. UCL Library Services Green open access

Sadler, K.; (2009) Survey of research libraries on aggregation of digital content. UCL (University College London) Green open access

Conference item

Moyle, M.; (2009) The DART-Europe E-theses Portal and ETDs from the Czech Republic. Presented at: 4th Seminar on Accessing ETDs, Brno University of Technology. Green open access

Moyle, M.; (2009) The DART-Europe E-theses Portal: helping the discovery of Europe's open access research theses. Presented at: ETD 2009: 12th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, University of Pittsburgh. Green open access

Moyle, M.; Rybalkina, E.; (2009) The DART-Europe E-theses Portal. Presented at: The 1st Forum of Young Scientists of Siberian Federal District “Knowledge Triangle” with international participation, Tomsk Polytechnic University. Green open access

Pressler, C.; Moyle, M.; (2009) Improving Access to European E-Theses: the DART-Europe Programme. Presented at: JISC Conference 2009 - Opening Digital Doors, Edinburgh, UK. Green open access


Moyle, M.; McLaren, E.; (2009) The DART-Europe E-theses Portal. Presented at: LIBER 38th Annual General Conference: ‘Innovation through Collaboration’, Toulouse, France. Green open access

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