Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 151.
Abraham, H;
Tort Liability for Belligerent Wrongs.
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
, 39
pp. 808-833.
Agnew, SC;
Douglas, S;
Self-Declarations of Trust.
Law Quarterly Review
, 135
pp. 67-87.
Agnew, SC;
McFarlane, B;
The Paradox of the Equitable Proprietary Claim.
In: McFarlane, B and Agnew, S, (eds.)
Modern Studies in Property Law, Volume 10.
Hart Publishing: Oxford, UK.
Ausloos, J;
Mahieu, R;
Veale, M;
Getting Data Subject Rights Right: A submission to the European Data Protection Board from international data rights academics, to inform regulatory guidance.
JIPITEC – Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law
, 10
pp. 283-309.
Azaria, D;
Article 2, Dispute Settlement Understanding.
In: Wolfrum, R and Stoll, P-T, (eds.)
Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law.
Azaria, Danae;
Pipelines and Countermeasures.
(Proceedings) Arthur Watts Public International Law Seminar Series: International Law Issues regarding Pipelines.
British Institute of International and Comparative
Azaria, Danae;
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties at 50 – ‘A Complete Code or a Code to be Completed over Time’?
(Proceedings) 50th Anniversary of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
British Institute of International and Comparative Law
Azaria, D;
The International Law Commission's Return to the Law of Sources of International Law.
FIU Law Review
, 13
pp. 989-1006.
Azaria, D;
Wightman et al. v. Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union.
American Journal of International Law
, 113
pp. 799-805.
Balmer, N;
Pleasence, P;
Hagland, T;
McRae, C;
Law…What is it Good For? How People see the Law, Lawyers and Courts in Australia.
(Victoria Law Foundation Research
Victoria Law Foundation: Melbourne, Australia.
Barendt, E;
Thoughts on a Thinker-Based Approach to Freedom Of Speech.
Law and Philosophy
(In press).
Bartscherer, CJF;
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: One Step (Support) LTD v Morris‐Garner and Another.
Modern Law Review
, 82
pp. 367-376.
Black, Isra;
Forsberg, Lisa;
Ethical Challenges in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing in HIV Care.
In: Douaihy, Antoine and Amico, Rivet, (eds.)
Motivational Interviewing in HIV Care.
(pp. 157-166).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Bradley, Joshua D.;
Business Methods Patent Eligibility: An Examiner’s View and a Plea for Certainty.
Masters thesis (LL.M), University of Turin.
Brazier, M;
Montgomery, J;
Whence and whither 'modern medical law'?
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly
, 70
pp. 5-30.
Brener, A;
Chiu, H-Y;
Changing financial services firms’ behaviour through a duty of care.
Journal of Financial Compliance
, 3
pp. 67-75.
Brodeala, E;
Suteu, S;
Women and Constitution-Making in Post-Communist Romania.
In: Rubio-Marín, R and Irving, H, (eds.)
Women and Constitution-Making in Post-Communist Romania.
(pp. 81-152).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Burgess, P;
Deriving the international Rule of Law: an unnecessary, impractical and unhelpful exercise.
Transnational Legal Theory
, 10
pp. 65-96.
Burgess, P;
The Rule of Lore in the Rule of Law: Putting the Problem of the Rule of Law in Context.
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law
(In press).
Carroll, E;
Vaughan, S;
Matter Mills and London-Lite offices: exploring forms of the onshoring of legal services in an age of globalisation.
Legal Ethics
, 22
pp. 3-27.
Causer, T;
The broad arrow: Being passages from the history of Maida Gwynnham, a lifer [Book Review].
Journal of Australian Colonial History
, 21
pp. 202-203.
Causer, T;
"The evacuation of that scene of wickedness and wretchedness": Jeremy Bentham, the panopticon, and New South Wales, 1802-1803.
Journal of Australian Colonial History
, 21
pp. 1-24.
Chan, Leon Vincent;
The Beginning of the End of the Broad-Brush Approach? – A Case Comment of UQP v UQQ [2019] SGHCF 7 (April 2019). Singapore Law Watch Commentary (Issue 1 of Apr 2019).
Singapore Law Watch
Chiu, H;
Brener, A;
Articulating the Gaps in Financial Consumer Protection and Policy Choices for the Financial Conduct Authority - Moving Beyond the Question of Imposing a Duty of Care.
Capital Markets Law Journal
, 14
pp. 217-250.
Chiu, H-Y;
Pathways to European Policy and Regulation in the Crypto-economy.
European Journal of Risk Regulation
(In press).
Chiu, H-Y;
Transforming the Financial Advice Market - The Roles of Robo-advice, Financial Regulation and Public Governance in the UK.
Banking and Finance Law Review
, 35
pp. 9-35.
Chiu, IHY;
Greene, EF;
The Marriage of Technology, Markets and Sustainable (and) Social Finance: Insights from ICO Markets for a New Regulatory Framework.
European Business Organization Law Review
, 20
pp. 139-169.
Countouris, N;
Defining and Regulating Work Relations for the Future of Work.
(Future of Work Research Paper Series
International Labour Office: Gene, Switzerland.
Countouris, N;
De Stefano, V;
New trade union strategies for new forms of employment.
European Trade Union Confederation: Brussels, Belgium.
Countouris, N;
Adams, Z;
Heteromated labour in 21st century computing capitalism: A critical conceptualisation of ‘work’.
Procceedings of the 6th conference of ILO Regulating for Decent Work - 2019.
ILO: Geneva, Switzerland.
Davies, P;
Bad Bargains.
Current Legal Problems
, 72
pp. 253-286.
Davies, P;
Remedies in English Private Law: A 'Stand-Alone' Research Area?
In: Hoffmann, F and Kurz, F, (eds.)
Law of Remedies: A European Perspective.
(pp. 27-43).
Intersentia: Cambridge, UK.
Davies, P;
Interpretation and Implication in the Supreme Court.
The Cambridge Law Journal
(In press).
Davies, PS;
The Basis of Contractual Duties of Good Faith.
Journal of Commonwealth Law
, 1
Davies, PS;
Day, W;
A Mistaken Turn in the Law of Misrepresentation.
Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly
(In press).
Donaldson, M;
International Organizations and the Making of Modern Legal Histories.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Donovan, Anna;
Blockchain: Developing Regulatory Approaches for the use of Technology in Legal Services.
Legal Services Board: UK, London.
Dsouza, M;
Rationale-Based Defences in Criminal Law.
(1st ed.).
Hart Publishing: London, UK.
Dsouza, M;
Corporate Agents in Criminal Law – An Argument for Comprehensive Identification.
(UCL Working Paper Series
UCL Faculty of Laws: London, UK.
Dsouza, M;
A Philosophically Enriched Exegesis of Criminal Accessorial Liability.
UCL Journal of Law and Jurispridence
, 8
pp. 1-28.
Edwards, L;
Finck, M;
Veale, M;
Zingales, N;
Data subjects as data controllers: a Fashion(able) concept?
[Digital scholarly resource].
Fhima, I;
The public domain.
Intellectual Property Quarterly
, 2019
pp. 1-24.
Foster, D;
Construction and Execution of Trusts in Chancery, c. 1660–1750.
The Journal of Legal History
, 40
pp. 270-297.
Genn, H;
When Law is Good for Your Health: Mitigating the Social Determinants of Health through Access to Justice.
Current Legal Problems
, 72
pp. 159-2020.
George, R;
Matters of welfare and matters of law.
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law
, 41
pp. 358-361.
George, R;
The Legal Basis of the Court’s Jurisdiction to Authorise Medical Treatment of Children.
In: Goold, I and Herring, J and Auckland, C, (eds.)
Parental Rights, Best Interests and Significant Harms.
Hart Publishing: Oxford, UK.
(In press).
Gerstenberg, O;
Radical democracy and the rule of law: Reflections on J. Habermas’ legal philosophy.
International Journal Of Constitutional Law
, 17
pp. 1054-1058.
Green, Alexander Giles;
A Moral Explanation of Emerging Statehood: Political Community and International Law.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Gross, T;
Inkpen, K;
Lim, BY;
Veale, M;
The Human(s) in the Loop—Bringing AI and HCI Together.
In: Panayiotis, Zaphiris and David, Lamas, (eds.)
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2019: 17th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Paphos, Cyprus, September 2–6, 2019, Proceedings, Part IV.
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Grusic, U;
L’effet du Brexit sur le droit international privé du travail.
Revue critique de droit international privé
, 108
pp. 367-384.
Grusic, U;
Recent Developments in the European Private International Law of Employment.
Prontuáiro de Direito do Trabalho
, 2019
Grusic, U;
Unjust Enrichment and the Brussels I Regulation.
International and Comparative Law Quarterly
, 68
pp. 837-868.
Grusic, U;
European labour market: Posted Workers Directive and the social implications of the movement of labour.
In: Muir Watt, H and Bíziková, L and Brandão de Oliveira, A and Fernandez Arroyo, DP, (eds.)
Global Private International Law: Adjudication without Frontiers.
(pp. 472-492).
Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham.
Guruparan, Kumaravadivel;
Internal Self-Determination in Public International Law.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Hickman, T;
The Investigatory Powers Tribunal: a law unto itself?
Public Law
, [2019]
pp. 584-594.
Hunter-Henin, M;
Children's Religious Freedom in State Schools: Exemptions, Participation and Education.
In: Dwyer, J, (ed.)
Oxford Handbook of Children and the Law.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
(In press).
Inkpen, K;
Veale, M;
Chancellor, S;
De Choudhury, M;
Baumer, EPS;
Where is the human? Bridging the gap between AI and HCI.
In: Brewster, S and Fitzpatrick, G and Cox, A and Kostakos, V, (eds.)
CHI EA '19: Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): New York, NY, USA.
Kelly, R;
Reconsidering the punishment-prevention divide.
The Law Quarterly Review
pp. 12-17.
Kelly, R;
Sentencing Terrorism Offences: No Harm Intended.
Criminal Law Review
p. 772.
King, J;
The Democratic Case for a Written Constitution.
Current Legal Problems
, 72
pp. 1-36.
King, J;
Martin Krygier and the Tempering of Power.
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law
, 11
pp. 363-370.
King, J;
The Future of Social Rights: Social Rights as Capstone.
In: Young, K, (ed.)
The Future of Economic and Social Rights.
(pp. 289-323).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Lee, M;
Scotford, EAK;
Environmental Principles After Brexit: The Draft Environment (Principles and Governance) Bill.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN): Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Letsas, G;
How to argue for law's full-blooded normativity.
In: Plunkett, D and Shapiro, S and Toh, K, (eds.)
Dimensions of normativity: new essays on metaethics and jurisprudence.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
(In press).
Lianos, I;
Mantzari, D;
Marin Duran, G;
Darr, A;
Raslan, A;
The Global Governance of Online Consumer Protection and E-commerce: Building Trust.
World Economic Forum: Geneva, Switzerland.
Lianos, IIoannis;
The Future of Competition Policy in Europe - Some reflections on the interaction between industrial policy and competition law.
(CLES Policy Paper Series
Centre for Law, Economics and Society (CLES) Faculty of Laws, UCL London: London, UK.
Lianos, I;
Competition Law for a Complex Economy.
[Editorial comment].
IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law
, 50
pp. 643-648.
Lianos, I;
Updating the EU Internal Market Concept.
In: Amtenbrink, F and Davies, G and Kochenov, D and Lindeboom, J, (eds.)
The Internal Market and the Future of European Integration: Essays in Honour of Laurence W. Gormley.
(pp. 495-548).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Lianos, I;
The Poverty of Competition Law.
In: Gerard, D and Lianos, I, (eds.)
Reconciling Efficiency and Equity: A Global Challenge for Competition Policy.
(pp. 45-87).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Lianos, I;
Blockchain Competition – Gaining Competitive Advantage in the Digital Economy: Competition Law Implications.
In: Hacker, P and Lianos, I and Dimitropoulos, G and Eich, S, (eds.)
Regulating Blockchain: Techno-Social and Legal Challenges.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
(In press).
Lianos, I;
Agricultural mega-mergers and Innovation –Between Competition Law, Regulation and IP Rights.
In: Muscolo, G and Tavassi, M, (eds.)
The Interplay Between Competition Law and Intellectual Property: An International Perspective.
Kluwer International: Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands.
Lianos, I;
Countouris, N;
De Stefano, V;
Re-thinking the competition law/labour law interaction: Promoting a fairer labour market.
European Labour Law Journal
, 10
pp. 291-333.
Mantouvalou, V;
'"I Lost my Job Over a Facebook Post - Was that Fair?" Discipline and Dismissal for Social Media Activity'.
The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations
, 35
pp. 101-125.
Mantouvalou, V;
Work, Human Rights, and Human Capabilities.
In: Langille, B, (ed.)
The Capabilities Approach and Labour Law.
(pp. 202-217).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Mantzari, D;
Judicial Scrutiny of Regulatory Decisions at the UK’s Specialist Competition Appeal Tribunal.
In: de Poorter, J and Hirsch Ballin, E and Lavrijssen, S, (eds.)
Judicial Review of Administrative Discretion in the Administrative State.
(pp. 63-80).
T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague, The Netherlands.
Mantzari, D;
Ioannidou, M;
The UK Domestic Gas Electricity (Tariff Cap) Act: Re-regulating the Retail Energy Market.
Modern Law Review
, 82
pp. 488-507.
Marin Duran, G;
Espa, I;
EU and WTO Regulatory Approaches to Renewable Energy Subsidies: Negative and Positive Integration.
Positive Integration - EU and WTO Approaches Towards the "Trade and" Debate
pp. 61-86.
McFarlane, B;
Form and substance in equity.
In: Robertson, A and Goudkamp, J, (eds.)
Form and substance in the law of obligations.
(pp. 197-218).
Hart: Oxford, UK.
McFarlane, B;
Avoiding anarchy?
In: Turner, P and Goldberg, J and Smith, H, (eds.)
Equity and Law: Fusion and Fission.
(pp. 331-352).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Mills, A;
Private Interests and Private Law Regulation in Public International Law Jurisdiction.
In: Cragl, P and Allen, S and Guntrip, E and Fitzmaurice, M and Costelloe, D, (eds.)
Oxford Handbook on Jurisdiction in International Law.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Mills, A;
Trapp, K;
UCL Public International Law Pro Bono Project;
Submission to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in Relation to a Request for an Advisory Opinion presented by the Republic of Colombia: Written Observations of Law.
UCL Public International Law Pro Bono Project: London, UK.
Mills, A;
Conceptualising Party Autonomy in Private International Law.
Revue Critique de Droit International Privé
, 2019
pp. 405-426.
Mills, A;
Public and Private International Law and the Value(s) of Legal Pluralism.
Legal Diversity in International Law.
Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.
(In press).
Mills, A;
Recognition of Punitive Damages in the United Kingdom.
In: Bariatti, S and Crespi, R and Fumagalli, L, (eds.)
Punitive Damages and European Private International Law.
Mills, A;
Indigenous norms and judicial anthropology: Song Mao.
In: Muir Watt, H and Fernández Arroyo, D and Bizikova, L and Brandao de Oliveira, A, (eds.)
Global Private International Law: Adjudication without Frontiers.
(pp. 118-150).
Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham.
Mitchell, P;
Professor John G Fleming (1919–1997): ‘A Sense of Fluidity’.
In: Goudkamp, J and Nolan, D, (eds.)
Scholars of Tort Law.
(pp. 289-308).
Hart Publishing: London, UK.
Mitchell, P;
The modern history of tort remedies in England and Wales.
In: Halson, R and Campbell, D, (eds.)
Research Handbook on Remedies in Private Law.
(pp. 36-43).
Edward Elgar: Camberley, UK.
Mokal, R;
Tirado, I;
Has Newton had his day? Relativity and realism in European restructuring.
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law
pp. 233-235.
Montgomery, J;
The ‘tragedy’ of Charlie Gard: a case study for regulation of innovation?
Law, Innovation and Technology
, 11
pp. 155-174.
Montgomery, J;
What’s in a name? Labelling effects on analysis of the role of law in health.
Journal of Medical Law and Ethics
, 7
pp. 111-137.
Montgomery, J;
The Value of Tolerance and the Tolerability of Competing Values.
In: Williams, R and Kemp, V and Haslam, A and Haslam, C and Bhui, K and Bailey, S, (eds.)
Social Scaffolding: Applying the Lessons of Contemporary Social Science to Health and Healthcare.
(pp. 105-113).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Montgomery, J;
WIlliams, R;
Public Health Values and Evidence-Based Practice.
In: WIlliams, R and Kemp, V and Haslam, A and Haslam, C and Bhui, K and Bailey, S, (eds.)
Social Scaffolding: Applying the Lessons of Contemporary Social Science to Health and Healthcare.
(pp. 227-243).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Moore, MT;
The gig economy: a hypothetical contract analysis.
Legal Studies
, 39
pp. 579-597.
(In press).
Morris, S;
Patel, O;
Stainthorp, C;
Stevenson, O;
Structurally Unsound - Exploring Inequalities: Igniting research to better inform UK policy.
UCL Grand Challenges: London, UK.
Mühlberger, G;
Seaward, L;
Terras, M;
Ares Oliveira, S;
Bosch, V;
Bryan, M;
Colutto, S;
... Zagoris, K; + view all
Transforming Scholarship in the Archives Through Handwritten Text Recognition: Transkribus as a Case Study.
Journal of Documentation
, 75
pp. 954-976.
Natarajan, L;
Lock, SJ;
Rydin, Y;
Lee, M;
Participatory planning and major infrastructure: experiences in REI NSIP regulation.
Town Planning Review
, 90
pp. 117-138.
Nikolic, Igor;
Licensing standard essential patents: FRAND and the internet of things.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Nocilla, Alfonso Salvatore;
Corporate Rescue at the Crossroads.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
O'Cinneide, C;
Grenfell and the Limited Reach of Equality within the UK Constitutional Order.
Queen Mary Human Rights Law Review
, 5
O'Cinneide, C;
Luximon and Balchand v Minister for Justice – Securing Rule of Law in the Immigration Quicksand.
Irish Supreme Court Review
, 1
pp. 1-13.
O'Cinneide, C;
The Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018 - A Rights-Based Approach to Social Security?
Edinburgh Law Review
, 23
pp. 117-123.
O'Cinneide, C;
Giving Legal Substance to the Social Minimum.
In: Kotkas, T and Leijten, I and Pennings, F, (eds.)
Specifying and Securing a Social Minimum in the Battle Against Poverty.
(pp. 183-200).
Hart Publishing: Oxford, UK.
O'Cinneide, C;
The Human Rights of Migrants with Irregular Status: Giving Substance to Aspirations of Universalism.
In: Spencer, S and Triandafyllidou, A, (eds.)
Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe: Evolving Conceptual and Policy Challenges.
Springer: Switzerland, Cham.
(In press).
O'Cinneide, C;
12 - The Present Limits and Future Potential of European Social Constitutionalism.
In: Young, KG, (ed.)
The Future of Economic and Social Rights.
(pp. 324-352).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
O'Cinneide, C;
Crowther, N;
Bridging the Divide: Integrating the Functions of National Equality Bodies and National Human Rights Institutions in the European Union.
Juridikum: zeitschrift für kritik recht gesellschaft
pp. 210-221.
Oakley, E;
Vaughan, S;
In Dependence: The Paradox of Professional Independence and Taking Seriously the Vulnerabilities of Lawyers in Large Corporate Law Firms.
Journal of Law and Society
, 46
pp. 83-111.
OECD/Open Society Foundations;
Legal Needs Surveys and Access to Justice.
OECD Publishing: Paris, France.
Ozdel, M;
International Recent Developments: United Kingdom.
Tulane Maritime Law Journal
, 43
, Article 537.
Ozdel, M;
United Kingdom: shipping law - carriage of goods (case comment).
International Company and Commercial Law Review
, 30
Paparinskis, M;
Introductory Note to Immunities and Criminal Jurisdiction (Equatorial Guinea v France): Preliminary Objections (I.C.J.).
International Legal Materials
, 58
pp. 1-70.
Paparinskis, M;
Kotuby Jr., Charles; Sobota, Luke; General Principles of Law and International Due Process: Principles and Norms Applicable in Transnational Disputes.
European Journal of International Law
, 30
pp. 689-694.
Paparinskis, M;
Conclusions: General Principles and the other Sources of International Law.
In: Andenas, M and Fitzmaurice, M and Tanzi, A and Wouters, J, (eds.)
General Principles and the Coherence of International Law.
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
Petrin, M;
Corporate Management in the Age of AI.
Columbia Business Law Review
, 2019
pp. 965-1030.
Pleasence, P;
Balmer, N;
Práctica global en la evaluación de necesidades legales.
In: Rodriguez, MF, (ed.)
Aportes para la construcción de un ecosistema de justicia centrado en las personas.
(pp. 73-92).
Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de la Nación, Argentina: Buenos Aires.
Pleasence, PT;
Balmer, NJ;
Development of a General Legal Confidence Scale: A First Implementation of the Rasch Measurement Model in Empirical Legal Studies.
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies
, 16
pp. 143-174.
Quinn, M;
Bentham on Preventive Police: The Calendar of Delinquency in Evaluation of Policy and the Police Gazette in Manipulation of Opinion.
International Criminal Justice Review
(In press).
Raczynska, M;
Tracing proceeds of unauthorised dispositions of assets subject to a charge.
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law
, 24
pp. 152-153.
Raczynska, ME;
The Proprietary Nature of Title-based Financing Interests.
In: McFarlane, B and Agnew, S, (eds.)
Modern Studies in Property Law.
(pp. 125-142).
Hart: London, UK.
Razai, Sara Saosan;
The Role and Significance of Judges in the Arab Middle East: An interdisciplinary and empirical study.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Ryk – Lakhman, Ira;
The Protection of Foreign Investments in Armed Conflicts.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Saprai, P;
Moving Beyond Promise: A Response to the Choice Theory of Contracts.
Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies
, 20
pp. 104-119.
Saprai, Prince;
Promising Under Duress.
Law and Philosophy
, 38
pp. 465-480.
Saprai, P;
Mills, C;
Commercial Boycotting and Conscientious Breach of Contract.
Journal of Applied Philosophy
, 36
pp. 575-591.
Schofield, P;
Utilitarianism, God, and Moral Obligation from Locke to Sidgwick.
In: Breckman, W and Gordon, PE, (eds.)
The Cambridge History of Modern European Thought.
(pp. 111-130).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Schofield, P;
«The first steps rightly directed in the track of legislation»: Jeremy Bentham on Cesare Beccaria’s Essay on Crimes and Punishments.
Diciottesimo Secolo
, 4
pp. 65-74.
Schofield, P;
Jeremy Bentham on Freedom of the Press, Public Opinion, and Good Government.
Scandinavica. An International Journal of Scandinavian Studies
, 58
pp. 39-57.
Schofield, P;
In: Breckman, W and Gordon, P, (eds.)
The Cambridge History of Modern European Thought.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Scotford, E;
Is legal adjudication essential for enforcing ambitious climate change policies?
In: Hulme, M, (ed.)
Contemporary Climate Change Debates: A Student Primer.
Routeledge: Oxford, UK.
Scotford, E;
Minas, S;
Probing the hidden depths of climate law: Analysing national climate change legislation.
Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law
, 28
pp. 67-81.
Scotford, EAK;
Environmental Principles across Jurisdictions: Legal Connectors and Catalysts.
In: Lees, E and Vinuales, J, (eds.)
Oxford Handbook on Comparative Environmental Law.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Simone, DT;
Copyright and Collective Authorship: Locating the Authors of Collaborative Work.
Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Suteu, S;
Handbook on Democratic Constitutions.
Democracy Reporting International (DRI): Berlin, Germany.
Suteu, Silvia;
The Populist Turn in Central and Eastern Europe: Is Deliberative Democracy Part of the Solution?
European Constitutional Law Review
, 15
pp. 488-518.
Suteu, S;
Recourse to the People in Semi-Presidential Systems: Lessons from Romanian Referendum Practice During Periods of Divided Government.
Romanian Journal of Comparative Law
, 10
pp. 264-300.
Trapp, KN;
Jurisdiction and State Responsibility.
In: Allen, S and Fitzmaurice, M and Guntrip, E and Costeelloe, D and Gragl, P, (eds.)
Oxford Handbook of Jurisdiction in International Law.
(pp. 355-380).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Twining, W;
Jurist in Context: A Memoir.
Law in Context.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Twining, W.;
Bentham’s Theory of Evidence: Setting a Context.
Journal of Bentham Studies
, 18
pp. 20-37.
Vassileva, R;
On the Diverging Conceptions of Fairness in English and Bulgarian Contract Law: The Peculiar Transformation(s) of Roman Causa.
Oxford University Comparative Law Forum
, 1
Vassileva, R;
Pédamon, C;
The "Duty to Cooperate" in English and French Contract Law: One Channel, Two Distinct Views.
Journal of Comparative Law
, 14
pp. 1-15.
Vaughan, S;
Moorhead, R;
Which Way is the Wind Blowing.
Lawyers On Demand Limited
Veale, M;
Brass, I;
Administration by Algorithm? Public Management meets Public Sector Machine Learning.
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