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Number of items: 36.
Amer, A A M;
A Comparative study of English and Egyptian word associations and their implications for the teaching of English to Egyptian learners.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Andrews, R. G.;
Literature, dogma and education : a study of Matthew Arnold's later criticism and its educational implications for today.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Ashwin, C. F.;
The teaching of drawing in general education in German-speaking Europe 1800-1900.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Beckett, K. S.;
On the concept of education.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Best, G;
An examination of the relationship between thinking in history and economics and some implications for their study in the sixth form.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Boulet, A. E.;
An evaluation of a general model for individualizing instruction.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Boulos, W. A.;
Physics in the curriculum of general secondary schools in Egypt : a comparative study with reference to trends in English sixth forms.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Burgess, Bernard George;
A further study of opinions of Essex primary teachers about religious education and school assembly in the context of contemporary controversy.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Carson, A S;
Control of the curriculum and the competence of teachers.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Corben, Percy Frank;
Music education in the field of adult non-vocational studies.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Court, E G W C;
An evaluation of Technician Education Council programmes: a pilot survey.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Coy, P J V;
Education for leisure: an investigation and evaluation of the growth of leisure pursuits in education with particular reference to final year adolescents in a London borough.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Echeverria, M. A. K.;
The role of the mother as a para-professional helper in the pre-school setting.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Elliot, J;
A study of teacher participation in the development of practical theory.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Gale, J;
The diagnostic thinking process in medical education and clinical practice.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Granowski, H. B.;
The sociology of morality and education : a theoretical critique applied to an empirical study of moral judgement making in a girls comprehensive school.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Gurunadham, M V;
A communicative approach to syllabus design for teaching English in Indian schools.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Hartley, R. L.;
The investigation of impulsive and reflective behaviour in disadvantaged school children.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Hewison, Jenny;
Home environment and reading attainment: a study of children in a working class community.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Jones, Malcolm Stanley.;
Signs, communications and understanding.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Kavanagh, S. J.;
Attitudes and attitude changes of normal children aged five to ten towards mentally handicapped children present in their school.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Kia, M.;
On cultural accent.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Madge, N. J. H.;
The meaning of handicap : some professional, administrative, theoretical and personal perspectives.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Mattheou, D. M.;
The politics of educational change : a case study of the Greek secondary school curriculum in the post-World War 2 period.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Mostafa, A. M. A.;
An empirical study of taxonomic norms of English and Arabic native speakers, and their relevance to EFL teaching in Egyptian state schools.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Newick, Shula Valerie;
A conceptual analysis of the experience of aloneness as a necessary condition for the making of art.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Njini, K. S.;
The planning and provision of teacher education in Rhodesia 1923-1953.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
O'keeffe, D J;
The sociology of human capital.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Pilavios, Alexios;
The 'overeducated' Greek: three essays in human capital theory.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Pixell, M.;
An exploratory study of the nature of interest and its implications for education.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Smeaton, M E;
An investigation with particular reference to geography into the professional training of teachers in colleges of education in England and Wales.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Soliman, M. S. H.;
Planning for reform of university education in Egypt, with special reference to its role in national development, students admission and policy of expansion.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Southgate, P;
A study of the origins and development of open education in England and Wales and a consideration of some of its effects.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Thomas, A;
The expressive aspects of movement behaviour related to personality with specific references to two groups of students studying dance in higher education.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Walsh, M. J.;
A contribution made to the Education of Women by Catherine Esther Beecher in the nineteenth century.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.
Wittmann, L. C.;
Centralization and decentralization in higher education systems - with special reference to the geoeducational districts of policy in Brazil.
Doctoral thesis , Institute of Education, University of London.