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Banquet among the stars: Gnathia and West Slope ware from the Diomedes sanctuary on the island of Palagruža

Miše, M; (2017) Banquet among the stars: Gnathia and West Slope ware from the Diomedes sanctuary on the island of Palagruža. Vjesnik za Arheologiju i Povijest Dalmatinsku , 110 (1) pp. 233-255. Green open access

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Numerous sherds of fine Greek and Hellenistic ware found at the Diomedes sanctuary on Palagruža - a small island in the middle of the Adriatic - already attracted the attention of scholars in the field of ceramic studies. However, most of the fine ware was published in the field reports as a result of preliminary analysis. The study of the Gnathia and West Slope ware presents the first details analyses of two types of fine ware found on this island sanctuary. Comparative typological and stylistically analyses of Gnathia ware have shown that the most common shapes of vessels were cups and jugs of the late 4thand 3rdc. BC of Apulian provenance, while some sherds can be attributed to Issaean production. These testify that sailors from both Adriatic coasts visited the sanctuary. The rare sherds of the contemporaneous West Slope ware found on Palagruža could belong to the Attic provenance and one Medusa plate belongs to Cretan production. Most sherds of both types of ware belong to wine drinking sets, attesting that drinking was main activity on the sanctuary during the Hellenistic times. // Brojni ulomci fine grčke i helenističke keramike nađeni u Diomedovu svetištu na Palagruži - otočiću usred Jadrana - već su privukli pozornost znanstvenika na području istraživanja keramike. No veći dio fine keramike objavljen je u terenskim izvješćima slijedom preliminarnih analiza. Studija keramike tipa Gnathia i West Slope predstavlja prvu detaljnu analizu ovih dvaju tipova fine keramike nađene u tom otočnom svetištu. Komparativne tipološke i stilske analize keramike tipa Gnathia pokazale su da se najveći dio najzastupljenijih tipova posuda odnosi na čaše i vrčeve iz kasnog 4. i 3. st. pr. Kr., poglavito apulskog podrijetla, dok se neki ulomci mogu pripisati isejskoj proizvodnji. To svjedoči o tome da su svetište pohodili pomorci s obje obale Jadrana. Rijetki ulomci onovremene keramike tipa West Slope pronađeni na Palagruži mogli bi biti atičkog podrijetla, a jedan tanjur s glavom Meduze pripada kretskoj produkciji. Većina ulomaka obaju tipova keramike pripada posuđu za konzumaciju vina, što potvrđuje da je pijenje bilo glavna aktivnost u svetištu tijekom helenističkog razdoblja.

Type: Article
Title: Banquet among the stars: Gnathia and West Slope ware from the Diomedes sanctuary on the island of Palagruža
Open access status: An open access version is available from UCL Discovery
Publisher version: https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=clanak&id_cla...
Language: English
Additional information: Copyright © 2017, Arheoloski Muzej-Split. All rights reserved. This is an Open Access journal under CCBY. The OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) is the H2020 European Commission (EC) project that promotes open access to scientific publications and research data and builds European research and research infrastructure to find, retrieve and re-use research results, thus enhancing visibility European Commission project research results. Hrcak is fully in line with OpenAIRE guidelines for Literature Repository Managers 3.0. and is April 08, 2015 registered as a source of data on the OpenAIRE portal, which is being drafted by all EU member states. For the editorial of the journal and authors this means that the works published on Hruka are also visible through the OpenAIRE portal, which ensures a greater readership and thus cite . The hacking news on OpenAIRE portal is available on the Heart Web site. Through the OpenAIRE2020 project, the FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot (Pilot) was launched to support the release of FP7 open source research projects after the FP7 projects were completed. Pilot funds will be funded by the technical improvement of Horn in the period from August 2016 to April 2017.
Keywords: Palagruža; Diomedes sanctuary; Gnathia ware; West Slope; libation; Maritime trade routes // Palagruža, Diomedovo svetište, keramika tipa Gnathia, keramika tipa West Slope, žrtva ljevanica, pravci pomorske trgovine
UCL classification: UCL
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > UCL SLASH
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > UCL SLASH > Faculty of S&HS
UCL > Provost and Vice Provost Offices > UCL SLASH > Faculty of S&HS > Institute of Archaeology
URI: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10064879
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