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Aad, G; Abajyan, T; Abbott, B; Abdallah, J; Abdel Khalek, S; Abdelalim, AA; Abdinov, O; ... ATLAS Collaboration, The; + view all (2013) Observation of Associated Near-Side and Away-Side Long-Range Correlations in sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02  TeV Proton-Lead Collisions with the ATLAS Detector. Physical Review Letters , 110 (18) , Article 182302. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.182302. Green open access

Aad, G; Abajyan, T; Abbott, B; Abdallah, J; Khalek, SA; Abdelalim, AA; Abdinov, O; ... Collaboration, ATLAS; + view all (2013) Measurement of the production cross section of jets in association with a Z boson in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. Journal of High Energy Physics , 2013 (7) , Article 32. 10.1007/JHEP07(2013)032. Green open access

Abaasa, A; Crook, A; Gafos, M; Anywaine, Z; Levin, J; Wandiembe, S; Nanoo, A; ... Kamali, A; + view all (2013) Long-term consistent use of a vaginal microbicide gel among HIV-1 sero-discordant couples in a phase III clinical trial (MDP 301) in rural south-west Uganda. Trials , 14 , Article 33. 10.1186/1745-6215-14-33. Green open access

Abd-Alazeez, M; Ahmed, HU; Arya, M; Charman, SC; Anastasiadis, E; Freeman, A; Emberton, M; (2013) The accuracy of multiparametric MRI in men with negative biopsy and elevated PSA level-Can it rule out clinically significant prostate cancer? Urol Oncol 10.1016/j.urolonc.2013.06.007. Green open access

Abdul Halim, A; Szita, N; Baganz, F; (2013) Characterization and multi-step transketolase-ω-transaminase bioconversions in an immobilized enzyme microreactor (IEMR) with packed tube. J Biotechnol , 168 (4) pp. 567-575. 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2013.09.001. Green open access

Abels, K; (2013) Comments on Hornstein. MIND & LANGUAGE , 28 (4) 421 - 429. 10.1111/mila.12024. Green open access

Abolfathi, A; Waters, TP; Brennan, MJ; (2013) On the performance of a nonlinear vibration isolator consisting of axially loaded curved beams. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics. Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR): Pisa, Italy. Green open access

Abondolo, D; (2013) Approaching Personality through Style: The Seriously Perplexing Figure of Dezső Szabó. Central Europe , 11 (2) pp. 102-126. 10.1179/1479096313Z.00000000014. Green open access

Abouharb, MR; Moyer, LP; Schmidt, M; (2013) De Facto Judicial Independence and Physical Integrity Rights. JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS , 12 (4) 367 - 396. 10.1080/14754835.2013.812461. Green open access

Abraham, MH; Acree, WE; (2013) Descriptors for the Prediction of Partition Coefficients and Solubilities of Organophosphorus Compounds. Separation Science and Technology , 48 (6) 884 - 897. 10.1080/01496395.2012.721043. Green open access

Abrahams, I; Reiss, MJ; Sharpe, RM; (2013) The assessment of practical work in school science. STUDIES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION , 49 (2) pp. 209-251. 10.1080/03057267.2013.858496. Green open access

Abrusan, M; Szendroi, K; (2013) Experimenting with the King of France -- Topics, verifiability and definite descriptions. Semantics and Pragmatics , 6 (10) 1 - 43. 10.3765/sp.6.10. Green open access

Abubakar, I; Zignol, M; Falzon, D; Raviglione, M; Ditiu, L; Masham, S; Adetifa, L; ... Zumla, A; + view all (2013) Drug-resistant tuberculosis: time for visionary political leadership. The Lancet Infectious Diseases , 13 (6) pp. 529-539. 10.1016/S1473-3099(13)70030-6. Green open access

Acerbi, A; Lampos, V; Garnett, P; Bentley, RA; (2013) The Expression of Emotions in 20th Century Books. PLoS ONE , 8 (3) , Article e59030. 10.1371/journal.pone.0059030. Green open access

Ackland, GL; Kazymov, V; Marina, N; Singer, M; Gourine, AV; (2013) Peripheral neural detection of danger-associated and pathogen-associated molecular patterns. Crit Care Med , 41 (6) e85 - e92. 10.1097/CCM.0b013e31827c0b05. Green open access

Acquisti, A; Krontiris, I; Langheinrich, M; Sasse, MA; (2013) 'My Life, Shared’-Trust and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Experience Sharing (Dagstuhl Seminar 13312). Dagstuhl Reports , 3 (7) 74 - 107. 10.4230/DagRep.3.7.74. Green open access

Adam, A; Fraga, ES; Brett, DJL; (2013) Modelling and Optimisation in Terms of CO2 Emissions of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell based Micro-CHP System in a Four Bedroom House in London. Energy Procedia , 42 201 - 209. 10.1016/j.egypro.2013.11.020. Green open access

Adams, AL; Cowper, B; Morgan, RE; Premdjee, B; Caddick, S; Macmillan, D; (2013) Cysteine promoted c-terminal hydrazinolysis of native peptides and proteins. Angewandte Chemie International Edition , 52 (49) 13062- 13066. 10.1002/anie.201304997. Green open access

Adams, D; Baldock, R; Bhattacharya, S; Copp, AJ; Dickinson, M; Greene, NDE; Henkelman, M; ... West, D; + view all (2013) Bloomsbury report on mouse embryo phenotyping: recommendations from the IMPC workshop on embryonic lethal screening. Disease Models and Mechanisms , 6 (3) pp. 571-579. 10.1242/dmm.011833. Green open access

Adams, RA; Stephan, KE; Brown, HR; Frith, CD; Friston, KJ; (2013) The computational anatomy of psychosis. Front Psychiatry , 4 (47) 10.3389/fpsyt.2013.00047. Green open access

Adamson, P; Anghel, I; Backhouse, C; Barr, G; Bishai, M; Blake, A; Bock, GJ; ... Collaboration, MINOS; + view all (2013) Measurement of Neutrino and Antineutrino Oscillations Using Beam and Atmospheric Data in MINOS. Physical Review Letters , 110 (25) , Article 251801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.251801. Green open access

Adank, P; Rueschemeyer, SA; Bekkering, H; (2013) The role of accent imitation in sensorimotor integration during processing of intelligible speech. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience , 7 , Article 634. 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00634. Green open access

Adank, P; Stewart, AJ; Connell, L; Wood, J; (2013) Accent imitation positively affects language attitudes. Frontiers in Psychology , 4 , Article 280. 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00280. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; Webb, JR; Kim Hin Ho, D; Hiang Liow, K; (2013) Value versus Growth International Real Estate Investment. Real Estate Economics , 41 (1) pp. 65-101. 10.1111/j.1540-6229.2012.00335.x. Green open access

Adhitya, Sara; (2013) Sonifying Urban Rhythms: Towards the spatio-temporal composition of the urban environment. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), Università Iuav di Venezia & École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. Green open access

Adisasmito, W; Aisyah, DN; Aditama, TY; Kusriastuti, R; Trihono; Suwandono, A; Sampurno, OD; ... Coker, R; + view all (2013) Human influenza A H5N1 in Indonesia: health care service-associated delays in treatment initiation. BMC Public Health , 13 (571) 10.1186/1471-2458-13-571. Green open access

Adler, I; Hudson-Edwards, KA; Campos, LC; (2013) Evaluation of a silver-ion based purification system for rainwater harvesting at a small-scale community level. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA , 62 (8) 545 - 551. 10.2166/aqua.2013.049. Green open access

Adwan, H; Fuller, B; Seldon, C; Davidson, B; Seifalian, A; (2013) Modifying three-dimensional scaffolds from novel nanocomposite materials using dissolvable porogen particles for use in liver tissue engineering. J Biomater Appl , 28 (2) 250 - 261. 10.1177/0885328212445404. Green open access

AFRINEST (AFRIcan NEonatal Sepsis Trial) Group; (2013) Simplified Regimens for Management of Neonates and Young Infants With Severe Infection When Hospital Admission Is Not Possible: Study Protocol for a Randomized, Open-label Equivalence Trial. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal , 32 S26-S32. 10.1097/inf.0b013e31829ff7d1. Green open access

AFRINEST (AFRIcan NEonatal Sepsis Trial) Group; (2013) Treatment of Fast Breathing in Neonates and Young Infants With Oral Amoxicillin Compared With Penicillin–Gentamicin Combination: Study Protocol for a Randomized, Open-label Equivalence Trial. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal , 32 S33-S38. 10.1097/inf.0b013e31829ff7eb. Green open access

Afzali, B; Mitchell, PJ; Edozie, FC; Povoleri, GAM; Dowson, SE; Demandt, L; Walter, G; ... Lombardi, G; + view all (2013) CD161 expression characterizes a subpopulation of human regulatory T cells that produces IL-17 in a STAT3-dependent manner. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY , 43 (8) pp. 2043-2054. 10.1002/eji.201243296. Green open access

Agbeko, RS; (2013) Characterization of the acute phase response in critically ill children. Doctoral thesis (PhD), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Agnew, ZK; McGettigan, C; Banks, B; Scott, SK; (2013) Articulatory movements modulate auditory responses to speech. Neuroimage , 73 191 - 199. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.08.020. Green open access

Agnolucci, P; McDowall, W; Akgul, O; Papageorgiou, LG; (2013) The importance of economies of scale, transport costs and demand patterns in optimising hydrogen fuelling infrastructure: An exploration with SHIPMod (Spatial hydrogen infrastructure planning model). International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , 38 (26) pp. 11189-11201. 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.06.071. Green open access

Ahmad, B; Stoyanov, S; Pelan, E; Stride, E; Edirisinghe, M; (2013) Electrospinning of ethyl cellulose fibres with glass and steel needle configurations. Food Research International , 54 (2) 1761 - 1772. 10.1016/j.foodres.2013.09.021. Green open access

Ahmad, S; Rukh, G; Varga, TV; Ali, A; Kurbasic, A; Shungin, D; Ericson, U; ... Franks, PW; + view all (2013) Gene × physical activity interactions in obesity: combined analysis of 111,421 individuals of European ancestry. PLoS Genetics , 9 (7) , Article e1003607. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1003607. Green open access

Ahmed, Bayes; Ahmed, Raquib; Zhu, Xuan; (2013) Evaluation of Model Validation Techniques in Land Cover Dynamics. ISPRS: International Journal of Geo-Information , 2 (3) 577 - 597. 10.3390/ijgi2030577. Green open access

Ahmed, B; Kamruzzaman, M; Zhu, X; Rahman, M; Choi, K; (2013) Simulating land cover changes and their impacts on land surface temperature in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Remote Sensing , 5 (11) 5969 - 5998. 10.3390/rs5115969. Green open access

Ahmed, B; Rubel, YA; (2013) Understanding the issues involved in urban landslide vulnerability in Chittagong metropolitan area, Bangladesh. Association of American Geographers (AAG): Washington DC, USA. Green open access

Ahmed, MM; Dhanasekaran, AR; Tong, S; Wiseman, FK; Fisher, EM; Tybulewicz, VL; Gardiner, KJ; (2013) Protein profiles in Tc1 mice implicate novel pathway perturbations in the Down syndrome brain. Human Molecular Genetics , 22 (9) 1709 -1724. 10.1093/hmg/ddt017. Green open access

Ahmed, R; Guerreiro, R; Rohrer, JD; Guven, G; Rossor, MN; Hardy, J; Fox, NC; (2013) A novel A781V mutation in the CSF1R gene causes hereditary diffuse leucoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids. Journal of the Neurological Sciences , 332 (1-2) pp. 141-144. 10.1016/j.jns.2013.06.007. Green open access

Ahmed, Z; McLeod, MC; Barber, N; Jacklin, A; Franklin, BD; (2013) The use and functionality of electronic prescribing systems in English acute NHS trusts: a cross-sectional survey. PLoS One , 8 (11) , Article e80378. 10.1371/journal.pone.0080378. Green open access

Aicken, CRH; Mercer, CH; Cassell, JA; (2013) Who reports absence of sexual attraction in Britain? Evidence from national probability surveys. Psychology and Sexuality , 4 (2) pp. 121-135. 10.1080/19419899.2013.774161. Green open access

Ainley, K; Datzberger, S; Friedman, R; Mahony, C; (2013) Ten years on: transitional justice in post conflict Sierra Leone: report and analysis of a conference held at Goodenough College, London. London School of Economics and Political Science: London, UK.

Aitsi-Selmi, A; (2013) Is the social gradient of female obesity in lower income settings reversing and why? An investigation into the association between wealth, education and obesity. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Aitsi-Selmi, A; Batty, GD; Barbieri, MA; Silva, AAM; Cardoso, VC; Goldani, MZ; Marmot, MG; (2013) Childhood socioeconomic position, adult socioeconomic position and social mobility in relation to markers of adiposity in early adulthood: evidence of differential effects by gender in the 1978/79 Ribeirao Preto cohort study. International Journal of Obesity , 37 (3) pp. 439-447. 10.1038/ijo.2012.64. Green open access

Aitsi-Selmi, A; Chen, R; Shipley, MJ; Marmot, MG; (2013) Education is associated with lower levels of abdominal obesity in women with a non-agricultural occupation: an interaction study using China's four provinces survey. BMC Public Health , 13 , Article 769. 10.1186/1471-2458-13-769. Green open access

Akbar, AN; Reed, JR; Lacy, KE; Jackson, SE; Vukmanovic-Stejic, M; Rustin, MH; (2013) Investigation of the cutaneous response to recall antigen in humans in vivo. Clin Exp Immunol , 173 (2) 163 - 172. 10.1111/cei.12107. Green open access

Akbaraly, TN; Sabia, S; Shipley, MJ; Batty, GD; Kivimaki, M; (2013) Adherence to healthy dietary guidelines and future depressive symptoms: evidence for sex differentials in the Whitehall II study. Am J Clin Nutr , 97 (2) 419 - 427. 10.3945/ajcn.112.041582. Green open access

Akeel, UU; Bell, SJ; (2013) Discourses of systems engineering. Engineering Studies , 5 (2) 160 - 173. 10.1080/19378629.2013.795575. Green open access

Akhbar, AR; Chudasama, V; Fitzmaurice, RJ; Powell, L; Caddick, S; (2013) Acyl hydrazides as acyl donors for the synthesis of diaryl and aryl alkyl ketones. Chem Commun (Camb) , 50 (6) pp. 743-746. 10.1039/c3cc47967f. Green open access

Akhtar, S; Grizenkova, J; Wenborn, A; Hummerich, H; Fernandez de Marco, M; Brandner, S; Collinge, J; (2013) Sod1 deficiency reduces incubation time in mouse models of prion disease. PLoS One , 8 (1) , Article e54454. 10.1371/journal.pone.0054454. Green open access

Akhter, N; (2013) Food and Nutrition Security in the Rural Plains of Nepal: Impact of the Global Food Price Crisis. Doctoral thesis (PhD), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Al-Ajam, Y; Lancashire, H; Pendegrass, C; Kang, N; Dowling, RP; Taylor, SJ; Blunn, G; (2013) The use of a bone-anchored device as a hard-wired conduit for transmitting EMG signals from implanted muscle electrodes. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , 60 (6) 1654 - 1659. 10.1109/TBME.2013.2241060. Green open access

Alagha, A; Zaikin, A; (2013) Asymmetry in erythroid-myeloid differentiation switch and the role of timing in a binary cell-fate decision. Frontiers in Immunology , 4 , Article 426. 10.3389/fimmu.2013.00426. Green open access

Alcoba, G; Kerac, M; Breysse, S; Salpeteur, C; Galetto-Lacour, A; Briend, A; Gervaix, A; (2013) Do children with uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition need antibiotics? A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One , 8 (1) , Article e53184. 10.1371/journal.pone.0053184. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2013) Ethics. In: Clark, A and Flewitt, R and Hammersley, M and Robb, M, (eds.) Understanding research with children and young people. (pp. 85-102). Sage in association with The Open University: London, UK. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2013) Children as patients. In: Melton, G and Ben-Arieh, A, (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Child Research. (pp. 100-117). SAGE Publications Limited Green open access

Aleksov, B; (2013) Accident of Fate: A Personal Account, 1938-1945. The Slavonic and East european Review , 91 (2) pp. 380-382. 10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.91.2.0380. Green open access

Aleksov, B; (2013) Klaus Buchenau, Auf russischen Spuren: Orthodoxe Antiwestler in Serbien, 1850-1945. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2011 (Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen: Geschichte-Gesellschaft-Kultur, no. 51). 519 pp. Südost Forschungen , 72 pp. 438-442. Green open access

ALEPH Collaboration; DELPHI Collaboration; L3 Collaboration; OPAL Collaboration; The LEP working group for Higgs boson searches; (2013) Search for charged Higgs bosons: combined results using LEP data. The European Physical Journal C , 73 , Article 2463. 10.1140/epjc/s10052-013-2463-1. Green open access

Alexander, C; Redclift, V; Hussain, A; (2013) The New Muslims - Introduction. In: The New Muslims. (pp. 3-4). Runnymede Trust: Coventry, UK. Green open access

Alexander, D; Magni, M; (2013) Mortality in the l'aquila (central Italy) earthquake of 6 april 2009. PLoS Curr , 5 10.1371/50585b8e6efd1. Green open access

Alfe, D; Pozzo, M; Miniussi, E; Guenther, S; Lacovig, P; Lizzit, S; Larciprete, R; ... Baraldi, A; + view all (2013) Fine tuning of graphene-metal adhesion by surface alloying. Scientific Reports , 3 , Article 2430. 10.1038/srep02430. Green open access

Alfred, T; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Cooper, R; Hardy, R; Deary, IJ; Elliott, J; Harris, SE; ... HALCyon Study Team; + view all (2013) Genetic variants influencing biomarkers of nutrition are not associated with cognitive capability in middle-aged and older adults. The Journal of Nutrition , 143 (5) 606 -612. 10.3945/jn.112.171520. Green open access

Alfred, T; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Cooper, R; Hardy, R; Deary, IJ; Elliott, J; Harris, SE; ... HALCyon study team; + view all (2013) Associations between a Polymorphism in the Pleiotropic GCKR and Age-Related Phenotypes: The HALCyon Programme. PLoS One , 8 (7) , Article e70045. 10.1371/journal.pone.0070045. Green open access

Alg, VS; Sofat, R; Houlden, H; Werring, DJ; (2013) Genetic risk factors for intracranial aneurysms: a meta-analysis in more than 116,000 individuals. Neurology , 80 (23) 2154 - 2165. 10.1212/WNL.0b013e318295d751. Green open access

AlHalawani, S; Yang, Y-L; Liu, H; Mitra, NJ; (2013) Interactive Facades Analysis and Synthesis of Semi-Regular Facades. Computer Graphics Forum , 32 (2:2) pp. 215-224. 10.1111/cgf.12041. Green open access

Ali, A; Ambler, G; Strydom, A; Rai, D; Cooper, C; McManus, S; Weich, S; ... Hassiotis, A; + view all (2013) The relationship between happiness and intelligent quotient: the contribution of socio-economic and clinical factors. Psychological Medicine , 43 (6) pp. 1303-1312. 10.1017/S0033291712002139. Green open access

Ali, A; Scior, K; Ratti, V; Strydom, A; King, M; Hassiotis, A; (2013) Discrimination and other barriers to accessing health care: perspectives of patients with mild and moderate intellectual disability and their carers. PLoS One , 8 (8) , Article e70855. 10.1371/journal.pone.0070855. Green open access

Ali, AK; (2013) The impact of stigma and discrimination on psychological distress in people with intellectual disability and access to health services: a mixed methods approach. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Aljunied, M; Frederickson, NL; (2013) Does central coherence affect the performance of children with autism in dynamic assessments. Autism: the international journal of research and practice , 17 (2) pp. 172-183. 10.1177/1362361311409960. Green open access

Allan, MP; Tamai, A; Rozbicki, E; Fischer, MH; Voss, J; King, PDC; Meevasana, W; ... Baumberger, F; + view all (2013) Formation of heavy d-electron quasiparticles in Sr₃Ru₂O₇. New Journal of Physics , 15 , Article 063029. 10.1088/1367-2630/15/6/063029. Green open access

Allen, AE; Castan Broto, V; (2013) The second urbanization wave. In: Swilling, M and Robinson, B and Marvin, S and Hodson, M, (eds.) City-level Decoupling: Urban resource flows and the governance of intrastructure transitions. (pp. 26-32). United Nations Environment Programme Green open access

Allen, A; Apsan Frediani, A; (2013) Farmers, not gardeners: The making of environmentally just spaces in Accra. City , 17 (3) 365 - 381. 10.1080/13604813.2013.796620. Green open access

Allen, R; Burgess, S; (2013) Evaluating the provision of school performance information for school choice. Economics of Education Review , 34 pp. 175-190. 10.1016/j.econedurev.2013.02.001. Green open access

Alles, EJ; Van Dongen, KWA; (2013) Iterative reconstruction of the transducer surface velocity. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control , 60 (5) pp. 954-962. 10.1109/TUFFC.2013.2652. Green open access

Almandil, NBA; (2013) Factors Influencing Weight Gain in Young People Treated with Antipsychotics. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Almeida, JR; Mourao-Miranda, J; Aizenstein, HJ; Versace, A; Kozel, FA; Lu, H; Marquand, A; ... Phillips, ML; + view all (2013) Pattern recognition analysis of anterior cingulate cortex blood flow to classify depression polarity. British Journal of Psychiatry , 203 (4) pp. 310-311. 10.1192/bjp.bp.112.122838. Green open access

Alrashed, MMM; Abu-Safieh, L; Anazi, S; Alkuraya, H; KHAN, A; Al-Owain, M; Al-Zahrani, J; ... Alkuraya, F; + view all (2013) Autozygome-guided exome sequencing in retinal dystrophy patients reveals pathogenetic mutations and novel candidate disease genes. Genome Research , 23 pp. 236-247. 10.1101/gr.144105.112. Green open access

Alsaeedi, F; Male, T; (2013) Transformational Leadership and Globalization: Attitudes of School Principals in Kuwait. Educational Management Administration and Leadership , 41 (5) pp. 640-657. 10.1177/1741143213488588. Green open access

Altaweel, M; (2013) The application of an entropy maximising model for understanding the rise of urbanism. In: Wilkinson, TJ and Gibson, M and Christiansen, J and Widell, M, (eds.) Models of Mesopotamian Landscapes: How Small-Scale Processes Contribute to the Growth of Early Civilizations. (pp. 239-255). Archaeopress: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Altaweel, M; (2013) Simulating the effects of salinization on irrigation agriculture in southern Mesopotamia. In: Wilkinson, TJ and Gibson, M and Christiansen, J and Widell, M, (eds.) Models of Mesopotamian Landscapes How small-scale processes contributed to the growth of early civilizations. (pp. 219-239). Archaeopress: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Altaweel, M; Palmisano, A; (2013) Data and Model: In the Land of the Highlanders: From the Kingdom of Simurrum to Mazamua in the Shahrizor. [Dataset]. Green open access

Altaweel, M; Paulette, T; (2013) Modeling nomad-sedentary interactions. In: Wilkinson, TJ and Gibson, M and Christiansen, J and Widell, M, (eds.) Models of Mesopotamian Landscapes: How Small-Scale Processes Contribute to the Growth of Early Civilizations. (204- 218). Archaeopress: Oxford. Green open access

Altaweel, M; Sallach, D; Macal, C; (2013) Mobilizing for change: simulating political movements in armed conflicts. Social Science Computer Review , 31 (2) 143 - 164. 10.1177/0894439312451106. Green open access

Altenhoff, AM; Gil, M; Gonnet, GH; Dessimoz, C; (2013) Inferring hierarchical orthologous groups from orthologous gene pairs. PLoS One , 8 (1) , Article e53786. 10.1371/journal.pone.0053786. Green open access

Alvarez-Gonzalez, C; Duggleby, R; Vagaska, B; Querol, S; Gomez, SG; Ferretti, P; Madrigal, A; (2013) Cord Blood Lin−CD45− Embryonic-Like Stem Cells Are a Heterogeneous Population That Lack Self-Renewal Capacity. PLoS One , 8 (6) , Article e67968. 10.1371/journal.pone.0067968. Green open access

Alvarez-Laviada, A; Kadurin, I; Senatore, A; Chiesa, R; Dolphin, AC; (2013) The inhibition of functional expression of calcium channels by prion protein demonstrates competition with α2δ for GPI-anchoring pathways. Biochem J , 458 (2) pp. 365-374. 10.1042/BJ20131405. Green open access

Amendola, L; Appleby, S; Bacon, D; Baker, T; Baldi, M; Bartolo, N; Blanchard, A; ... Zlosnik, T; + view all (2013) Cosmology and Fundamental Physics with the Euclid Satellite. Living Reviews in Relativity , 16 , Article 6. 10.12942/lrr-2013-6. Green open access

Ament, MGA; Cox, AL; Blandford, A; Brumby, DP; (2013) Making a Task Difficult: Evidence That Device-Oriented Steps Are Effortful and Error-Prone. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied , 19 (3) pp. 195-204. 10.1037/a0034397. Green open access

Amin, K; Sivakumar, B; Clarke, A; Puri, A; Denton, C; Butler, PE; (2013) Hand disease in scleroderma: a clinical correlate for chronic hand transplant rejection. SpringerPlus , 2 (1) , Article 577. 10.1186/2193-1801-2-577. Green open access

Amini, C; (2013) Essays in development economics: poverty, foreign direct investment and human capital. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Amitay, S; Guiraud, J; Sohoglu, E; Zobay, O; Edmonds, BA; Zhang, Y-X; Moore, DR; (2013) Human Decision Making Based on Variations in Internal Noise: An EEG Study. PLoS ONE , 8 (7) , Article e68928. 10.1371/journal.pone.0068928. Green open access

Ammann, RK; (2013) Weblogs 1994 – 2000: A genealogy. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Anantha, RW; Alcivar, AL; Ma, J; Cai, H; Simhadri, S; Ule, J; Konig, J; (2013) Requirement of Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein C for BRCA Gene Expression and Homologous Recombination. PLoS One , 8 (4) , Article e61368. 10.1371/journal.pone.0061368. Green open access

Anbaroglu, B; (2013) Spatio-temporal Clustering for Non-Recurrent Traffic Congestion Detection on Urban Road Networks. Doctoral thesis (PhD), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Anciaes, PR; (2013) Measuring Community Severance For Transport Policy And Project Appraisal. WIT Transactions on The Built Environment , 130 (12) pp. 559-570. 10.2495/UT130451. Green open access

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Anciaes, PR; (2013) Acessibilidade urbana e elementos para a caracterizacao da qualidade das ruas dos bairros da Praia [Urban accessibility and elements to assess the streets of Praia - Invited talk and workshop at Universidade de Cabo Verde]. Presented at: Universidade de Cabo Verde, Praia, Cape Verde. Green open access

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