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(2000) Selective innervation of retinorecipient brainstem nuclei by retinal ganglion cell axons regenerating through peripheral nerve grafts. Journal of Neuroscience , 20 (1) 361 - 374. Green open access

(2000) Operational comparison of single-dose azithromycin and topical tetracycline for trachoma. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science , 41 (13) pp. 4074-4079. Green open access

Adda, JC; (2000) Balladurette and Juppette: A discrete analysis of scrapping subsidies. Journal of Political Economy , 4 (108) pp. 778-806. Green open access

Affolder, T; Akimoto, H; Akopian, A; Albrow, MG; Amaral, P; Amendolia, SR; Amidei, D; ... Zucchelli, S; + view all (2000) Limits on light gravitino production and new processes with large missing transverse energy in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.8 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 85 (7) 1378 - 1383. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.1378. Green open access

Affolder, T; Akimoto, H; Akopian, A; Albrow, MG; Amaral, P; Amendolia, SR; Amidei, D; ... CDF Collaboration; + view all (2000) Diffractive dijets with a leading antiproton in (p)over-bar-p collisions at root s=1800 GeV. PHYS REV LETT , 84 (22) 5043 - 5048. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.5043. Green open access

Affolder, T; Akimoto, H; Akopian, A; Albrow, MG; Amaral, P; Amendolia, SR; Amidei, D; ... Zucchelli, S; + view all (2000) Dijet production by double Pomeron exchange at the Fermilab Tevatron. PHYS REV LETT , 85 (20) 4215 - 4220. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.4215. Green open access

Affolder, T; Akimoto, H; Akopian, A; Albrow, MG; Amaral, P; Amendolia, SR; Amidei, D; ... Zucchelli, S; + view all (2000) Direct measurement of the W boson width in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.8 TeV. PHYS REV LETT , 85 (16) 3347 - 3352. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.3347. Green open access

Affolder, T; Akimoto, H; Akopian, A; Albrow, MG; Amaral, P; Amendolia, SR; Amidei, D; ... CDF Collaboration, The; + view all (2000) Measurement of J/psi and psi(2S) polarization in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.8 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 85 (14) 2886 - 2891. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.2886. Green open access

Affolder, T; Akimoto, H; Akopian, A; Albrow, MG; Amaral, P; Amendolia, SR; Amidei, D; ... CDF Collaboration, The; + view all (2000) Search for second and third generation leptoquarks including production via technicolor interactions in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.8 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 85 (10) 2056 - 2061. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.2056. Green open access

Affolder, T; Akimoto, H; Akopian, A; Albrow, MG; Amaral, P; Amendolia, SR; Amidei, D; ... CDF Collaboration, The; + view all (2000) Search for a fourth-generation quark more massive than the Z(0) boson in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.8 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 84 (5) 835 - 840. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.835. Green open access

Ainley, J; Nardi, E; Pratt, D; (2000) The construction of meanings for trend in active graphing. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning , 5 (2) pp. 85-114. 10.1023/A:1009854103737. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2000) The rise and fall of children's consent to surgery. Paediatric Nursing , 12 (2) pp. 6-8. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2000) School students' views on school councils and daily life at school. Children and Society , 14 (2) pp. 121-134. 10.1111/j.1099-0860.2000.tb00160.x. Green open access

Alfè, A; Price, GD; Gillan, MJ; (2000) Thermodynamic stability of Fe/O solid solution at inner-core conditions. Geophysical Research Letters , 27 (16) 2417 - 2420. 10.1029/2000GL011567. Green open access

Anciaes, PR; (2000) 欧州連合(EU):経済統合下での欧州運輸政策 ―トランスヨーロッピアン交通ネットワークを例にして― [Transport policy in integrated economies – The case of the Trans-European Network]. 運輸政策研究 [Transport Policy Studies Review] , 3 (1) 48 - 51. Green open access

Anderson, RH; (2000) Atrial structure in the presence of visceral heterotaxy. [Editorial comment]. Cardiology in the Young , 10 (4) 299 - 302. 10.1017/S1047951100009598. Green open access

Anderson, RH; Baker, EJ; Redington, AN; (2000) Can we describe structure as well as function when accounting for the arrangement of the ventricular mass? Cardiology in the Young , 10 (3) 247 - 260. 10.1017/S1047951100009197. Green open access

Anderson, RH; Ho, SY; Rigby, ML; (2000) The morphologic variability in atrioventricular valvar atresia. Cardiology in the Young , 10 (1) 32 - 41. 10.1017/S1047951100006351. Green open access

Antos, J; Chan, AW; Chang, PS; Chang, PT; Chen, YC; Cheng, M-T; Chu, ML; ... Slaughter, AJ; + view all (2000) Search for new particles decaying to tt̄ in pp̄ collisions at √s = 1.8 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 85 (10) 2062 - 2067. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.2062. Green open access

Arnvig, KB; Pedersen, S; Sneppen, K; (2000) Thermodynamics of heat-shock response. Physical Review Letters , 84 (13) pp. 3005-3008. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.3005. Green open access

Atkin, WS; Hart, A; Edwards, R; Cook, CF; Wardle, J; McIntyre, P; Aubrey, R; ... Northover, JMA; + view all (2000) Single blind, randomised trial of efficacy and acceptability of oral Picolax versus self administered phosphate enema in bowel preparation for flexible sigmoidoscopy screening. BRIT MED J , 320 (7248) 1504 - 1508. Green open access

Atkinson, TC; Davis, PM; (2000) Longitudinal dispersion in natural channels: 1. Experimental results from the River Severn, UK. HYDROL EARTH SYST SC , 4 (3) 345 - 353. 10.5194/hess-4-345-2000. Green open access

Attanasio, O; (2000) Consumer durables and inertial behaviour: Estimation and aggregation of Ss rules of automobiles. Review of Economic Studies , 67 (4) pp. 667-696. Green open access

Baguley, DM; Luxon, LM; (2000) The Future of ORL-HNS and Associated Specialties Series: The future of audiological rehabilitation. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 114 (3) 167 - 169. 10.1258/0022215001905102. Green open access

Bain, AJ; Chandna, P; Bryant, J; (2000) Picosecond polarized fluorescence studies of anisotropic fluid media. I. Theory. The Journal of Chemical Physics , 112 (23) 10418 - 10434. 10.1063/1.481678. Green open access

Bain, AJ; Chandna, P; Butcher, G; Bryant, J; (2000) Picosecond polarized fluorescence studies of anisotropic fluid media. II. Experimental studies of molecular order and motion in jet aligned rhodamine 6G and resorufin solutions. The Journal of Chemical Physics , 112 (23) 10435 - 10449. 10.1063/1.481679. Green open access

Barbera, JPM; Clements, M; Thomas, P; Rodriguez, T; Meloy, D; Kioussis, D; Beddington, RSP; (2000) The homeobox gene Hex is required in definitive endodermal tissues for normal forebrain, liver and thyroid formation. Development , 127 (11) pp. 2433-2445. Green open access

Barlow, H; Gardner-Medwin, A; (2000) Localist representation can improve efficiency for detection and counting. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 23 (4) 467 - 468. 10.1017/S0140525X00223352. Green open access

Barry, CA; Bradley, CP; Britten, N; Stevenson, FA; Barber, N; (2000) Patients' unvoiced agendas in general practice consultations: qualitative study. British Medical Journal , 320 (7244) , Article 1246. 10.1136/bmj.320.7244.1246. Green open access

Bauer, TM; Dunlop, MW; Sonnerup, BUO; Sckopke, N; Fazakerley, AN; Khrabrov, AV; (2000) Dual spacecraft determinations of magnetopause motion. Geophysical Research Letters , 27 (13) 1835 - 1838. 10.1029/2000GL000041. Green open access

Beard, R; (2000) Research and the National Literacy Strategy. Oxford Review of Education , 26 (3-4) pp. 420-436. Green open access

Bebbington, PE; Brugha, TS; Meltzer, H; Jenkins, R; Ceresa, C; Farrell, M; Lewis, G; (2000) Neurotic disorders and the receipt of psychiatric treatment. PSYCHOL MED , 30 (6) 1369 - 1376. Green open access

Bebbington, PE; Meltzer, H; Brugha, TS; Farrell, M; Jenkins, R; Ceresa, C; Lewis, G; (2000) Unequal access and unmet need: neurotic disorders and the use of primary care services. PSYCHOL MED , 30 (6) 1359 - 1367. Green open access

Belmiloud, D; Schermaul, R; Smith, KM; Zobov, NF; Brault, JW; Learner, RCM; Newnham, DA; (2000) New studies of the visible and near-infrared absorption by water vapour and some problems with the HITRAN database. Geophysical Research Letters , 27 (22) 3703 - 3706. 10.1029/2000GL011899. Green open access

Billups, D; Hanley, JG; Orme, M; Attwell, D; Moss, SJ; (2000) GABA_{C} Receptor Sensitivity Is Modulated by Interaction with MAP1B. Journal of Neuroscience , 20 (23) 8643 - 8650. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.20-23-08643.2000. Green open access

Blaxhult, A; Kirk, O; Pedersen, C; Dietrich, M; Barton, SE; Gatell, JM; Mulcahy, F; ... Lundgren, JD; + view all (2000) Regional differences in presentation of AIDS in Europe. Epidemiology and Infection , 125 (1) 143 - 151. Green open access

Boaler, J; Wiliam, D; Brown, M; (2000) Students' Experiences of Ability Grouping - disaffection, polarisation and the construction of failure. BRITISH EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL , 26 (5) pp. 631-648. 10.1080/713651583. Green open access

Boddy, K; (2000) Short Cuts and Long Shots: Raymond Carver's Stories and Robert Altman's Film. Journal of American Studies , 34 (1) 1 -22. Green open access

Bond, M; Bowling, A; Abery, A; McClay, M; Dickinson, E; (2000) Evaluation of outreach clinics held by specialists in general practice in England. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health , 54 (2) 149 - 156. 10.1136/jech.54.2.149. Green open access

Bouloux, PMG; Harris, P; (2000) Editorial. CME Bulletin Endocrinology and Diabetes , 3 (1) 3-. Green open access

Bowles, RGA; Smith, FT; (2000) Lifting multi-blade flows with interaction. J FLUID MECH , 415 203 - 226. 10.1017/S0022112000008673. Green open access

Bowling, A; (2000) A good death - Research on dying is scanty. British Medical Journal , 320 (7243) 1205 - 1206. 10.1136/bmj.320.7243.1205. Green open access

Brant, J; Lines, D; Unwin, A; (2000) Eight out of ten isn't good enough: Challenging teachers' perceptions of assessment. Teacher Development , 4 (2) pp. 271-279. 10.1080/13664530000200109. Green open access

Britten, N; Stevenson, FA; Barry, CA; Barber, N; Bradley, CP; (2000) Misunderstandings in general practice prescribing decisions: a qualitative study. British Medical Journal , 320 484 - 488. 10.1136/bmj.320.7233.484. Green open access

Britten, N; Stevenson, FA; Barry, CA; Barber, N; Bradley, CP; (2000) Misunderstandings in prescribing decisions in general practice: Qualitative study. British Medical Journal , 320 (7233) , Article 484. 10.1136/bmj.320.7233.484. Green open access

Britton, A; McKee, M; (2000) The relation between alcohol and cardiovascular disease in Eastern Europe: explaining the paradox. J Epidemiol Community Health , 54 (5) pp. 328-332. 10.1136/jech.54.5.328. Green open access

Burtin, GE; Madge, DJ; Selwood, DL; (2000) New synthesis of KT5823 indolocarbazole aglycone. Heterocycles , 53 (10) 2119 -2122. 10.3987/COM-00-8992. Green open access

Cain, J; (2000) Towards a 'greater degree of integration': the Society for the Study of Speciation, 1939-41. The British Journal for the History of Science , 33 (1) 85 - 108. 10.1017/S000708749900388X. Green open access

Casassus, S; Roche, PF; Barlow, MJ; (2000) The coronal line regions of planetary nebulae NGC 6302 and 6537: 3–13 μm grating and echelle spectroscopy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 314 (4) pp. 657-671. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.2000.03208.x. Green open access

Cervellera, M; Raschella, G; Santilli, G; Tanno, B; Ventura, A; Mancini, C; Sevignani, C; ... Sala, A; + view all (2000) Direct Transactivation of the Anti-apoptotic Gene Apolipoprotein J (Clusterin) by B-MYB. Journal of Biological Chemistry , 275 (28) pp. 21055-21060. 10.1074/jbc.M002055200. Green open access

Chari, VV; Kehoe, PJ; McGrattan, ER; (2000) Sticky price models of the business cycle: Can the contract multiplier solve the persistence problem? Econometrica , 68 (5) pp. 1151-1179. 10.1111/1468-0262.00154. Green open access

Chater, N; (2000) How smart can simple heuristics be? BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 23 (5) 745 -746. 10.1017/S0140525X00263449. Green open access

Clements, M; Brickman, JM; Jones, CM; Clements, M; Smith, JC; Beddington, RS; (2000) Hex is a transcriptional repressor that contributes to anterior identity and suppresses Spemann organiser function. Development , 127 (11) pp. 2303-2315. Green open access

Cole, TJ; (2000) Commentary: Beware regression to the mean. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , 321 (7256) p. 281. Green open access

Cole, TJ; Bellizzi, MC; Flegal, KM; Dietz, WH; (2000) Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey. BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , 320 (7244) pp. 1240-1243. 10.1136/bmj.320.7244.1240. Green open access

Cole, TJ; (2000) Commentary: The emphasis on transparency weakens the formula. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , 320 (7230) pp. 287-288. Green open access

Collins, JM; Mason, IM; (2000) Local environmental conditions related to seasonal tropical cyclone activity in the Northeast Pacific basin. Geophysical Research Letters , 27 (23) 3881 - 3884. 10.1029/2000GL011614. Green open access

Cook, AC; Gilbert, R; Buffolano, W; Zufferey, J; Petersen, E; Jenum, PA; Foulon, W; ... Dunn, DT; + view all (2000) Sources of toxoplasma infection in pregnant women: European multicentre case-control study. BMJ: British Medical Journal , 321 (7254) 142 - 147. 10.1136/bmj.321.7254.142. Green open access

Corcoran, S; (2000) A Fragment of a Tetrarchic Constitution from Crete. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik , 133 251 - 255. Green open access

Crawford, IA; Barlow, MJ; (2000) Ultra-high-resolution observations of circumstellar K I and C2 around the post-AGB star HD 56126. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 311 (2) pp. 370-376. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.2000.03055.x. Green open access

Crawford, IA; Howarth, ID; Ryder, SD; Stathakis, RA; (2000) κ Velorum: Another variable interstellar sightline? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 319 (2) L1 - L6. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.2000.04005.x. Green open access

Crawford, MH; Salway, B; Corcoran, S; (2000) Projet Volterra. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte - romanistische Abteilung , 117 848 - 849. Green open access

Crowther, PA; Fullerton, AW; Hillier, DJ; Brownsberger, K; Dessart, L; Willis, AJ; De Marco, O; ... Sonneborn, G; + view all (2000) Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Spectroscopy of the O VI Resonance Doublet in Sand 2 (WO). The Astrophysical Journal Letters , 538 (1) L51-L55. 10.1086/312783. Green open access

Crowther, PA; Fullerton, AW; Hillier, DJ; Brownsberger, KR; Dessart, L; Willis, AJ; De Marco, O; ... Massa, DL; + view all (2000) Far-UV FUSE spectroscopy of the OVI resonance doublet in Sand2 (WO). The Astrophysical Journal , 538 L51-L55. Green open access

Croxford, B; Tham, KW; Young, A; Oreszczyn, T; Wyon, D; (2000) A study of local electrostatic filtration and main pre-filtration on airborne and surface dust levels in air-conditioned office premises. INDOOR AIR , 10 (3) 170 - 177. Green open access

Davidson, P; (2000) 'Vladimir Solov'ev and the Ideal of Prophecy'. Slavonic and East European Review , 78 (4) pp. 643-670. Green open access

Davis, PM; Atkinson, TC; (2000) Longitudinal dispersion in natural channels: 3. An aggregated dead zone model applied to the River Severn, UK. HYDROL EARTH SYST SC , 4 (3) 373 - 381. 10.5194/hess-4-373-2000. Green open access

Davis, PM; Atkinson, TC; Wigley, TML; (2000) Longitudinal dispersion in natural channels: 2. The roles of shear flow dispersion and dead zones in the River Severn, UK. HYDROL EARTH SYST SC , 4 (3) 355 - 371. 10.5194/hess-4-355-2000. Green open access

Deutsch, R; Reynolds, Y; (2000) The use of Dynamic Assessment by educational psychologists in the UK. Educational Psychology in Practice , 16 pp. 311-331. 10.1080/713666083. Green open access

Dobson, DP; Brodholt, JP; (2000) The electrical conductivity and thermal profile of the Earth's mid-mantle. Geophysical Research Letters , 27 (15) 2325 - 2328. 10.1029/1999GL008409. Green open access

Durbin, Lindsey; Sordino, Paolo; Barrios, Arantza; Gering, Martin; Thisse, Christine; Thisse, Bernard; Brennan, Caroline; ... Holder, Nigel; + view all (2000) Anteroposterior patterning is required within segments for somite boundary formation in developing zebrafish. Development , 127 (8) pp. 1703-1713. 10.1242/dev.127.8.1703. Green open access

Dworetsky, MM; Budaj, J; (2000) Neon abundances in mercury-manganese stars: Radiative accelerators and non-LTE calculations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 318 (4) 1264 - 1272. 10.1046/j.1365-8711.2000.03929.x. Green open access

Faulkner, A; Rosen, S; Smith, C; (2000) Effects of the salience of pitch and periodicity information on the intelligibility of four-channel vocoded speech: Implications for cochlear implants. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , 108 (4) 1877 - 1887. 10.1121/1.1310667. Green open access

Fermann, ME; Kruglov, VI; Thomsen, BC; Dudley, JM; Harvey, JD; (2000) Self-Similar Propagation and Amplification of Parabolic Pulses in Optical Fibers. Physical Review Letters , 84 (26) 6010 - 6013. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.6010. Green open access

Figueira De Morisson Faria, C; Milošević, DB; Paulus, GG; (2000) Phase-dependent effects in bichromatic high-order harmonic generation. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics , 61 (6) 063415 - 063411. 10.1103/PhysRevA.61.063415. Green open access

Filteau, SM; Willumsen, JF; Sullivan, KR; Simmank, K; Gamble, M; (2000) Use of the retinol binding protein/transthyretin ratio for assessment of vitamin A status during the acute phase response. British Journal of Nutrition , 83 (5) 513 - 520. 10.1017/S0007114500000659. Green open access

Fonagy, P; Target, M; (2000) The place of psychodynamic theory in developmental psychopathology. DEV PSYCHOPATHOL , 12 (3) 407 - 425. Green open access

Foot, MM; (2000) Moving the British National Collections. LIBER Quarterly , 10 (3) 387 - 392. Green open access

Frackowiak, RSJ; (2000) Editorial. Current Opinion in Neurology , 13 (2) 1-. Green open access

Frape, DL; Williams, NR; Carpenter, KLH; Freeman, MA; Palmer, CR; Fletcher, RJ; (2000) Insulin response and changes in composition of non-esterified fatty acids in blood plasma of middle-aged men following isoenergetic fatty and carbohydrate breakfasts. BRIT J NUTR , 84 (5) 737 - 745. 10.1017/S0007114500002105. Green open access

Geddes, J; Freemantle, N; Harrison, P; Bebbington, P; Natl Schizophrenia Guideline Dev; (2000) Atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia: systematic overview and meta-regression analysis. BRIT MED J , 321 (7273) 1371 - 1376. Green open access

Glover, A; Ranns, NDR; Harra, LK; Culhane, JL; (2000) The onset and association of CMEs with sigmoidal active regions. Geophysical Research Letters , 27 (14) 2161 - 2164. 10.1029/2000GL000018. Green open access

Gourcoulianis, KI; Tsoutsou, P; Fotiadou, N; Samaras, K; Dakis, D; Molyvdas, PA; (2000) Lung Function in Gypsies in Greece. Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal , 55 (6) pp. 453-454. 10.1080/00039890009604045. Green open access

Green, AG; (2000) Quantum-critical dynamics of the Skyrmion lattice. Physical Review B , 61 (24) , Article R16299. 10.1103/PhysRevB.61.R16299. Green open access

Hanley, S; (2000) Review of H.Kitschelt, Z.Mansfeldová, R.Markowski and G.Toka, Post-Communist Party Systems: Competition, Representation and Inter-Party Cooperation. Party Politics , 6 (2) 241 - 243. 10.1177/1354068800006002008. Green open access

Harries, C; Dhami, MK; (2000) On the descriptive validity and prescriptive utility of fast and frugal models. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 23 (5) 753 - 754. 10.1017/S0140525X00353444. Green open access

Hassall, M; Tomlin, RSO; (2000) Roman Britain in 1999: II. Inscriptions. Inscriptions Britannia , 31 433 - 449. 10.1017/S0068113X00010916. Green open access

Healy, L; Hoyles, C; (2000) A study of proof conceptions in algebra. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education , 31 (4) pp. 396-428.

Hodgson, A; Spours, K; (2000) Expanding higher education in the UK: From ‘system slowdown’ to ‘system acceleration’. Higher Education Quarterly , 54 (4) pp. 295-322. 10.1111/1468-2273.00163. Green open access

Holley, D; Oliver, M; (2000) Pedagogy and new power relationships. International Journal of Management Education , 1 (1) pp. 11-21. Green open access

Jayne, JE; Namioka, I; Rogers, CA; (2000) Continuous functions on products of compact Hausdorff spaces. Mathematika , 46 (2) 323 - 330. 10.1112/S0025579300007786. Green open access

Jeffery, KJ; (2000) LTP - A mechanism in search of a function. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 23 (2) 286 - 287. 10.1017/S0140525X00232445. Green open access

Johnson, FEA; Walton, J; (2000) Parallizable manifolds and the fundamental group. Mathematika , 47 (1-2) 165 - 172. 10.1112/S0025579300015795. Green open access

Justtanont, K; Barlow, MJ; Tielens, AGGM; Hollenbach, D; Latter, WB; Liu, XW; Sylvester, RJ; ... Skinner, CJ; + view all (2000) ISO-LWS observations of rotational CO lines from C-rich objects: AFGL 2688, AFGL 618 and NGC 7027. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 360 pp. 1117-1125. Green open access

Kantorovich, LN; Foster, AS; Shluger, AL; Stoneham, AM; (2000) Role of image forces in non-contact scanning force microscope images of ionic surfaces. Surface Science , 445 (2-3) 283 - 299. 10.1016/S0039-6028(99)01086-9. Green open access

Kantorovich, LN; Livshits, AI; Stoneham, AM; (2000) Electrostatic energy calculation for the interpretation of scanning probe microscopy experiments. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 12 (6) 795 - 814. 10.1088/0953-8984/12/6/304. Green open access

Kantorovich, LN; Shluger, AL; Stoneham, AM; (2000) Structure and spectroscopy of surface defects from scanning force spectroscopy: theoetical predictions. Physical Review Letters , 85 (18) 3845 - 3849. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.3846. Green open access

Kantorovich, LN; Shluger, AL; Sushko, PV; Stoneham, AM; (2000) The prediction of metastable impact electronic spectra (MIES): perfect and defective MgO(001) surfaces by state-of-the-art methods. Surface Science , 444 (1-3) 31 - 51. 10.1016/S0039-6028(99)01049-3. Green open access

Kenyon, AJ; Chryssou, CE; Pitt, CW; (2000) Indirect excitation of 1.5 mu m emission from Er3+ in silicon-rich silica. Applied Physics Letters , 76 (6) 688 - 690. 10.1063/1.125862. Green open access

Khallaf, NSA; Parnovski, L; Vassiliev, D; (2000) Trapped modes in a waveguide with a long obstacle. J FLUID MECH , 403 251 - 261. 10.1017/S0022112099007028. Green open access

Kim, TH; Yoo, SJ; Ho, SY; Anderson, RH; (2000) Twisted atrioventricular connections in double inlet right ventricle: evaluation by magnetic resonance imaging. Cardiology in the Young , 10 (6) 567 - 573. 10.1017/S1047951100008830. Green open access

Kittler, JT; Delmas, P; Jovanovic, JN; Brown, DA; Smart, TG; Moss, SJ; (2000) Constitutive endocytosis of GABA(A) receptors by an association with the adaptin AP2 complex modulates inhibitory synaptic currents in hippocampal neurons. J NEUROSCI , 20 (21) 7972 - 7977. Green open access

Kivimaki, M; Elovainio, M; Vahtera, J; (2000) Workplace bullying and sickness absence in hospital staff. OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE , 57 (10) pp. 656-660. 10.1136/oem.57.10.656. Green open access

Klautke, E; (2000) Die 'Protokolle' oder 'Geheimnisse der Weisen von Zion'. Das Historisch-Politische Buch , 48 117 - 122. Green open access

Lancaster, M; Waters, DCDFC; (2000) Measurement of the Decay Amplitude of B0 --> J/psi K*0 and B0(s) -> j/psi phi Decays. Physical Review Letters , 85 (22) , Article 4668. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.4668. Green open access

Lancaster, M; Waters, DCDFC; (2000) Production of Upsilon(1S) Mesons from chi(b) Decays in p anti-p Collisions at s**(1/2) = 1.8 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 84 (10) 2094 -2099. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.2094. Green open access

Lancaster, M; Waters, DCDFC; (2000) Search for Scalar Top and Scalar Bottom Quarks in p anti-p Collisions at s**(1/2) = 1.8 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 84 (25) 5704 - 5709. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.5704. Green open access

Lancaster, M; Waters, DCDFC; (2000) Search for the Charged Higgs Boson in the Decays of Top Quark Pairs in the e tau and mu tau Channels at s**(1/2) = 1.8 TeV. Physical Review D , 62 , Article 012004. 10.1103/PhysRevD.62.012004. Green open access

Langley, G; Harding, G; Hawkins, P; Jones, A; Newman, C; Swithenby, S; Thompson, D; ... Walsh, V; + view all (2000) Volunteer studies replacing animal experiments in brain research - Report and recommendations of a Volunteers in Research and Testing workshop. ATLA-ALTERN LAB ANIM , 28 (2) 315 - 331. Green open access

Last, M; (2000) Children and the experience of violence: contrasting cultures of punishment in northern Nigeria. Africa , 70 (3) 359 - 393. 10.3366/afr.2000.70.3.359. Green open access

Laurillard, D; Stratfold, M; Luckin, R; Plowman, L; Taylor, J; (2000) Affordances for Learning in a Non-linear Narrative Medium.

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