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Addae-Dapaah, K; (1996) The effectiveness of the direct sales comparison approach to office appraisal in Singapore. Australian Land Economics Review , 2 (2) pp. 35-43. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; Kion, CB; (1996) International diversity of property stock - a Singaporean investor's viewpoint. Real Estate Finance , 13 (3) pp. 54-66.

Agar, JE; (1996) History of science on the World Wide Web. British Journal for the History of Science , 29 (2) 223 - 227. 10.1017/S0007087400034257. Green open access

Alderson, P; (1996) Ethics and research directed towards effective outcomes: who owns the diamond button? In: Oakley, A and Roberts, H, (eds.) Evaluating social interventions. (pp. 82-119). Social Science Research Unit + Barnardo's: London, UK.

Alderson, P; (1996) Equipoise as a means of managing uncertainty: personal, communal and proxy. Journal of Medical Ethics , 22 (3) pp. 135-139. 10.1136/jme.22.3.135. Green open access

Alderson, P; Goodey, C; (1996) Research with disabled pupils: how useful is a child-centred ethics? Children and Society , 10 (2) pp. 106-116. 10.1111/chso.1996.10.2.106. Green open access

Alderson, P; Irwin, C; (1996) A young child’s refusal of life saving treatment: When do we stop? Involving children in decisions about withholding or withdrawing treatment intended to extend life. Nursing Times , 92 (36) pp. 29-33. Green open access

Allen, T; Brown, SN; Smith, FT; (1996) On vortex/wave interactions. Part 2. Originating from axisymmetric flow with swirl. J FLUID MECH , 325 145 - 161. 10.1017/S0022112096008063. Green open access

Allott, TEH; Bennion, H; Harlock, S; Hunt, M; Oliver, E; (1996) A study of recent environmental change within selected standing waters proposed as Special Areas of Conservation in Wales. (ECRC Research Report 22 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Anderson, NJ; Patrick, ST; Appleby, PG; (1996) Palaeolimnological surveys of Lough Erne and Lough Melvin (Northern Ireland). (ECRC Research Report 28 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Ashley, P; Moxom, J; Laricchia, G; (1996) Near-threshold ionization of He and H-2 by positron impact. Physical Review Letters , 77 (7) 1250 - 1253. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.77.1250. Green open access

Ashwell, M; Cole, TJ; Dixon, AK; (1996) Ratio of waist circumference to height is strong predictor of intra-abdominal fat. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , 313 (7056) pp. 559-560. Green open access

Ayris, P; (1996) Continuity and change in diocese and province: the role of a Tudor bishop. Historical Journal , 39 (2) 291 - 313. 10.1017/S0018246X00020252. Green open access


Barlow, MJ; Nguyen-Q-Rieu; Truong-Bach; Cernicharo, J; GonzalezAlfonso, E; Liu, XW; Cox, P; ... Trams, N; + view all (1996) The rich far-infrared water vapour spectrum of W Hya. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 (2) L241-L244. Green open access

Barrett, M; (1996) Environmental charges for controlling greenhouse gas emissions from civil aviation. UCL (University College London), WWF International: Switzerland. Green open access

Barrett, M; Fergusson, M; (1996) Aviation liberalisation and the environment in europe. UCL (University College London), WWF International: Switzerland. Green open access

Bates, PJ; Laughton, CA; Jenkins, TC; Capaldi, DC; Roselt, PD; Reese, CB; Neidle, S; (1996) Efficient triple helix formation by oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing alpha- or beta-2-amino-5-(2-deoxy-D-ribofuranosyl) pyridine residues. Nucleic Acids Res , 24 (21) 4176 - 4184. 10.1093/nar/24.21.4176. Green open access

Battarbee, RW; Barber, KE; Oldfield, F; Thompson, R; Stevenson, AC; Eglington, G; Haworth, EY; + view all (1996) Proxy records of climatic change in the UK over the last two millenia. (ECRC Research Report 23 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Bennion, H; (1996) Diatom derived phosphorus targets-broadland. (ECRC Research Report 26 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Bennion, H; Monteith, DT; (1996) Nutrient reconstructions in standing waters. (ECRC Research Report 21 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Beral, V; Babiker, A; Brettle, RP; Carne, C; Darbyshire, JH; Evans, BG; Gilson, RJC; ... Wellsteed, S; + view all (1996) The UK register of HIV seroconverters: Methods and analytical issues. EPIDEMIOL INFECT , 117 (2) 305 - 312. 10.1017/S0950268800001485. Green open access

Betteridge, S; Pankhurst, QA; Morales, MP; OGrady, K; Dickson, DPE; (1996) An investigation of the magnetic moment orientations in recording media using polarized Mossbauer spectroscopy. In: Ortalli, I, (ed.) International Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect- ICAME-95. (pp. pp. 251-254). EDITRICE COMPOSITORI: Bologna, Italy. Green open access

Blundell, R; Dearden, L; Meghir, C; (1996) The Determinants and Effects of Work Related Training in Britain. [Book]. Institute for Fiscal Studies: London. Green open access

Breeveld, Alice Antonia; (1996) Ultraviolet detectors for solar observations on the SOHO spacecraft. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London, UK. Green open access

Bryant, CJ; Manisali, M; Barrett, AW; (1996) Adenomatoid hyperplasia of palatal minor salivary glands. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 110 (2) 167 - 169. 10.1017/S0022215100133067. Green open access

Buffolano, W; Gilbert, R; Holland, F; Fratta, D; Palumbo, F; Ades, AE; (1996) Risk factors for recent toxoplasma infection in pregnant women in Naples. Epidemiology and Infection , 116 (3) 347 - 351. 10.1017/S0950268800052675. Green open access

Bullinaria, JA; Chater, N; (1996) Double dissociation, modularity, and distributed organization. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 19 (4) 632 - 632. 10.1017/S0140525X00043314. Green open access

Bynner, John; Wiggins, RD; Parsons, Samantha; (1996) An exploratory comparative analysis of data collected in the 1958 and 1970 British birth cohort studies. SSRU, City University: London, UK. Green open access


Cameron, N; (1996) Diatom analysis of a core from La Grande Mare, Guernsey. (ECRC Research Report 27 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Cameron, NG; (1996) Diatom analysis of sediments from Harland's Farm, Magor (Severn Estuary). (ECRC Research Report 20 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Cameron, NG; (1996) A diatom assessment of borehole sediments from the Jubilee Line Extension. (ECRC Research Report 25 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Caracciolo, S; Edwards, RG; Pelissetto, A; Sokal, AD; (1996) Caracciolo et al. Reply:. Phys.Rev.Lett. , 76 (7) 1179 -1179. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.1179. Green open access

Carvalho, L; Cox, EJ; Juggins, S; Ryves, DB; Sims, PA; Mitlehner, A; Battarbee, RW; (1996) Diatoms, salt lakes and climate change: inter-regional datasets and transfer functions for global application. (ECRC Research Report 32 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Cassel, KW; Smith, FT; Walker, JDA; (1996) The onset of instability in unsteady boundary-layer separation. J FLUID MECH , 315 223 - 256. 10.1017/S0022112096002406. Green open access

Cernicharo, J; Barlow, MJ; Gonzalez-Alfonso, E; Cox, P; Clegg, PE; Nguyen-Q-Rieu; Omont, A; ... Trams, N; + view all (1996) The ISO/LWS far infrared spectrum of IRC+10216. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 (2) L201-L204. Green open access

Clack, CD; Gould, SJ; Lidwell, PR; McDonnell, JT; (1996) Advanced Technology Support for Information Management at Friends of the Earth. In: Proceedings of Technology Transfer and Innovation 1996. (pp. pp. 170-175). TCD Green open access

Clegg, PE; Ade, PAR; Armand, C; Baluteau, JP; Barlow, MJ; Buckley, MA; Berges, JC; ... White, GJ; + view all (1996) The ISO long-wavelength spectrometer. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 (2) L38-L42. Green open access

Coen, D; (1996) The firm as a political actor in the EU. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Cox, P; GonzalezAlfonso, E; Barlow, MJ; Liu, XW; Lim, T; Swinyard, BM; Cernicharo, J; ... Serra, G; + view all (1996) The ISO/LWS spectrum of the Egg nebula, AFGL 2688. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 (2) L265-L268. Green open access

Crawford, IA; Barlow, MJ; (1996) Ultra-high-resolution measurements of the intrinsic line profiles of interstellar C-2 towards zeta Ophiuchi and HD 169454. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 280 (3) pp. 863-867. 10.1093/mnras/280.3.863. Green open access

Curtis, CJ; Allott, TEH; Battarbee, RW; Harriman, R; Hall, J; (1996) Screening and validation of the empirical maps for UK freshwater critical loads. (ECRC Research Paper 12 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access


Davidson, P; (1996) Viacheslav Ivanov V Russkoi I Zapadnoi Kriticheskoi Mysli (1903-1995). Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae , 41 pp. 111-132. Green open access

Davidson, Pamela; (1996) 'Lidiia Zinov'eva-Annibal's "The Singing Ass": A Woman's View of Men and Eros. In: Marsh, R, (ed.) Gender and Russian Literature: New Perspectives. (pp. 155-183). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, United Kingdom. Green open access

de Carpentier, JP; Ryder, WDJ; Saeed, SR; Woolford, TJ; (1996) Survival times of Provox(TM) valves. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 110 (1) 37 - 42. 10.1017/S0022215100132670. Green open access

DE MAGALHAES, C; (1996) Urban development, the development process and spatial change: A study of the agents, their functions, strategies and structures of operation in teh development of office space in Sao Paulo, 1980-1984. Doctoral thesis , University of London.

Delle Site, P; Mackett, RL; (1996) Development of a Comprehensive Urban Public Transport Model for Long-range Patronage Forecasting. In: Proceedings of the 24th PTRC European Transport Forum 1996. PTRC: UK: London. Green open access

DeMarco, O; Storey, PJ; Barlow, MJ; (1996) A method for the direct determination of the wind electron temperature of WC10 central stars of planetary nebulae. In: Jeffery, CS and Heber, U, (eds.) Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series: Volume:96, Hydrogen-Deficient Stars. (pp. pp. 145-148). Astronomical Society of the Pacific Green open access

Duffy, DM; Harding, JH; Stoneham, AM; (1996) A calculation of the structure and energy of the Nb/Al2O3 interface. Acta Materialia , 44 (8) 3293 - 3298. 10.1016/1359-6454(95)00424-6. Green open access


EAMES, I; Hunt, JCR; (1996) Displacement of inviscid fluid by a sphere moving away from a wall. Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 324 333 - 353. 10.1017/S002211209600794X. Green open access

Emery, R; Aannestad, P; Minchin, N; Unger, SJ; Baluteau, JP; Barlow, MJ; Caux, E; ... Smith, A; + view all (1996) Extended fine structure and continuum emission from S140/L1204. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 (2) L285-L288. Green open access

Emmerich, W; (1996) Architecture for viewpoint environments based on OMG/CORBA. In: UNSPECIFIED (pp. 207-211). Green open access

Emmerich, W; Bandinelli, S; Lavazza, L; Arlow, J; (1996) Fine grained process modelling: An experiment at British Airways. In: UNSPECIFIED (pp. 2-12). Green open access

Emmerich, W; Spanoudakis, G; (1996) Next-generation viewpoint-based environments. (Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on The Next Generation of CASE Technology, Crete, Greece ). Norweigan University of Science and Technology (NTNU): Norway. Green open access

Evans, J; (1996) A myth in time: Victor Erice's El sur. Journal of Hispanic Research , 4 (1995-199) pp. 147-157. Green open access


Farrell, WM; Fitzenreiter, RJ; Owen, CJ; Byrnes, JB; Lepping, RP; Ogilvie, KW; Neubauer, F; (1996) Upstream ULF waves and energetic electrons associated with the lunar wake: Detection of precursor activity. Geophysical Research Letters , 23 (10) 1271 - 1274. 10.1029/96GL01355. Green open access

Finn, M; (1996) Women, consumption and coverture in England, c. 1760-1860. Historical Journal , 39 (3) 703 - 722. 10.1017/S0018246X0002450X. Green open access

Flower, RJ; Rose, NL; Harlock, S; Appleby, PG; (1996) Atmospheric acidification history of Loch Laidon: a comparison of pollution records from 1985 and 1995 sediment cores. (ECRC Research Report 29 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Frith, U; Happe, F; (1996) Mary has more: Sex differences, autism, coherence, and theory of mind. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 19 (2) 253 - 254. 10.1017/S0140525X00042497. Green open access


Graham, E; (1996) Maya cities and the character of a tropical urbanism. In: Sinclair, P, (ed.) The development of urbanism from a global perspective. Uppsala University: Uppsala, Sweden. Green open access

Green, AG; Kogan, II; Tsvelik, AM; (1996) Skyrmion liquid in SU(2)-invariant quantum Hall systems. Physical Review B , 53 (11) 6981 - 6983. 10.1103/PhysRevB.53.6981. Green open access

Green, AG; Kogan, II; Tsvelik, AM; (1996) Skyrmions in the quantum Hall effect at finite Zeeman coupling. Physical Review B , 54 (23) , Article 16838. 10.1103/PhysRevB.54.16838. Green open access

Groce, NE; Reeve, ME; (1996) Traditional healers and global surveillance strategies for emerging diseases: Closing the gap. EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES , 2 (4) pp. 351-353. 10.3201/eid0204.960412. Green open access


Haggard, P; (1996) What can and what cannot be adjusted in the movement patterns of cerebellar patients? BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 19 (3) 451 - 452. 10.1017/S0140525X00081668. Green open access

Hazell, R; Donnelly, K; Smith, N; (1996) Delivering Constitutional Reform. Constitution Unit: London. Green open access

Heinrichs, J; Rehren, THH; (1996) Keltische Münzschrötlingsformen aus Bonn - Naturwissenschaftlich-numismatischer Vorbericht und historische Interpretation. Metalla , 3 pp. 83-100. Green open access

Hermans, T; (1996) Norms and the determination of translation: a theoretical framework. In: Alvarez, R and Vidal, M, (eds.) Translation, Power, Subversion. (pp. 25-51). Multilingual Matters: Clevedon, England. Green open access

Heydecker, BG; Van der Zijpp, N; (1996) On the calibration of the gravity model. In: Transportation Planning Methods. Proceedings of Seminar D held at the PTRC European Transport Forum, Brunel University, England, 2-6 September 1996. Volume P404-1. PTRC Education and Research Services Limited: London, UK. Green open access

Higgs, P; (1996) The old age challenge to the biomedical model: Paradigm strain and health policy - Longino,C., Murphy,J. Ageing & Society , 16 (1) 118 - 119. 10.1017/S0144686X00003196. Green open access

Hill, B; Long, J; (1996) A preliminary model of the planning and control of the combined response to disaster. In: Green, TRG and Canas, JJ and Warren, CP, (eds.) Proceedings of the 8th European conference on cognitive ergonomics. (pp. 57 - 62). European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics Green open access

Hobbs, R; Cole, TJ; (1996) Deprivation payments revisited (again). BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.) , 313 (7058) pp. 641-642. Green open access

HOPPIT, J; (1996) Patterns of parliamentary legislation, 1660–1800. HIST J , 39 (1) 109 - 131. 10.1017/S0018246X00020690. Green open access

Huckvale, M; Fang, A; (1996) Analysis of the prosody of read speech with the PROSICE corpus. Presented at: IOA Conference on Speech and Hearing. Green open access


Jacobs, E; Weissert, H; Shields, G; Stille, P; (1996) The Monterey event in the Mediterranean: A record from shelf sediments of Malta. Paleoceanography , 11 (6) 717 - 728. 10.1029/96PA02230. Green open access

Justtanont, K; Barlow, MJ; Skinner, CJ; Roche, PF; Aitken, DK; Smith, CH; (1996) Mid-infrared spectroscopy of carbon-rich post-AGB objects and detection of the PAH molecule chrysene. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 309 (2) pp. 612-628. Green open access


Kenyon, AJ; Trwoga, PF; Pitt, CW; Rehm, G; (1996) The origin of photoluminescence from thin films of silicon-rich silica. Journal of Applied Physics , 79 (12) 9291 - 9300. 10.1063/1.362605. Green open access

Kingdon, GG; (1996) Private schooling in India - Size, nature, and equity-effects. Economic and Political Weekly , 31 (51) pp. 3306-3314. Green open access

Kirstein, P; (1996) The C-ODA Project - On-line Access to Electronic Journals. Communications of the ACM , 39 (6) pp. 87-89. 10.1145/228503.228523. Green open access

Kirstein, PT; Lewis, D; Hutton, A; Handley, M; Su, P; (1996) UCL Experiences with Higher Speed Working. In: Proceedings of the Joint European Networking Conference (JENC) 7. (pp. pp. 1-10). TNC (TERENA Networking Conference)

Kostkova, P; MURRAY, K; Wilkinson, T; (1996) Component Based Operating System. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation 1996:2nd OSDI. USENIX: Seattle, Washington. Green open access


Lake, MW; (1996) Starting to Think. Review of R. Byrne, 1995, 'The Thinking Ape: The Evolutionary Origins of Intelligence'. Cambridge Archaeological Journal , 6 (2) , Article Institute of Archaeology. 10.1017/S0959774300001761. Green open access

Landerl, K; Frith, U; Wimmer, H; (1996) Intrusion of orthographic knowledge on phoneme awareness: Strong in normal readers, weak in dyslexic readers. Applied Psycholinguistics , 17 (1) 1 - 14. 10.1017/S0142716400009437. Green open access

Langdon, William Benjamin; (1996) Genetic programming and data structures. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

LEVY, C; (1996) The process of Institutionalising Gender in Policy and Planning: the web of institutionalisation. (DPU Working Papers 74). DPU, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Li, LM; Russo, M; ODonoghue, MF; Duncan, JS; Sander, JWAS; (1996) Allergic skin rash with lamotrigine and concomitant valproate therapy - Evidence for an increased risk. ARQ NEURO-PSIQUIAT , 54 (1) 47 - 49. 10.1590/S0004-282X1996000100008. Green open access

Liu, XW; Barlow, MJ; (1996) Physical conditions in the transition regions around the Ring Nebula and NGC 7027. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 279 (2) pp. 511-520. 10.1093/mnras/279.2.511. Green open access

Liu, XW; Barlow, MJ; NguyenQRieu; TruongBach; Cox, P; Pequignot, D; Clegg, PE; ... Trams, N; + view all (1996) The ISO LWS grating spectrum of NGC 7027. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 (2) L257-L260. Green open access


MacDonald, KC; Hung, FYC; Crawford, H; (1996) Reply to Wickstead and Pluciennek. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 7 13 - 16. Green open access

Mackay, AW; Flower, RJ; Battarbee, RW; (1996) Stratigraphical evidence of environmental change in Lake Baikal, associated with recent changes in climate. (ECRC Research Report 19 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Mahoney, CFO; Luxon, LM; (1996) Misdiagnosis of hearing loss due to ear canal collapse: A report of two cases. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 110 (6) 561 - 566. 10.1017/S0022215100134279. Green open access

Male, T; (1996) Back to the Future in the UK? Current and Planned Changes to the Development of Headteachers. In: UCEA Convention 1996 - Reinventing Education: Retrospect and Prospect. University Council for Education Administration (UCEA): Louisville, Kentucky. Green open access

Mallet, J; (1996) Species and Conservaton. [Lecture]. Presented at: Setting Conservation Priorities. A meeting at James Cook University, Townsville, Townsville, Australia. Green open access

Manolopoulos, S; Manolopoulos, S; (1996) Radiation Hardness of GaAs p-i-n Diodes to Neutron Irradiation. In: Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds Proceedings of the Third International Workshop. (pp. pp. 144-151). World Scientific Green open access

Meaburn, J; Lopez, JA; Barlow, MJ; Drew, JE; (1996) The expansion of the outer circumstellar shell of P Cygni. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 283 (3) L69-L71. 10.1093/mnras/283.3.L69. Green open access

Monteith, DT; Allott, TEH; Bennion, H; Duigan, CA; Harriman, R; Kirika, A; Hutchinson, J; + view all (1996) Integrated classification and assessment of lakes in Wales: Phase III. (ECRC Research Report 34 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Murdan, S; Gregoriadis, G; Florence, AT; (1996) Non-ionic surfactant based organogels incorporating niosomes. S.T.P. Pharma Sciences , 6 (1) 44 - 48. Green open access


Neidle, S; Capaldi, DC; Bernadette, JV; Reese, CB; (1996) The alpha-pyridyl nucleoside analogue 2-bromo-5-(2-deoxy-alpha-D-ribofuranosyl)pyridine. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS , 52 (Part 2) 407 - 409. 10.1107/S0108270195013060. Green open access

Neidle, S; Capaldi, DC; Reese, CB; Roselt, PD; (1996) 4-amino-1-(2-deoxy-beta-D-ribofuranosyl)-6,7-dihydro-1H,5H-cyclopentapyrimidine-2-one. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION C-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE COMMUNICATIONS , 52 (Part 9) 2332 - 2334. 10.1107/S0108270196002582. Green open access

Nisini, B; Lorenzetti, D; Cohen, M; Ceccarelli, C; Giannini, T; Liseau, R; Molinari, S; ... White, GJ; + view all (1996) LWS-spectroscopy of Herbig Haro objects and molecular outflows in the Cha II dark cloud. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 L321-L324. Green open access

Nusser, Z; Sieghart, W; Stephenson, FA; Somogyi, P; (1996) The alpha 6 subunit of the GABA(A) receptor is concentrated in both inhibitory and excitatory synapses on cerebellar granule cells. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE , 16 (1) 103 - 114. Green open access


O'Keefe, J; (1996) The Spatial Prepositions in English, Vector Grammar and the Cognitive Map Theory. In: Bloom, P and Peterson, MA and Nadel, L and Garrett, MF, (eds.) Language and Space. (pp. 277-316). The MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA. Green open access

Ogilvie, KW; Steinberg, JT; Fitzenreiter, RJ; Owen, CJ; Lazarus, AJ; Farrell, WM; Torbert, RB; (1996) Observations of the lunar plasma wake from the WIND spacecraft on December 27, 1994. Geophysical Research Letters , 23 (10) 1255 - 1258. 10.1029/96GL01069. Green open access

Owen, CJ; Lepping, RP; Ogilvie, KW; Slavin, JA; Farrell, WM; Byrnes, JB; (1996) The lunar wake at 6.8 R(L): WIND magnetic field observations. Geophysical Research Letters , 23 (10) 1263 - 1266. 10.1029/96GL01354. Green open access


Radner, K; Fadhil, A; (1996) Äste, Gras und Esel. Ein neuassyrischer Privatbrief aus Nimrud im Iraq Museum. Baghdader Mitteilungen , 27 419 - 428. Green open access

Radner, K; Jursa, M; (1996) Keilschrifttexte aus Jerusalem. Archiv für Orientforschung , 42/43 89 - 108. Green open access

Radosevic, S; (1996) Restructuring of R&D institutes in post-Socialist economies: emerging patterns and issues. In: Webster, A, (ed.) Building new bases for innovation: the transformation of the R&D system in post-socialist states. (8 - 30). Anglia Polytechnic University: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Reynolds, A; (1996) Anglo-Saxon Human Sacrifice at Cuddesdon and Sutton Hoo? Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 7 23 - 30. 10.5334/pia.97. Green open access

Richards, A; Brain, C; Dillon, MJ; Bailey, CM; (1996) Craniometaphyseal and craniodiaphyseal dysplasia, head and neck manifestations and management. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 110 (4) 328 - 338. 10.1017/S0022215100133560. Green open access

Roelfsema, PR; Cox, P; Tielens, AGGM; Allamandola, LJ; Baluteau, JP; Barlow, MJ; Beintema, D; ... Sandford, SA; + view all (1996) SWS observations of IR emission features towards compact HII regions. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 L289-L292. Green open access

Rose, NL; Rippey, B; (1996) The historical record of trace metal, fly-ash and persistent organic pollutant deposition to Loch Coire nan Arr, a remote lake in North-West Scotland. (ECRC Research Report 31 ). UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK. Green open access

Rothman, JS; Young, ED; (1996) Enhancement of neural synchronization in computational models of ventral cochlear nucleus bushy cells. Auditory Neuroscience , 2 (1) pp. 47-62.

Ruhrberg, C; Hajibagheri, MAN; Simon, M; Dooley, TP; Watt, FM; (1996) Envoplakin, a novel precursor of the cornified envelope that has homology to desmoplakin. J CELL BIOL , 134 (3) 715 - 729. Green open access


Saeed, SR; Brookes, GB; (1996) Palatal myoclonus affected by neck posture. [Letter]. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 110 (2) 207 - 207. 10.1017/S0022215100133195. Green open access

Saeed, SR; Ramsden, RT; (1996) Rehabilitation of the paralysed face: Results of facial nerve surgery. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 110 (10) 922 - 925. 10.1017/S0022215100135364. Green open access

Samek-Lodovici, V; (1996) Constraints on Subjects - An Optimality Theoretic Analysis. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Saraceno, P; Ceccarelli, C; Clegg, P; Correia, C; DiGiorgio, A; Giannini, T; Griffin, M; ... Unger, S; + view all (1996) LWS observations of the bright rimmed globule IC1396N. Astronomy & Astrophysics , 315 (2) L293-L296. Green open access

Scior, K; (1996) Women with learning disabilities: Gendered subjects after all? Doctoral thesis , University of East London.

University College London, Selviah, D.R., Chang, C.C. (1996) Phase conjugation apparatus and method of phase conjugating light. WO 96/30802. Green open access

Shanks, DR; StJohn, MF; (1996) Implicit learning: What does it all mean - Response. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 19 (3) 557 - 558. 10.1017/S0140525X00082194. Green open access

Shennan, S; (1996) Social inequality and the transmission of cultural traditions in forager societies. In: Steele, J and Shennan, S, (eds.) The archaeology of human ancestry: power, sex and tradition. (pp. 326-340). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Slavin, JA; Szabo, A; Peredo, M; Lepping, RP; Fitzenreiter, RJ; Ogilvie, KW; Owen, CJ; (1996) Near-simultaneous bow shock crossings by WIND and IMP 8 on December 1, 1994. Geophysical Research Letters , 23 (10) 1207 - 1210. 10.1029/96GL01351. Green open access

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