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Number of items: 71.
Brockington, D;
Homewood, K;
Degradation Debates and Data Deficiencies: The Case of the Mkomazi Game Reserve, Tanzania.
, 71
449 - 480.
Ceccarelli, Paola;
John Ma, Antiochos III and the cities of Western Asia Minor. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. xvii, 403 pages : 2 maps ; 25 cm. ISBN 0198152191 hb. $98.00.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
Chesher, A;
Exogenous impact and conditional quantile functions.
Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice Working Paper
Chesher, A;
Parameter approximations for quantile regressions with measurement error.
Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice Working Paper
Chesher, A;
Quantile driven identification of structural derivatives.
Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice Working Paper
Dustmann, C;
van Soest, A;
Language fluency and earnings: Estimation with misclassified language indicators.
, 83
663 - 674.
Fenoulhet, J;
Time travel in the forbidden realm: J.J. Slauerhoff's Het 'Verboden rijk' viewed as a modernist novel.
, 96
116 - 129.
French, D;
Doctrine and Organization in the British Army, 1919-1932.
Historical Journal
, 44
497 - 515.
Gardner, A;
Reviews of De la Bédoyère. G. 1999. The Golden Age of Roman Britain. Stroud: Tempus Publishing and Faulkner, N. 2000. The Decline and Fall of Roman Britain. Stroud: Tempus Publishing.
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology
, 12
141 - 144.
Gardner, A;
The times of archaeology and archaeologies of time.
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology
, 12
35 - 47.
Gonis, N;
W. Clarysse: CD-LDAB 1998. Leuven Database of Ancient Books. Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit, 1998.
, 51
421 - 422.
Gowland, A;
Rhetorical structure and function in The Anatomy of Melancholy.
Rhetorica - Journal of the History of Rhetoric
, 19
pp. 1-48.
Hackett, H;
Historiographical review: dreams or designs, cults or constructions? The study of images of monarchs.
The Historical Journal
, 44
811 - 823.
Haklay, M;
O'Sullivan, D;
Thurstain-Goodwin, M;
Schelhorn, T;
"So go downtown": simulating pedestrian movement in town centres.
, 28
343 - 359.
Hanley, SL;
Are the Exceptions Really the Rule? Questioning the Application of 'Electoral-Professional' Type Models of Party Organization in East Central Europe.
Perspectives on European Politics and Society
, 2
pp. 453-479.
Hermans, T;
Shall I Apologize Translation?
Journal of Translation Studies
, 5
pp. 1-17.
Hewitson, M;
The Kaiserreich in question: Constitutional crisis in Germany before the First World War.
, 73
725 - 780.
Hilson, M;
Labour politics in a naval dockyard: The case of Karlskrona, Sweden c.1880-1925.
, 46
pp. 341-369.
Hodgson, DA;
Noon, PE;
Vyverman, W;
Bryant, CL;
Gore, DB;
Appleby, P;
Gilmour, M;
... Wood, PB; + view all
Were the Larsemann Hills ice-free through the last Glacial Maximum?
Antarctic Science
, 13
440 - 454.
Huck, S;
Bohnet, I;
Frey, BS;
More order with less law: on contract enforcement, trust, and crowding.
American Political Science Review
, 95
131 - 144.
Jehiel, P;
Moldovanu, B;
A note of revenue maximization and efficiency in multi-object auctions.
Economics Bulletin
, 3
Koenker, DP;
Fathers against sons/sons against fathers: The problem of generations in the early Soviet workplace.
Journal of Modern History
, 73
pp. 781-810.
Martinón-Torres, M;
Los megalitos de término. Crónica del valor territorial de los monumentos megalíticos a partir de las fuentes escritas.
Trabajos de Prehistoria
, 58
95 -108.
Mokal, RJ;
Cambridge Law Journal
, 60
581 - 621.
Radner, K;
The Construction of the Assyrian Empire (Yamada,S.).
Zeitschrift für Assyriologie
, 91
149 - 151.
Radner, K;
Eine Bronzeschale mit neuassyrischer Inschrift.
State Archives of Assyria Bulletin
, 13
pp. 17-25.
Rehren, T;
Meroe, iron and Africa.
Mitteilungen der Sudanarchäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin
, 12
pp. 102-109.
Salway, RWB;
Review of S. J. J. Corcoran 'The Empire of the Tetrarchs: Imperial Pronouncements and Government, AD 284-324'.
Journal of Roman Studies
, 91
261 - 263.
Sharples, R;
M. E. Stone, M. E. Shirinian: Pseudo-Zeno: Anonymous Philosophical Treatise. Pp. xiv + 254. Leiden, Boston, and Cologne: Brill, 2000. Cased, $85. ISBN: 90-04-11524-2.
Classical Review
, 51
393 - 393.
Sharples, R;
R. Melville (trans.): Lucretius: On the Nature of the Universe (with introduction and notes by D. and P. Fowler). Pp. xxxiv + 275. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. Cased, £45. ISBN: 0-19815097-0.
Classical Review
, 51
396 - 397.
Shemesh, A;
Rietti-Shati, M;
Rioual, P;
Battarbee, RW;
de Beaulieu, J;
Reille, M;
Andrieu, V;
An oxygen isotope record of lacustrine opal from a European Maar indicates climatic stability during the Last Interglacial.
Geophysical Research Letters
, 28
2305 - 2308.
Shennan, S;
Demography and cultural innovation: A model and its implications for the emergence of modern human culture.
Cambridge Archaeological Journal
, 11
pp. 5-16.
Terras, M;
Another Suitcase, Another Student Hall — Where Are We Going To? What ACH/ALLC 2001 Can Tell Us About the Current Direction of Humanities Computing.
Literary and Linguistic Computing
, 16
pp. 485-491.
Wallman, S;
Pons, V;
Where Have All The Young Men Gone? Evidences and Explanations of Changing Age: Sex Ratios in Kampala.
, 71
113 - 127.
Wengrow, D;
Rethinking 'cattle cults' in early Egypt: Towards a prehistoric perspective on the Narmer Palette.
, 11
91 - 104.
Barrett, S;
Poland in Transition: The Return of the Native.
SSEES Occasional Papers: Vol.54.
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES): London, UK.
Ledeneva, Alena;
Unwritten Rules. How Russia Really Works?
Centre for European Reform (CER): London, UK.
Book chapter
Boott, R;
Haklay, M;
Heppell, K;
Morley, J;
The use of GIS in Brownfield redevelopment.
In: Halls, PJ, (ed.)
(241 - 258).
Hermans, T;
De peren van de kersenboom.
In: Elshout, G and ter Haar, C and Janssens, G and Kristel, M and Prins, A and Vismans, R, (eds.)
Perspectieven voor de internationale neerlandistiek in de 21ste eeuw. Handelingen Veertiende Colloquium Neerlandicum.
(pp. 377-397).
Internationale Vereniging voor Neerlandistiek: Woubrugge, The Netherlands.
Lewis, J;
Forest People or Village People: Whose voice will be heard?'.
In: Barnard, A and Kenrick, J, (eds.)
Africa's Indigenous Peoples: 'First Peoples' or 'Marginalized Minorities'?
(61 - 78).
Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh, UK.
Näser, Claudia;
Zur Interpretation funerärer Praktiken im Neuen Reich: Der Ostfriedhof von Deir el-Medine.
In: Arnst, C-B and Hafemann, I and Lohwasser, A, (eds.)
Begegnungen antike Kulturen im Niltal: Festgabe für Erika Endesfelder, Karl-Heinz Priese, Walter Friedrich Reineke und Steffen Wenig.
(pp. 373-398).
Wodtke and Stegbauer: Leipzig, Germany.
Radosevic, S;
Pan-European industrial networks as factor of convergence or divergence within Europe.
In: Wallace, H, (ed.)
Interlocking dimensions of European integration.
(45 - 67).
Palgrave: Basingstoke, UK.
Warwick, C;
'Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated': Scholarly editing in the digital age.
In: Fiormonte, D and Usher, J, (eds.)
New Media and the Humanities: Research and Applications.
(55 - 62).
Humanities Computing Unit: Oxford, UK.
Proceedings paper
Sully, Dean;
Man-Yee, Liu;
Swee-Mun, Lee;
A Topical Solution to Tropical Museum Pest Control.
In: KIngsley, Helen and Pinniger, David and Xavier-Row, Amber and Winsor, Peter, (eds.)
Integrated Pest Management for Collections: Proceedings of 2001 - A Pest Odyssey.
(pp. pp. 57-63).
Routledge: Oxfordshire, UK.
Amos, J;
Baxter, D;
Croft, J;
Hazell, R;
A Practical Guide to the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The Constitution Unit: London, UK.
Battarbee, RW;
Juggins, S;
Gasse, F;
Anderson, NJ;
Bennion, H;
Cameron, NG;
Ryves, DB;
+ view all
European Diatom Database (EDDI). An information system for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Curtis, CJ;
Hughes, M;
Kernan, M;
Shilland, E;
Harriman, R;
Critical loads of sulphur and nitrogen for surface waters in Northern Ireland.
(ECRC Research Reports
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Griffith, R;
Simpson, H;
Characteristics of foreign-owned firms in British manufacturing.
(IFS Working Papers
UCL (University College London), The Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK.
Hooper-Greenhill, E;
Moussouri, T;
Visitors' Interpretive Strategies at Nottingham Castle Museum and Art Gallery.
(Making Meaning in Art Museums
Research Centre for Museums and Galleries and University of Leicester: Leicester, UK.
Hooper-Greenhill, E;
Moussouri, T;
Howthorne, E;
Riley, R;
Visitors' Interpretive Strategies at Wolverhampton Art Gallery.
(Making Meaning in Art Museums
Research Centre for Museums and Galleries, University of Leicester: Leicester, UK.
Reynolds, B;
Cullen, J;
Evans, C;
Jenkins, A;
Curtis, C;
Flower, R;
Henderson, P;
+ view all
Summary of Research under DETR Contract "Acidification of freshwaters: the role of nitrogen and the prospects for recovery", EPG1/3/117.
(ECRC Research Reports
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Rose, NL;
Meteorological data for Lochnagar 1996-2000.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Sayer, CD;
Jackson, MJ;
Simpson, GL;
Waldock, MJ;
Reed, J;
Henderson, ACG;
Boyle, JF;
+ view all
Tributyltin (TBT) and the decline of the Norfolk Broads.
(ECRC Research Report
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Shilland, EM;
Monteith, DT;
Limnological surveys of Welsh lakes: Llyn Helyg, Llyn Bedydd and Pant-yr-ochain pools, Clwyd.
(ECRC Research Report
, pp. pp. 1-40
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Shilland, EM;
Monteith, DT;
Harriman, R;
Morrison, BRS;
Collen, P;
Kreiser, A;
Land-use experiments in the Loch Laidon catchment: sixth report on stream water quality to the Rannoch Trust.
(ECRC Research Report
, pp. pp. 1-53
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Yang, H;
Rose, NL;
Berry, A;
Trace element measurements within London and across the UK with particular emphasis on mercury.
(ECRC Research Reports
UCL Environmental Change Research Centre: London, UK.
Working / discussion paper
Batty, M;
Chapman, D;
Evans, S;
Haklay, M;
Kueppers, S;
Shiode, N;
Smith, A;
Visualizing the City: Communicating Urban Design to Planners and Decision-Makers.
Esri Press
Filatotchev, I;
Mickiewicz, T;
Ownership Concentration, 'Private Benefits of Control' and Debt Financing.
(Economics Working Papers
Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe, UCL: London, UK.
Mickiewicz, T;
Zalewska, A;
Deindustrialisation and Structural Change During the PostCommunist Transition.
(William Davidson Institute Working Paper
William Davidson Institute, University of Michigan
Radosevic, S;
Yoruk, DE;
Videoton: the Growth of Enterprise through Entrepreneurship and Network Alignment.
(Economics Working Papers
Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe, SSEES, UCL: London, UK.
Radosevic, S;
Yoruk, DE;
Dornisch, D;
The issues of enterprise growth in transition and post-transition period: the case of Polish 'Elektrim'.
(Economics Working Papers
Centre for the Study of Economic and Social Change in Europe, SSEES, UCL: London, UK.
Antoine, Daniel;
Evaluating the periodicity of incremental structures in dental enamel as a means of studying growth in children from past human populations.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London.
Brown, Ian;
End-to-end security in active networks.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London.
Collins, S;
Inhabited Content: An exploration into the role of the viewer through the realisation of In Conversation and other works.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Hunter-Henin, M;
Pour une redéfinition du statut personnel.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UNSPECIFIED.
Mokal, Rizwaan Jameel;
Consistency of Principle in Corporate Insolvency.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Stephenson Seel, Sophie Penelope;
Later prehistoric woodlands and wood use on the lower Thames floodplain.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of London.
Young, SJ;
Reading, narrating, scripting: psycho-poetic strategies in Dostoevsky’s Idiot.
Doctoral thesis , University of Nottingham.
Zusi, Peter A.;
The Present "As It Really Is": Historicism and the Theory of the Avant-Garde.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), The University of Chicago.
Young, C;
I am a Revolutionary.
London, UK.