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Organisation structure: A study of how the organisation structure of engineering consultants responds to change?

Hassan, SF; (2006) Organisation structure: A study of how the organisation structure of engineering consultants responds to change? Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

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Organisational structure is frequently changing within engineering consultant organisations due to the frequent changes in the business environment. These changes that organisations face today have no precedent. Therefore, organisations must keep up with these changes. The organisation must offer extraordinary modifications in their services to ensure survival in the competitive marketplace. One of the ways that organisations have responded with, to deal with these changes is by changing and modifying its organisation structure. A lot of research has been conducted on change or a relatively specific form of organisational structure, especially for main stream business, but very little study has been done on how the organisation structure of engineering consultants responds to change. Therefore it was decided early to keep research broad in order to give a greater understanding and holistic view of organisation structure and change, and at the same time concentrate on engineering consultants to pave the way for future study and research. The organisation structure and change is detailed and discussed using PB Ltd engineering consultant as a case study. Interviews with key members of the organisation structure provided the background for the investigation and the problems of restructuring. In this report, there is no theoretical advancement rather an attempt to provide a better understanding of organisation structure within engineering consultants and to try to guide engineering consultant organisations when responding to change by modifying its structure in an ever changing business environment, as organisations might be forced to be more effective & efficient. The identification of the organisational structure of engineering consultants of that of a 'Hybrid structure', the restructuring within the case study engineering consultant organisation is no more than a slight modification of the same basic design and the dark side of restructuring is downsizing are some of the main finding of the research.

Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Title: Organisation structure: A study of how the organisation structure of engineering consultants responds to change?
Open access status: An open access version is available from UCL Discovery
Language: English
Additional information: Thesis digitised by ProQuest.
UCL classification:
URI: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1569592
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