An expert elicitation of climate, energy and economic uncertainties
Dataset to accompany Energy Policy paper title "An expert elicitation of climate, energy and economic uncertainties".
The file is tab delimited and can be used in conjunction with the R code hosted on the github url given below.
The data consists of the elicited distributions that represent the beliefs of 25 UK energy experts interviewed during 2010 for six parameters. These include oil price in 2030, CO2 price in 2030, levelised cost of low-carbon electricity in 2030, home comfort temperature (for the UK) in 2030, UK population in 2030. All fiscal values are expressed in 2010$US.
All citations should be made to the original paper (see doi link below).
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Published on 22 Aug 2013 - 19:00 (GMT)
Filesize is 5.30 KB
- Will Usher
- Neil Strachan
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