@article{discovery59674, year = {1983}, volume = {16}, number = {25}, title = {VOLUME CHANGES AND DIPOLE TENSORS FOR POINT-DEFECTS IN CRYSTALS}, month = {September}, pages = {L925 -- L928}, journal = {J PHYS C SOLID STATE}, note = {Text made available to UCL Discovery by kind permission of IOP Publishing, 2012}, publisher = {IOP PUBLISHING LTD}, abstract = {Results for the volume change and dipole tensors for point defects are derived using a generalisation of the Betti reciprocity theorem. These results incorporate the correction terms derived by Flynn (1971) by Lidiard (1981) and by Gillan (1983) in a simpler way, and allow some more general results to be obtained straightforwardly.}, author = {STONEHAM, AM}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0022-3719/16/25/003}, issn = {0022-3719} }