%0 Journal Article
%@ 0275-5408
%A Petzold, A
%A Plant, GT
%D 2006
%F discovery:18933
%K autoimmune-related retinopathy and optic neuropathy (ARRON) syndrome, Bothnia dystrophy, cancer associated retinopathy, congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB), enhanced S-cone syndrome (ESCS), fundus albipunctatus, melanoma associated retinopathy, Newfoundland rod-cone dystrophy, Oguchi disease, retinitis pigmentosa (RP), retinitis punctata albescens, Sorsby fundus dystrophy, vitamin A deficiency (VAD), VITAMIN-A-DEFICIENCY, STATIONARY NIGHT BLINDNESS, S-CONE-SYNDROME, MELANOMA-ASSOCIATED RETINOPATHY, SORSBY FUNDUS DYSTROPHY, RETINALDEHYDE-BINDING PROTEIN, RETINITIS PUNCTATA ALBESCENS, NUCLEAR RECEPTOR NR2E3, CANCER-ASSOCIATED RETINOPATHY, SCHUBERT-BORNSCHEIN TYPE
%N 3
%P 326 - 341
%T Clinical disorders affecting mesopic vision
%U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/18933/
%V 26
%X Vision in the mesopic range is affected by a number of inherited and acquired clinical disorders. We review these conditions and summarize the historical background, describing the clinical characteristics alongside the genetic basis and molecular biological mechanisms giving rise to rod and cone dysfunction relevant to twilight vision. The current diagnostic gold standards for each disease are discussed and curative and symptomatic treatment strategies are summarized.