           month = {June},
          volume = {98},
       publisher = {AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOC},
         journal = {PHYS REV LETT},
          number = {24},
            year = {2007},
           title = {Precision study of the eta He-3 system using the dp -{\ensuremath{>}} He-3 eta reaction},
            note = {{\copyright} 2007 The American Physical Society},
          author = {Mersmann, T and Khoukaz, A and Buscher, M and Chiladze, D and Dymov, S and Hartmann, M and Hejny, V and Kacharava, A and Keshelashvili, I and Kulessa, P and Maeda, Y and Mielke, M and Mikirtychiants, S and Ohm, H and Papenbrock, M and Prasuhn, D and Rathmann, F and Rausmann, T and Schleichert, R and Serdyuk, V and Stein, HJ and Stroher, H and Taschner, A and Valdau, Y and Wilkin, C and Wronska, A},
             url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.242301},
        abstract = {The differential and total cross sections for the dp -{\ensuremath{>}} He-3 eta reaction have been measured in a high precision high statistics COSY-ANKE experiment near threshold using a continuous beam energy ramp up to an excess energy Q of 11.3 MeV with essentially 100\% acceptance. The kinematics allowed the mean value of Q to be determined to about 9 keV. Evidence is found for the effects of higher partial waves for Q greater than or similar to 4 MeV. The very rapid rise of the total cross section to its maximum value within 0.5 MeV of threshold implies a very large eta He-3 scattering length and hence the presence of a quasibound state extremely close to threshold.},
        keywords = {NEAR-THRESHOLD, ETA, SCATTERING},
            issn = {0031-9007}