         journal = {The Programming Historian},
           month = {June},
            year = {2016},
           title = {An Introduction to Version Control Using GitHub Desktop},
            note = {The Programming Historian ISSN 2397-2068, is released under the CC-BY 2.0 license.},
            issn = {2397-2068},
             url = {http://programminghistorian.org/lessons/getting-started-with-github-desktop},
        abstract = {In this lesson you will be introduced to the basics of version control, understand why it is useful and implement basic version control for a plain text document using GitHub Desktop. By the end of this lesson you should understand:

what version control is and why it can be useful
the differences between Git and GitHub
how to implement version control using 'GitHub Desktop,' a Graphical User Interface for GitHub
be aware of other resources that will help you implement version control in your academic writing},
          author = {Van Strien, D}