%D 2012 %C Oxford, UK %K Williams syndrome, neurodevelopmental syndromes, neuroconstructive approach, multidisciplinary research %B Neurodevelopmental Disorders Across the Lifespan: A neuroconstructivist approach %T Introduction: Williams syndrome: A model for the neuroconstructivist approach %X This introductory chapter first sets out the purpose of the book, which is to serve as a paradigm for multidisciplinary, neuroconstructivist approaches to a wide range of other syndromes, taking the neurodevelopmental disorder Williams syndrome (WS) as a model syndrome. It then discusses the neuroconstructivist approach to neurodevelopmental disorders. An overview of the subsequent chapters is also presented. %I Oxford University Press %L discovery1505921 %A EK Farran %A A Karmiloff-Smith %O This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions.