         address = {London, UK},
           month = {February},
       publisher = {Institute for Fiscal Studies},
            note = {Please note: this commentary was revised on 24 February 2009 to remove the incorrect assertion in the summary and conclusion that a bad recession would worsen the combined material deprivation and relative income measure of child poverty. Table 3 shows the opposite to be the case. The 2008 Pre-Budget Report (PBR) said that 'the Government will take stock of progress towards its 2010 and 2020 child poverty target in the [2009] Budget'. As background to that exercise, this paper updates our previous analysis of the prospects for child poverty in the UK in 2010-11 and 2020-21.},
            year = {2009},
           title = {Micro-simulating child poverty in 2010 and 2020},
          number = {C108},
          series = {IFS Commentaries},
        abstract = {The 2008 Pre-Budget Report (PBR) said that 'the Government will take stock of progress towards its 2010 and 2020 child poverty target in the [2009] Budget'. As background to that exercise, this paper updates our previous analysis of the prospects for child poverty in the UK in 2010-11 and 2020-21.},
             url = {http://www.ifs.org.uk/publications/browse/type/co},
          author = {Brewer, M. and Browne, J. and Joyce, R. and Sutherland, H.}