%P 301-321
%D 2016
%T Leadership of schools as research-led organisations in the English educational environment: Cultivating a research-engaged school culture
%K National Teaching Schools, school leadership, learning organisation, teacher-researcher, research-engaged schools, research-informed practice
%N 2
%V 44
%L discovery1475880
%A D Godfrey
%J Educational Management Administration & Leadership
%O Copyright © The Author(s) 2014. All rights reserved.
%X This article examines the conditions for the growth and expansion of research-engaged schools in England. The current policy climate is seeing a rapid growth of autonomous schools coupled with the continuing tendency to hold schools to account for overall student educational attainment indicators. Within this context, the article begins by considering some of the benefits of developing a research-led school culture and gives a brief account of the research-engaged school movement. Using a biological analogy, the article argues for an understanding of the growth of a school research culture as occurring within an interconnected ecosystem. Four ‘nourishing’ factors are explained in detail: systemic connectedness; leadership for knowledge creation; teaching as a research-informed practice; and the school as a learning organisation. School leaders are urged to consider developing a culture of research engagement as a long-term, sustainable improvement strategy.