            note = {Reference no: BNL-101354-2014-JA / FERMILAB-PUB-14-022 / LA-UR-14-20881. - This is the published version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions.},
         address = {USA},
       publisher = {Fermilab / U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science},
            year = {2014},
           title = {The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment: Exploring Fundamental Symmetries of the Universe},
             url = {http://lbne2-docdb.fnal.gov/cgi-bin/ShowDocument?docid=8087},
        abstract = {The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early Universe, the dynamics of the
supernova bursts that produced the heavy elements necessary for life and whether protons
eventually decay - these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are
key to understanding the early evolution of our Universe, its current state and its eventual fate.
The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) represents an extensively developed plan for
a world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions.
Experiments carried out over the past half century have revealed that neutrinos are found in
three states, or flavors, and can transform from one flavor into another. These results indicate
that each neutrino flavor state is a mixture of three different nonzero mass states, and to date
offer the most compelling evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model. In a single experiment,
LBNE will enable a broad exploration of the three-flavor model of neutrino physics with
unprecedented detail. Chief among its potential discoveries is that of matter-antimatter asymmetries
(through the mechanism of charge-parity violation) in neutrino flavor mixing-a step
toward unraveling the mystery of matter generation in the early Universe. Independently, determination
of the unknown neutrino mass ordering and precise measurement of neutrino mixing
parameters by LBNE may reveal new fundamental symmetries of Nature.
Grand Unified Theories, which attempt to describe the unification of the known forces,
predict rates for proton decay that cover a range directly accessible with the next generation
of large underground detectors such as LBNE's. The experiment's sensitivity to key proton
decay channels will offer unique opportunities for the ground-breaking discovery of this phenomenon.
Neutrinos emitted in the first few seconds of a core-collapse supernova carry with them the
potential for great insight into the evolution of the Universe. LBNE's capability to collect and
analyze this high-statistics neutrino signal from a supernova within our galaxy would provide
a rare opportunity to peer inside a newly-formed neutron star and potentially witness the birth
of a black hole.
To achieve its goals, LBNE is conceived around three central components: (1) a new, highintensity
neutrino source generated from a megawatt-class proton accelerator at Fermi National
Accelerator Laboratory, (2) a fine-grained near neutrino detector installed just downstream of
the source, and (3) a massive liquid argon time-projection chamber deployed as a far detector
deep underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility. This facility, located at
the site of the former Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota, is ?1,300 km from the neutrino
source at Fermilab - a distance (baseline) that delivers optimal sensitivity to neutrino
charge-parity symmetry violation and mass ordering effects. This ambitious yet cost-effective
design incorporates scalability and flexibility and can accommodate a variety of upgrades and
With its exceptional combination of experimental configuration, technical capabilities, and
potential for transformative discoveries, LBNE promises to be a vital facility for the field
of particle physics worldwide, providing physicists from institutions around the globe with
opportunities to collaborate in a twenty to thirty year program of exciting science.},
          author = {LBNE Collaboration, . and Adams, C and Adams, D and Akiri, T and Alion, T and Anderson, K and Andreopoulos, C and Andrews, M and Anghel, I and Anjos, JCCD and Antonello, M and Arrieta-Diaz, E and Artuso, M and Asaadi, J and Bai, X and Baibussinov, B and Baird, M and Balantekin, B and Baller, B and Baptista, B and Barker, D and Barker, G and Barletta, WA and Barr, G and Bartoszek, L and Bashyal, A and Bass, M and Bellini, V and Benetti, PA and Berger, BE and Bergevin, M and Berman, E and Berns, H-G and Bernstein, A and Bernstein, R and Bhandari, B and Bhatnagar, V and Bhuyan, B and Bian, J and Bishai, M and Blake, A and Blaszczyk, F and Blaufuss, E and Bleakley, B and Blucher, E and Blusk, S and Bocean, V and Boffelli, F and Boissevain, J and Bolton, T and Bonesini, M and Boyd, S and Brandt, A and Breedon, R and Bromberg, C and Brown, R and Brunetti, G and Buchanan, N and Bugg, B and Busenitz, J and Calligarich, E and Camilleri, L and Carminati, G and Carr, R and Castromonte, C and Cavanna, F and Centro, S and Chen, A and Chen, H and Chen, K and Cherdack, D and Chi, C-Y and Childress, S and Choudhary, BC and Christodoulou, G and Christofferson, C-A and Church, E and Cline, D and Coan, T and Cocco, A and Coelho, J and Coleman, S and Conrad, JM and Convery, M and Corey, R and Corwin, L and Cranshaw, J and Cronin-Hennessy, D and Curioni, A and Motta, HD and Davenne, T and Davies, GS and Dazeley, S and De, K and Gouvea, AD and Jong, JKD and Demuth, D and Densham, C and Diwan, M and Djurcic, Z and Dolfini, R and Dolph, J and Drake, G and Dye, S and Dyuang, H and Edmunds, D and Elliott, S and Elnimr, M and Eno, S and Enomoto, S and Escobar, CO and Evans, J and Falcone, A and Falk, L and Farbin, A and Farnese, C and Fava, A and Felde, J and Fernandes, S and Ferroni, F and Feyzi, F and Fields, L and Finch, A and Fitton, M and Fleming, B and Fowler, J and Fox, W and Friedland, A and Fuess, S and Fujikawa, B and Gallagher, H and Gandhi, R and Garvey, G and Gehman, VM and Geronimo, GD and Gibin, D and Gill, R and Gomes, RA and Goodman, MC and Goon, J and Graf, N and Graham, M and Gran, R and Grant, C and Grant, N and Greenlee, H and Greenler, L and Grullon, S and Guardincerri, E and Guarino, V and Guarnaccia, E and Guedes, G and Guenette, R and Guglielmi, A and Guzzo, MM and Habig, AT and Hackenburg, RW and Hadavand, H and Hahn, A and Haigh, M and Haines, T and Handler, T and Hans, S and Hartnell, J and Harton, J and Hatcher, R and Hatzikoutelis, A and Hays, S and Hazen, E and Headley, M and Heavey, A and Heeger, K and Heise, J and Hellauer, R and Hewes, J and Himmel, A and Hogan, M and Holanda, P and Holin, A and Horton-Smith, G and Howell, J and Hurh, P and Huston, J and Hylen, J and Imlay, R and Insler, J and Introzzi, G and Isvan, Z and Jackson, C and Jacobsen, J and Jaffe, DE and James, C and Jen, C-M and Johnson, M and Johnson, R and Johnson, R and Johnson, S and Johnston, W and Johnstone, J and Jones, BJP and Jostlein, H and Junk, T and Kadel, R and Kaess, K and Karagiorgi, G and Kaspar, J and Katori, T and Kayser, B and Kearns, E and Keener, P and Kemp, E and Kettell, SH and Kirby, M and Klein, J and Koizumi, G and Kopp, S and Kormos, L and Kropp, W and Kudryavtsev, VA and Kumar, A and Kumar, J and Kutter, T and Zia, FL and Lande, K and Lane, C and Lang, K and Lanni, F and Lanza, R and Latorre, T and Learned, J and Lee, D and Lee, K and Li, Q and Li, S and Li, Y and Li, Z and Libo, J and Linden, S and Ling, J and Link, J and Littenberg, L and Liu, H and Liu, Q and Liu, T and Losecco, J and Louis, W and Lundberg, B and Lundin, T and Lundy, J and Machado, AA and Maesano, C and Magill, S and Mahler, G and Malon, D and Malys, S and Mammoliti, F and Mandal, SK and Mann, A and Mantsch, P and Marchionni, A and Marciano, W and Mariani, C and Maricic, J and Marino, A and Marshak, M and Marshall, J and Matsuno, S and Mauger, C and Mavrokoridis, K and Mayer, N and McCauley, N and McCluskey, E and McDonald, K and McFarland, K and McKee, D and McKeown, R and McTaggart, R and Mehdiyev, R and Mei, D and Menegolli, A and Meng, G and Meng, Y and Mertins, D and Messier, M and Metcalf, W and Milincic, R and Miller, W and Mills, G and Mishra, SR and Mokhov, N and Montanari, C and Montanari, D and Moore, C and Morfin, J and Morgan, B and Morse, W and Moss, Z and Moura, CA and Mufson, S and Muller, D and Musser, J and Naples, D and Napolitano, J and Newcomer, M and Nichol, R and Nicholls, T and Niner, E and Norris, B and Nowak, J and O'Keeffe, H and Oliveira, R and Olson, T and Page, B and Pakvasa, S and Palamara, O and Paley, J and Paolone, V and Papadimitriou, V and Park, S and Parsa, Z and Partyka, K and Paulos, B and Pavlovic, Z and Peeters, S and Perch, A and Perkin, JD and Petti, R and Petukhov, A and Pietropaolo, F and Plunkett, R and Polly, C and Pordes, S and Potekhin, M and Potenza, R and Prakash, A and Prokofiev, O and Qian, X and Raaf, JL and Radeka, V and Rakhno, I and Ramachers, Y and Rameika, R and Ramsey, J and Rappoldi, A and Raselli, GL and Ratoff, P and Ravindra, S and Rebel, B and Reichenbacher, J and Reitzner, D and Rescia, S and Richardson, M and Rielage, K and Riesselmann, K and Robinson, M and Rochester, L and Ronquest, M and Rosen, M and Rossella, M and Rubbia, C and Rucinski, R and Sahijpal, S and Sahoo, H and Sala, P and Salmiera, D and Samios, N and Sanchez, M and Scaramelli, A and Schellman, H and Schmitt, R and Schmitz, D and Schneps, J and Scholberg, K and Segreto, E and Seibert, S and Sexton-Kennedy, L and Shaevitz, M and Shanahan, P and Sharma, R and Shaw, T and Simos, N and Singh, V and Sinnis, G and Sippach, W and Skwarnicki, T and Smy, M and Sobel, H and Soderberg, M and Sondericker, J and Sondheim, W and Sousa, A and Spooner, NJC and Stancari, M and Stancu, I and Stefan, D and Stefanik, A and Stewart, J and Stone, S and Strait, J and Strait, M and Striganov, S and Sullivan, G and Sun, Y and Suter, L and Svenson, A and Svoboda, R and Szczerbinska, B and Szelc, A and Szydagis, M and S{\"o}ldner-Rembold, S and Talaga, R and Tamsett, M and Tariq, S and Tayloe, R and Taylor, C and Taylor, D and Teymourian, A and Themann, H and Thiesse, M and Thomas, J and Thompson, LF and Thomson, M and Thorn, C and Thorpe, M and Tian, X and Tiedt, D and Toki, W and Tolich, N and Torti, M and Toups, M and Touramanis, C and Tripathi, M and Tropin, I and Tsai, Y-T and Tull, C and Tzanov, M and Urheim, J and Usman, S and Vagins, M and Valdiviesso, G and Berg, RV and Water, RVD and Gemmeren, PV and Varanini, F and Varner, G and Vaziri, K and Velev, G and Ventura, S and Vignoli, C and Viren, B and Wahl, D and Waldron, A and Walter, CW and Wang, H and Wang, W and Warburton, K and Warner, D and Wasserman, R and Watson, B and Weber, A and Wei, W and Wells, D and Wetstein, M and White, A and White, H and Whitehead, L and Whittington, D and Willhite, J and Wilson, RJ and Winslow, L and Wood, K and Worcester, E and Worcester, M and Xin, T and Yarritu, K and Ye, J and Yeh, M and Yu, B and Yu, J and Yuan, T and Zani, A and Zeller, GP and Zhang, C and Zhang, C and Zimmerman, ED and Zwaska, R}