@incollection{discovery1474515, note = {{\copyright} 2016 Cambridge University Press. This material has been published in Mathematical Thinking in the Lower Secondary Classroom by Mostert, I and Clark-Wilson, A. This version is free to view and download for personal use only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works.}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, month = {February}, address = {Cambridge}, booktitle = {AIMSSEC Maths Teacher Support Series: Mathematical Thinking in the Lower Secondary Classroom}, editor = {C Hopkins and J Anghileri and I Mostert}, series = {AIMSSEC Maths Teacher Support Series: Mathematical Thinking in the Lower Secondary Classroom}, year = {2016}, title = {Teaching and learning mathematics with technology}, number = {3}, author = {Mostert, I and Clark-Wilson, A}, url = {http://education.cambridge.org/aimssecmaths?zone=uk} }