eprintid: 1470584 rev_number: 21 eprint_status: archive userid: 608 dir: disk0/01/47/05/84 datestamp: 2022-02-25 17:26:00 lastmod: 2022-02-25 17:26:00 status_changed: 2022-02-25 17:26:00 type: book_section succeeds: 1319142 metadata_visibility: show item_issues_count: 0 creators_name: Fouseki, Kalliopi creators_name: Smith, Laurajane title: Community consultation in the museum: the 2007 bicentenary of Britain’s abolition of the slave trade ispublished: pub divisions: A01 divisions: B04 divisions: C04 divisions: F34 note: This version is the version of record. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher's terms and conditions. abstract: This edited volume critically engages with contemporary scholarship on museums and their engagement with the communities they purport to serve and represent. Foregrounding new curatorial strategies, it addresses a significant gap in the available literature, exploring some of the complex issues arising from recent approaches to collaboration between museums and their communities. The book unpacks taken-for-granted notions such as scholarship, community, participation and collaboration, which can gloss over the complexity of identities and lead to tokenistic claims of inclusion by museums. Over sixteen chapters, well-respected authors from the US, Australia and Europe offer a timely critique to address what happens when museums put community-minded principles into practice, challenging readers to move beyond shallow notions of political correctness that ignore vital difference in this contested field. Contributors address a wide range of key issues, asking pertinent questions such as how museums negotiate the complexities of integrating collaboration when the target community is a living, fluid, changeable mass of people with their own agendas and agency. When is engagement real as opposed to symbolic, who benefits from and who drives initiatives? What particular challenges and benefits do artist collaborations bring? Recognising the multiple perspectives of community participants is one thing, but how can museums incorporate this successfully into exhibition practice? Students of museum and cultural studies, practitioners and everyone who cares about museums around the world will find this volume essential reading. date: 2013 date_type: published publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing official_url: https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/museums-and-communities-9780857851314/ vfaculties: VBEF oa_status: green full_text_type: pub language: eng primo: open primo_central: open_green verified: verified_manual elements_source: Manually entered elements_id: 334159 isbn_13: 9780857851314 lyricists_name: Fouseki, Kalliopi lyricists_id: KFOUS42 actors_name: Fouseki, Kalliopi actors_id: KFOUS42 actors_role: owner full_text_status: public number: 14 place_of_pub: London, UK pagerange: 232-245 book_title: Museums and Communities: New Approaches to Curation and Collaboration editors_name: Golding, V editors_name: Modest, W citation: Fouseki, Kalliopi; Smith, Laurajane; (2013) Community consultation in the museum: the 2007 bicentenary of Britain’s abolition of the slave trade. In: Golding, V and Modest, W, (eds.) Museums and Communities: New Approaches to Curation and Collaboration. (pp. 232-245). Bloomsbury Publishing: London, UK. Green open access document_url: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1470584/1/Fouseki%20and%20Smith%202013.pdf