TY - JOUR EP - 2131 IS - 12 AV - public SN - 1051-8215 TI - Energy consumption of visual sensor networks: impact of spatio-temporal coverage KW - Energy consumption KW - Visualization KW - Multimedia communication KW - Relays KW - Streaming media KW - Cameras KW - Topology N1 - Copyright © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. UR - http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1109/TCSVT.2014.2329378 ID - discovery1462604 N2 - Wireless visual sensor networks (VSNs) are expected to play a major role in future IEEE 802.15.4 personal area networks (PANs) under recently established collision-free medium access control (MAC) protocols, such as the IEEE 802.15.4e-2012 MAC. In such environments, the VSN energy consumption is affected by a number of camera sensors deployed (spatial coverage), as well as a number of captured video frames of which each node processes and transmits data (temporal coverage). In this paper we explore this aspect for uniformly formed VSNs, that is, networks comprising identical wireless visual sensor nodes connected to a collection node via a balanced cluster-tree topology, with each node producing independent identically distributed bitstream sizes after processing the video frames captured within each network activation interval. We derive analytic results for the energy-optimal spatiooral coverage parameters of such VSNs under a priori known bounds for the number of frames to process per sensor and the number of nodes to deploy within each tier of the VSN. Our results are parametric to the probability density function characterizing the bitstream size produced by each node and the energy consumption rates of the system of interest. Experimental results are derived from a deployment of TelosB motes and reveal that our analytic results are always within 7%of the energy consumption measurements for a wide range of settings. In addition, results obtained via motion JPEG encoding and feature extraction on a multimedia subsystem (BeagleBone Linux Computer) show that the optimal spatiooral settings derived by our framework allow for substantial reduction of energy consumption in comparison with ad hoc settings. Y1 - 2014/12// JF - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology A1 - Redondi, A A1 - Buranapanichkit, D A1 - Cesana, M A1 - Tagliasacchi, M A1 - Andreopoulos, Y SP - 2117 VL - 24 ER -