          volume = {9},
           month = {November},
       publisher = {IOP},
          editor = {R Longo and RH Menk},
       booktitle = {Journal of Instrumentation},
         address = {UK},
           title = {Edge-illumination X-ray phase contrast imaging: matching the imaging method to the detector technology},
            year = {2014},
         journal = {Journal of Instrumentation},
          number = {11},

{\copyright} 2014 IOP Publishing},
            issn = {1748-0221},
        abstract = {X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging (XPCI) has been arguably the hottest topic in X-ray imaging research over the last two decades, due to the significant advantages it can bring to medicine, biology, material science and many other areas of application. Considerable progress has recently been achieved, in terms of the first in vivo implementations at synchrotrons (notably at Elettra in Trieste), and of new XPCI methods working with conventional sources. Among the latter, edge-illumination (EI) is possibly one of the most promising in terms of mainstream translation, due to set-up simplicity, scalability and flux efficiency compared to other approaches. EI is indeed the only method working with a completely incoherent source: however, it was recently demonstrated that neither the ability to perform quantitative phase retrieval, nor the method's phase sensitivity are affected by the source's incoherence. Here its implementation with different detector technologies is discussed.},
             url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/9/11/C11004},
          author = {Endrizzi, M and Diemoz, PC and Hagen, CK and Vittoria, FA and Munro, PRT and Rigon, L and Dreossi, D and Arfelli, F and Lopez, FCM and Longo, R and Marenzana, M and Delogu, P and Vincenzi, A and De Ruvo, L and Spandre, G and Brez, A and Bellazzini, R and Olivo, A},
        keywords = {Data processing methods, X-ray radiography and digital radiography (DR), Inspection with x-rays, Detection of defects}