%I Springer International
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science
%L discovery1433998
%X We present a search based testing system that automatically explores the space of all possible GUI event interleavings. Search guides our system to novel crashing sequences using Levenshtein distance and minimises the resulting fault-revealing UI sequences in a post-processing hill climb. We report on the application of our system to the SSBSE 2014 challenge program, Pidgin. Overall, our Pidgin Crasher found 20 different events that caused 2 distinct kinds of bugs, while the event sequences that caused them were reduced by 84% on average using our minimisation post processor.
%C Switzerland
%O The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09940-8_21”
%V 8636
%A H Dan
%A M Harman
%A J Krinke
%A L Li
%A A Marginean
%A F Wu
%T Pidgin Crasher: Searching for Minimised Crashing GUI Event Sequences
%B Search-Based Software Engineering: Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering
%P 253-258
%D 2014