eprintid: 1432947 rev_number: 40 eprint_status: archive userid: 608 dir: disk0/01/43/29/47 datestamp: 2014-06-20 19:34:28 lastmod: 2021-09-20 22:16:44 status_changed: 2016-01-27 16:56:58 type: article metadata_visibility: show item_issues_count: 0 creators_name: Doboš, J creators_name: Mitra, NJ creators_name: Steed, A title: 3D Timeline: Reverse engineering of a part-based provenance from consecutive 3D models ispublished: pub divisions: UCL divisions: B04 divisions: C05 divisions: F48 note: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Doboš, J; Mitra, NJ; Steed, A; (2014) 3D Timeline: Reverse engineering of a part-based provenance from consecutive 3D models. Computer Graphics Forum, 33 (2) pp. 135-144, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cgf.12311. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving (http://olabout.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-820227.html#terms). abstract: We present a novel tool for reverse engineering of modeling histories from consecutive 3D files based on a timeline abstraction. Although a timeline interface is commonly used in 3D modeling packages for animations, it has not been used on geometry manipulation before. Unlike previous visualization methods that require instrumentation of editing software, our approach does not rely on pre-recorded editing instructions. Instead, each stand-alone 3D file is treated as a keyframe of a construction flow from which the editing provenance is reverse engineered. We evaluate this tool on six complex 3D sequences created in a variety of modeling tools by different professional artists and conclude that it provides useful means of visualizing and understanding the editing history. A comparative user study suggests the tool is well suited for this purpose. date: 2014-05 official_url: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cgf.12311 vfaculties: VENG oa_status: green full_text_type: other language: eng primo: open primo_central: open_green verified: verified_manual elements_source: WoS-Lite elements_id: 955578 doi: 10.1111/cgf.12311 lyricists_name: Mitra, Niloy lyricists_name: Steed, Anthony lyricists_id: NMITR19 lyricists_id: ASTEE91 full_text_status: public publication: Computer Graphics Forum volume: 33 number: 2 pagerange: 135-144 issn: 0167-7055 citation: Doboš, J; Mitra, NJ; Steed, A; (2014) 3D Timeline: Reverse engineering of a part-based provenance from consecutive 3D models. Computer Graphics Forum , 33 (2) pp. 135-144. 10.1111/cgf.12311 <https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.12311>. Green open access document_url: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1432947/1/Steed_timelineCameraReady.pdf