            year = {2014},
           title = {Collaborating for Sustainable Energy Innovation in PFI school projects},
           month = {May},
       booktitle = {Energy, Society and People: A multi-disciplinary UCL Symposium},
        abstract = {We examine the capacity of complex public-sector procurement policies, in the form of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI), to create and support inter-organisational collaboration for Sustainable Energy Innovation (SEI). Focusing on schools delivered within the context of the UK government's Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme, we use case studies of four new-built PFI schools to argue that PFI has introduced a number of problematic issues weakening collaboration towards SEI in the project environment.},
             url = {https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1430629/},
          author = {Badi, SM}