%0 Journal Article %@ 0218-2718 %A Boehmer, CG %A Downes, RJ %D 2014 %F discovery:1430257 %I Submitted to International Journal of Modern Physics D %J International Journal of Modern Physics D %K General relativity; continuum mechanics; space-time symmetries %N 12 %T From continuum mechanics to general relativity %U https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/1430257/ %V 23 %X Using ideas from continuum mechanics we construct a theory of gravity. We show that this theory is equivalent to Einstein's theory of general relativity; it is also a much faster way of reaching general relativity than the conventional route. Our approach is simple and natural: we form a very general model and then apply two physical assumptions supported by experimental evidence. This easily reduces our construction to a model equivalent to general relativity. Finally, we suggest a simple way of modifying our theory to investigate nonstandard spacetime symmetries. %Z This essay received a honorable mention in the 2014 essay competition of the Gravity Research Foundation. - This version is the author accepted manuscript. For information on re-use, please refer to the publisher’s terms and conditions.