@article{discovery1422735, year = {2014}, volume = {89}, month = {March}, title = {QED correction for H-3(+)}, journal = {Physical Review A}, issn = {1050-2947}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.89.032505}, abstract = {A quantum electrodynamics (QED) correction surface for the simplest polyatomic and polyelectronic system H3+ is computed using an approximate procedure. This surface is used to calculate the shifts to vibration-rotation energy levels due to QED; such shifts have a magnitude of up to 0.25 cm?1 for vibrational levels up to 15 000 cm?1 and are expected to have an accuracy of about 0.02 cm?1. Combining our H3+ QED correction surface with existing highly accurate Born-Oppenheimer, relativistic, and adiabatic components suggests that deviations of the resulting ab initio energy levels from observed ones are largely due to nonadiabatic effects.}, author = {Lodi, L and Polyansky, OL and Tennyson, J and Alijah, A and Zobov, NF} }