UR  - http://www.cs.tut.fi/ihte/EIPS_workshop_CHI13/
SP  - 67 
TI  - Exploring spatial configurations and the roles of actors, spectators and passers-by in mediated public spaces
KW  - urban space
KW  -  spatial configuration
KW  -  public displays
N2  - This paper presents early findings of a pilot study ?in the wild? as part of our ongoing research ?Screens in the Wild?. It focuses on explor ing social interactions and the dynamic spatial configurations mediated by an interactive public display captured during a community event. We observed social behavior and technologically mediated interactions by actors, spectators and passers-by in the 1) direct interaction space surrounding the displays, 2) the surrounding public space and 3) across spatial boundaries (the networked space) over time. We suggest that the properties of the spatial layout play a significant role in framing the type of interactions mediated through the networked displays.
A1  - Behrens, MM
A1  - Fatah, A
CY  - New York, NY
ID  - discovery1418248
N1  - © 2013 The Authors/ACM. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Experiencing Interactivity in Public Spaces (EIPS). Workshop at CHI '13, April 28, Paris, France, http://www.cs.tut.fi/ihte/EIPS_workshop_CHI13/papers.shtml."
EP  -  71
AV  - public
ER  -